seeing shiva lingam in dream DREAM INTERPRETATIONS
You were dreaming about seeing shiva lingam in dream, right? Then this dreams' dictionary is where you'll find an answer to your question, what does it really mean to dream about seeing shiva lingam in dream. Below are all the interpretations and all the meanings of what you have dreamed about. The seeing shiva lingam in dream dream consists of 5080 symbols:
Moreover, the dream symbol Pentecost denotes in general holiday and a warm, bright time of joy.... (Pentecost)
Since only individual insects move aimlessly, a swarm of insects but not, suggests a swarm of flies in a dream that the dreamer will be more effective and efficient if he joins in certain situations a group.... (Flying (Animals))
if the dreaming in the dream ‘Hunger’ feel.... (stomach)
These bad experiences can appear as manure or manure in a dream.... (crap)
The dream of a missed connection may represent fears to miss an opportunity in a job or a social obligation.... (Connection (transport connections))
The sight of Adam and Eve together is the glückhafteste dream that one can have.... (Adam)
If you feel hurt in a dream on the behavior of another person, then the opposite is displayed, provided you do not argue violently and diverge in anger.... (affront)
Translated into the symbol language of the dream: one wants to fix something, to make it visible to the outside.... (Office)
the dream reminds you to take into consideration... (Attack / attacker)
Depending on the prevailing circumstances in the dream may either poverty, humility, return symbolize on the bottom of the facts or sensual freedom if the dreaming is barefoot.... (barefoot)
even be ignorant: Dream of the opposite... (ignorance)
Who but something in there in the dream pan, which could in waking life also intend to cut someone in the pan.... (pan)
In the dream he gets through the caning punishment of which he thinks that it must be Administered him.... (cane)
Sick prophesied this dream vision in any case of death, because they are deprived of light.... (blindness)
In a man, a flower in the dream women or a certain woman pose.... (flowers)
In general, the alligator in the dream is also to be understood as a warning against enemies, which almost always mean a business after a life – here in a transposed sense.... (alligator)
Some dream books also see it as the symbol of the matter that is the spirit and the soul or Disabled.... (C)
If someone else drove the garbage to dump in a dream, it may be that the wax-I someone decreases the load or help get rid of them.... (Waste (waste))
A transvestite dream (wearing of clothes of the opposite sex) commented on difficulties with the balance between the masculine and feminine side of the personality, but is not an indication of homosexuality.... (transvestite)
demolished) walls dream.... (House demolition)
However, if you dream that you are the one who molested someone else, then it is a sign of trouble in the near future.... (affront)
When a dream of a subject is, of a jump, this refers to the recognition of the dreaming that something is broken in his life.... (jump)
The spear in the dream represents the masculine principle, and consequently is a phallic symbol and life-giving power.... (spear)
If too many checks visible to even dream, invites you in everyday life perhaps too much and can not deliver what they promised.... (Check (bank))
In the waking state, most people are unable to sadistic acts, in the dream, however, the suppressed urge to risk breaking web.... (Sadism / sadist)
At the spiritual level symbolizing salt in a dream as the quintessence of all that man knows wisdom.... (salt)
It seems a dream, as were blasting out of it, so that people can not look at him, he will be emperor.... (Sun)
Who occurs even in a dream as a locksmith, feels in waking life as (often unwanted) broker or falls with the door into the house, so it is in dealing with his fellow quite plump.... (locksmith)
see in a woman: does the man’s dream that you will have nothing to laugh at his wife, bride or loved one... (Moustache)
In the dream silver coins are always a sign of positive female values.... (Silver (metal))
kissing a woman in a dream a man with a mustache: it has or gets a henpecked husband to husband or sweetheart... (Moustache)
If the face is veiled in a dream, it is hidden forces or for the refusal to recognize their own abilities.... (face)
In the dream, the pot has the meaning of food and Care and signaled a receptive mood.... (pot)
Dream researchers in ancient Greece believed that red, round cheeks View full cash, pale and hollow hand financial difficulties.... (cheek)
A pleasant kiss in the dream is the harbinger of a unforgettably beautiful erotic encounter or a general improvement of sexual life.... (Kiss / kiss)
The dream symbol greengrocer is often connected because of its colorfulness with joy and with sensual enjoyment.... (vegetable shop)
Depending on the circumstances in the dream it may also refer to spirituality or sexuality.... (dress)
Was it in a dream accomplice in an offense, was the guard-I probably persuaded to help someone with something of which one knows that it is false or incorrect.... (accomplice)
If the child thrived in a dream, then manages also the future project.... (Child (s))
At the spiritual level the stove in a dream can symbolize the anima.... (stove)
Then we have, if we do not understand the dream to ask to whom or why our affairs at the time is in mourning, which is why we, as expressed folksy, ‘in sorrow’ are.... (death)
As the dream is to be interpreted depends on whether the trees bear flowers or fruits.... (Orchard)
For a man does this dream that an animal, which means a lot to him, is ill and may die.... (discard)
From time to time, such a dream is, however, also be effected in that limbs are asleep.... (ants)
The dream will then point out that the dreaming should deal with the question of the meaning of life.... (Christ)
Incidentally, it is in such a dream to always also on how one stands with his mother, or has been.... (mother)
generally a dream relates from mouth to secrecy... (mouth)
At the spiritual level a constantly repeated sound constructs like the mantra in a dream leads finally brought about a change of consciousness.... (mantra)
If a woman has this dream, their affection for a particular person of these not particularly welcomed.... (Shop (Shop))
If you flogged in a dream (usually one feels it no pain), ducks, you often in life, leaving other initiative.... (whip)