You were dreaming about white pearls, right? Then this dreams' dictionary is where you'll find an answer to your question, what does it really mean to dream about white pearls. Below are all the interpretations and all the meanings of what you have dreamed about. The white pearls dream consists of 515 symbols:
Kick or go one on pearls and precious stones, he is blinded, despise his faith haughty... (jewelry)
but if the jewelry have narrowed and darkened pearls and jewels and unimpressive, his empire will be weakened and diminished.... (Emperor)
He dreams that his chiton is decorated magnificent and more pearls and jewels than before have also be empire will be glamorous and great... (Emperor)
Look, another that he get a lot of pearls and jewels, he will receive according to their number wealth, prestige and also names the emperor... (Emperor)
(See also ‘money’, ‘pearls’)... (to count)
Dreaming one, he wore a necklace of precious stones and pearls, he will get a very high office and govern the people well... (jewelry)
If he looks, are like jewelry, pearls and precious stones of his coat become richer, it will be at the Augusta have his favor and appear brilliant before the people... (Emperor)
Bring to him precious stones and pearls, he is the number corresponding to appreciate happy.... (Emperor)
about gold, diamonds or pearls.... (Chain)
Hang the stones and pearls down like earrings at the crown, his rule the length and beauty of gems is the same.... (crown)
It is important to distinguish between Camassie blue and yellow, yellow or greenish-white flowers has and is toxic.... (Blue Camassie)
White: means joy... (skin)
White observed: there are good prospects for the future... (swan)
So refers white underwear on purity and virginity, while red and black underwear seduction symbolizes – even if this is more a cliché …... (dress)
In this way, the white robes were auspicious than the black.... (dress)
white: the diet will be good... (Flour / flour bag / meal / flourworm)
white: you will get a satisfaction... (Currants)
The wife of Walkers dreamed they wear black clothes, come to a definite change his mind and put instead of those white on.... (dress)
A white-clad chef may mean that you need ‘pure’ food, love and affection of the environment.... (Kitchen furniture)
Black hair accelerate, white delay the dream fulfillment.... (tongue)
see white: apply as an omen for a good harvest and conceivable loyal friends... (Peace Doves)
a flock of white doves: promises peaceful, innocent amusements and a happy future... (Peace Doves)
If the night and especially clear, white the dreaming in that it is on the right track and should continue according to plan, he will find the solution.... (night)
a white see: symbolizes safe and lasting prosperity, which allows one to deal with all the hobbies... (ass)
see dressed in white: means a blissful affection... (girl)
white: a very happy choice of partners... (Roses / rose petals)
smooth and white have: expect happiness and joy... (thighs)
White: peace and abundant merit... (Currants)
see blooming white roses: mean happiness... (Roses / rose petals)
We should determine whether it is the gray-black smoke from a fire or the white gray of a blazing fire.... (smoke)
White: wedding and christening... (horse)
White roses without sunshine or dew: promised a serious, if not deadly disease... (Roses / rose petals)
white mourning clothes carry: one is on a ‘spiritual path’ and will undergo a new development step... (grief)
pick white: means the timid attempt to capture the happiness... (Roses / rose petals)
White: the luck is on your side... (feather)
7) that a speaker had white teeth.) It shows eloquence on, all other human domestic prosperity.... (teeth)
a clean white look: promises the beginning of a favorable period... (canvas)
White: unselfishness... (Carnations (flower))
It can be a half to four feet tall and blooms in spring with clusters mostly white, delicate flowers.... (elderberry tree)
White: your trust to the people is too large... (Wool)
a white eagle: a large inheritance... (Aar (eagle))
A white sky can express wishful thinking in some areas of life.... (sky)
(See also ‘Bison’, ‘Bock’, ‘bull’, ‘White Buffalo’)... (buffalo)
Wedding celebration: with white horses.... (body)
this is white, it will be picture perfect when red, it will prepare greatest joy when purple, might be raised by him in the state of Augusta.... (turban)
White occurs both as aggressive ‘Color’ on, as well as the color of innocence.... (To dye)
White symbolizes power and the reflection of the Absolute.... (To dye)
Capable statement are mainly the following: White can stand for woman, innocence, immaturity or impoverishment of emotional life.... (To dye)
The next evening I was visited by a charming man, but he remained on the prescribed time of mothers, and I was severely reprimanded for it. ‘ With this icon the blue water and the white boat kept ready disappointing outlook.... (water)
Wearing woman white chalk on her face, she weaves intrigue to attract admirers.... (chalk)