You were dreaming about someone watching you sleep, right? Then this dreams' dictionary is where you'll find an answer to your question, what does it really mean to dream about someone watching you sleep. Below are all the interpretations and all the meanings of what you have dreamed about. The someone watching you sleep dream consists of 6469 symbols:
also: one is watching you in secret.... (trellises)
Man watching and following you.... (Brand (badge))
Watching a writer at work on his text is that you think a lot about either their own or the literary work of another person.... (author)
play: one will be watching you... (theater)
If you admire him and his art, if one is in the awake life gain advantages by other prefer watching at work, than to do something yourself.... (Juggling / juggling)
The mother or sister means to sleep upon, they would someone who is not worth it, good will, so insert hard accusations and regret his act.... (coitus)
I know a noble Greeks, whom it dreamed, he received from someone a nut, and when he awoke from sleep, he held it actually in hand.... (Nut / nuts)
I know a noble Greeks, whom it dreamed, he received from someone a nut, and when he awoke from sleep, he held it actually in hand.... (Almond nut))
also: you are overworked and have great need for sleep.... (marmot)
in sleep: you will have to do hard labor.... (sweat)
feel or entertain for someone: you are at odds with themselves and one has done someone else wrong.... (resentment)
Explore other hand someone else while, then seems to you the success not sure someone else could reap the fruits of your labor.... (Mowing / mowing)
Accordingly, the emergence of a figure that is similar to Mercury, probably an indication that someone (you or someone else) is involved in a deception.... (gods)
gifted by someone: you are loved, or someone wants a win as a boyfriend or girlfriend... (earrings)
a make to someone: you will do someone wrong... (torture)
send someone into exile: you need someone very, one has offended... (exile)
On the other hand, of course, the willingness to take care of someone strongly associated with love and attempted to express my wish to care for someone you love.... (adoption)
hate someone: you should be careful not to accidentally hurt someone... (Hate)
someone other sex: you will get to know someone... (hug)
someone: you’ll make someone a painful disappointment... (wound)
someone bless: displays the own great helpfulness, because you will support someone active... (Blessing / blessing)
see someone crying: means that you must have pity on him comfort or someone.... (cry)
even someone spit: Someone you have deeply offended.... (Spit (spit))
Make yourself at someone else: you put someone into or undertakes an attempt to do so.... (manicure)
even prescribe someone a: you mean well with someone and want to have him with advice and practical help.... (recipe)
It could also be that you should in waking life quietly once gouge someone who works with ruthless agents.... (cactus)
You mean someone sharp your opinion.... (harrow)
make your own worry: someone secretly working against you, be careful in your actions... (eyes)
makes you look even fun of someone?... (budgerigars)
give someone a bitter: you will not cope with an adversary.... (medium)
And you do not want to wait for someone or something at your own pace annährt – to ‘bring it forth’: Zoom! A telescope can point out that the dreaming must reflect on things with both a short- and a long-term perspective.... (Binoculars / telescope)
A dream in which you go fishing and interprets an irresistible bait on the hook, means the direct desire to ‘go fishing’ someone, or that there is an almost irresistible temptation.... (temptation)
Was the hero or heroine of the dream someone you also admires itself? Then one of the dream makes probably behind even joy.... (hero)
you ask someone in vain for... (fig leaves)
Also: do you expect someone eagerly.... (starwars)
be regarded as such: you want someone put.... (rogue)
Although someone has created a trap to catch one, but sometimes it is the fault of their own, if you entered it.... (case)
someone: you’ll beat a rival from the field... (squeeze)
find busy: you have waited too long, someone else has taken your place.... (Abort (WC))
Especially the dreamed shot is an aggression icon you want something ‘kill’ or ‘bring down’ someone.... (firing)
The Death in a dream is according to some psychoanalysts the desire to take revenge on someone you hate and would therefore be deleted from his life.... (to die)
see: you’ll find yourself at someone put in favor... (Perfume)
also: you will tell someone your opinion... (Nail (made of iron))
thus aimed at someone: you will be in a matter most certainly lose out... (revolver)
spit: you or someone in the immediate family is sick... (teeth)
it can also prejudices to light (one attaches a label to someone) come, you should revise.... (label)
someone is not as obnoxious as you think on closer inspection.... (Scarecrows)
you will be someone to meet again, one has not seen... (butcher)
hold in your hand: someone waiting with love for you... (Hood)
Should we address these problems in a very specific manner? maybe someone trying to prevent the problem or solution to thwart? Dream interpretation is highly dependent on how successful you were in a dream.... (billiards)