stabbing a knife through heart DREAM INTERPRETATIONS
You were dreaming about stabbing a knife through heart, right? Then this dreams' dictionary is where you'll find an answer to your question, what does it really mean to dream about stabbing a knife through heart. Below are all the interpretations and all the meanings of what you have dreamed about. The stabbing a knife through heart dream consists of 1699 symbols:
Through the red color of its coat of fox was put to the fire in conjunction.... (fox)
Since the Zeppelin moves through the air, it can in a dream mean that sexuality currently hinders intellectual abilities.... (center)
see through a: tells adversity... (ass)
Note also the color of the clothes that go through our dreams, and other symbols in order to gain a comprehensive picture as possible of our personality.... (dress)
others see go: through bad example it is diverted from its path... (Ski / skier)
with smooth and quiet water surface promises this a beautiful and successful journey or success and profit through a travel others... (Moon (Selene))
see spinning their network: through hard work in life bring it too much... (spider)
want to catch: you’ll get into trouble through their own fault... (Flying (Animals))
Symbol for the transmission of important information (from the unconscious) – something for the dreaming essence is made conscious through communication (in a dream).... (Post / Post Office)
you will miss an imminent danger through courage... (jump)
observed through a different: one will abuse the trust of others... (keyhole)
in the light cone of such get involved: more than one would like, you will be seen through.... (Headlights)
a have nice, spacious: you will come through wisdom to success... (apartment)
also: you will get through to care assets... (rags)
go alone through deserted streets or wrong: tells a nasty surprise when you are totally dependent on itself... (road)
as it means delays and obstacles when driving through the inland by trees or rocks is difficult.... (ship)
through the study of a new subject or a new hobby.... (school)
What emotions flow through me?... (canyon)
Dreaming a young woman of a viper, her anger is coming through a sneaky person.... (crossotter)
In this state, you walk through the raging surf, and by pouring rain, is as’ penetrated ‘by dripping or by an intense feeling of happiness: Here it is less a profound symbolism – rather superficial euphoria because the dreaming just’ the love of his life ‘is encountered and now’ waves’ bathes in the sea and love.... (klitschnass)
the opportunity to pass through the gap between the worlds.... (smoke)
In part it is also indicated by material gain through hard work.... (Grain (grain))
be kicked by a: damage through his own fault... (ass)
You want to win your way through beautiful promises.... (marzipan)
If he often climbs through our dreams, one should strive to be more independent and learn to set their own steps – and determined to proceed.... (Mountain guide)
seems it one, his penis had erect excessively, he will come through his wife honor, prestige and wealth.... (Limb / limbs)
one way to go through life... (canoe)
see drive or ride (laden): you will attain prosperity through hard work... (ladder)
the symbol calls in this case to go in the future upright and self-confident through life.... (Bend down)
proclaimed damage through carelessness and negligence that can cause a plight... (canyon)
see running through green meadows: hope for better times... (source)
Making: through own behavior complications will arise.... (mosaic)
Often they also announces heavy, tedious work, one must go through in order to achieve success.... (lung)
You may also expressed that it seeks to eliminate obstacles and dangers on the Journey through radical solutions rapidly / can.... (first)
Can point in the dream to high internal stresses that arise including through stress, conflict or repressed sexual needs... (Epilepsy (Injuries))
wild, view full freedom: the unbridled enjoyment of pleasures, through which you so often brought them abundant nuisance, you come to stand still expensive... (horse)
through clouds translucent: anger and difficulties no longer dictate the life and prosperity is closely... (Sun)
to the accompaniment of an instrument: through your artistic sense you can do a lot Pleasant... (to sing)
Through him the religious problem is touched.... (pastor)
go through a boxwood hedge: splendid future.... (Buchs tree)
Potential, to move through the feelings or the mind.... (canoe)
someone be to help: through your goodness you only reap ingratitude... (escape)
announced silliness and childishness, through which one could make slightly ridiculous.... (zwieback)
Carpenter promises a great success through hard work.... (carpenter)
Porridge: Through thrift to get to wealth.... (Millet / millet gruel)
Dreams of peaceful, harmonious talks are regarded as signal for particularly good opportunities through communication (or by sharing feelings) – mood and ‘Handlungsort’ the dream describe it, whether it is professional or personal interview success.... (Talks / talks)
must: you’ll earn you through your appearance and demeanor honor and reputation.... (fast)
also: before one enters new friends, you should check the person thoroughly on their character traits, because you can easily fall into serious difficulties through their dishonest conduct... (caterpillars)
take leave of him or lose him: sad coincidences, also loss through death.... (Brothers)
inflame: you shall love your assertions highlight more emphatically, otherwise you will not get through... (oven)