white snake with black spots DREAM INTERPRETATIONS
You were dreaming about white snake with black spots, right? Then this dreams' dictionary is where you'll find an answer to your question, what does it really mean to dream about white snake with black spots. Below are all the interpretations and all the meanings of what you have dreamed about. The white snake with black spots dream consists of 6073 symbols:
A controversial inheritance.... (snake nest)
The bite in the heel of the dreamer could translate to mean the heels that you must give in case of imminent danger, but could also announce the need for changing the job or in another area of life.... (snake bite)
Threatened by a disaster feels, who dreams of a Viper! see: one beware of false friends... (Viper (Poison Snake))
being attacked by a different color, which can seemingly unlimited share: enemies are out to ruin your... (Viper (Poison Snake))
although proceed separately but share a common goal.... (Viper (Poison Snake))
cold-blooded... (Snake)
sliding... (Snake)
sexually... (Snake)
A gift brings danger.... (water snake)
alive... (Snake)
alive donating... (Snake)
delivery boy... (Snake)
split tongue... (Snake)
extraordinary sensitivity... (Snake)
sealed... (Snake)
Beware of false people.... (Viper (Poison Snake))
(See also ‘apple’, ‘cat’, ‘Predator’, ‘animals’)... (Snake)
marriage is happy... (Otter (snake))
small: Liebesglück... (Snake)
Women may by her husband unfamiliar expect much tenderness... (Otter (snake))
last you can push all the created in the imagination anger aside and resume duties... (Snake)
see a large: thou shalt be deceived... (Snake)
Unmarried stands before the imminent wedding... (Otter (snake))
Friends will hurt their feelings, but not their luck... (Otter (snake))
see one: means an unhappy love... (Otter (snake))
diving and playing in clear water: promises happiness... (Otter (snake))
be bitten by a: Destroyed luck... (Otter (snake))
many see: discomfort for a short time... (Snake)
(See also ‘animals’)... (Otter (snake))
see squirm: money loss... (Snake)
many see: brief discomfort.... (Snake)
see: an unexpected happiness.... (Otter (snake))
be bitten by a: slander... (Snake)
kill: announced a reconciliation... (Otter (snake))
occur one: you have false friends... (Snake)
Problems are overcome.... (Otter (snake))
they can kill: one will use the possibilities to fully enjoy the deserved triumph over the enemies can... (Snake)
see the ‘serpent of Aesculapius’: one will be cured of its internal conflict soon... (Snake)
If they get pregnant, they will lose the fetus and not unsubscribe.... (Snake)
So Apollo turned into a turtle, then in a queue to attend Dryope.... (Snake)
From evil are vipers, Äskulapschlangen and toads, all heights except because they mean attacks from the part raw people who do not live in the city.... (Snake)
The Seps, the horned viper, the DiPhAS, called Chameleon and all the other species that Nikandros (Alexandrian poets (2nd century BC.), Wrote among others... (Snake)
but feels it this fear or disgust, they will fall ill.... (Snake)
In my experience, they also bring luck then, when they bite, or approaching someone entwine.... (Snake)
It is a symbol of self-renewing life, but also the pervasive knowledge and the dragon.... (Snake)
(The serpent is a symbol densification of good and evil, salvation and damnation, male and female.... (Snake)
Uraei and sand vipers mean because of their strong poison money, and for the same reason rich women.... (Snake)
two obtained didactic poems compiled over cure the bite of poisonous animals and cure poisoning of all kinds.), are inauspicious... (Snake)
see: go to meet a great danger... (Lindwurm (dragonlike, snake monster))
stormy times ahead... (Boa Constrictor (snake))