You were dreaming about pig chasing me, right? Then this dreams' dictionary is where you'll find an answer to your question, what does it really mean to dream about pig chasing me. Below are all the interpretations and all the meanings of what you have dreamed about. The pig chasing me dream consists of 140 symbols:Behold someone in a dream a pig with horns, he will live to see his enemy shall be exalted and honored in accordance with the jewelry of the horns.... (pig)
Seeming it one, he run like a pig, it will in a short time have a joy.... (pig)
The pig called a contemptuous, but powerful enemy.... (pig)
Looks the emperor or a prince, you bring him a pig, which has a ram tail, you will carry him a wealthy, powerful opponent who has great resources.... (pig)
Presented to Caesar a pig’s head or he eats it, he will bring all of the capital of his opponent in itself, defeat him and prostrate.... (pig)
(See also ‘pig’)... (fattening pig)
wild pig shoot: you will be relieved of a great anxiety.... (pig)
because the pig is insensitive to love.... (pig)
Dreaming of the emperors, to bring him such a pig, he is an extraordinary man who is his enemy capture.... (pig)
Trick importance: pig – insult for a person with bad manners.... (pig)
A woman dreamed that her lover making her a pig’s head as a gift.... (pig)
A pig is a pet with a thick, heavy, covered with bristles body and a long, broad snout.... (pig)
Pig is a materialistic way of life, which is often associated with greed and little restrained appetites.... (pig)
The male pig (boar, wild boar), however, usually has the same or similar meaning as the bull.... (pig)
The domestic pig symbolizes great fertility... (pig)
one comes in a convenient location, literally ‘pig’.... (pig)
Long ago the pig belonged to the retinue of the Great Goddess, was the mistress of all animals and also about the natural sexuality of men.... (pig)
kill yourself: care for the future usefully... (pig)
slaughter see: a festival is celebrated... (pig)
grunt: satisfaction and prosperity... (pig)
are attacked by wild: slanderous people are hurt you much... (pig)
fat, healthy pigs: apply an omen for future success... (pig)
feed: good prospects, success and happiness for the future... (pig)
young which are suckled: to stimulate reflection on one’s own behavior... (pig)
see: brings luck in the lottery and gaming... (pig)
Conclusions about themselves, sometimes to other... (pig)
wild fire: your enemies are not up to you.... (pig)
a poor man will bring it to a high position and great wealth.... (pig)
Dreaming of the emperors, to bring him boar or impose any them on the hunt, he will put powerful adversary in shackles... (pig)
see wallow in the mud: you will be discredited because of his machinations... (pig)
On a boar riding displays, you’ll make a powerful adversary subservient... (pig)
one brings him domestic pigs, the same interpretation as in the case of the aforementioned, but to a lesser and lesser extent applicable.... (pig)
Eats a pork, he will attain so much money and goods as he ate meat.... (pig)
see wild: you have to do with bad people... (pig)
see tame: find food... (pig)
see: get lucky and win the game... (pig)
Sell: make bad trades... (pig)
see wallow in feces: you will get an evil household... (pig)
fertility... (Guinea pig)
They want you to do dirty things.... (Pig’s ears)
have to do with one thing: set its hopes on the support and comfort of his immediate surroundings.... (pig)
Also: your deed shuns the light of day... (pig)
Responsibility.... (Guinea pig)
What I learn to look after?... (Guinea pig)
Or if one hates to be bothered with unwanted pats – from older relatives or bosses.... (Guinea pig)
A common dream symbol, if you are in a family (or group) ‘the smallest’ or the youngest and is therefore often not taken seriously.... (Guinea pig)
Who dreams of do not want ‘treated like a child’, trivialized, devalued and are ‘not taken seriously’.... (Guinea pig)
are very old... (pig)
(See also ‘farmer’, ‘hair’, ‘pet’, ‘bull’, ‘animals’)... (pig)
see wild: you must guard your health... (pig)