You were dreaming about killing in self defence, right? Then this dreams' dictionary is where you'll find an answer to your question, what does it really mean to dream about killing in self defence. Below are all the interpretations and all the meanings of what you have dreamed about. The killing in self defence dream consists of 1222 symbols:
The warning of fraud by others or against self-deception can stand behind.... (India / Indians)
stands for self-confidence and vitality... (fruit)
in a covered trench: warns of loss of reputation, the one self-inflicted... (fall)
Is a dream of a man who can be seen clearly neither woman or man, this is an attempt to strike a balance between emotional self and other aspects of the personality.... (androgyne)
In addition to the determination of buildings, their components also play an important role: Balcony / Window Frames: The balcony can serve the self-presentation of the dreaming and unfavorably promote its vanity.... (building)
Sue announces interpersonal contacts that are often self-inflicted by gossip and slander.... (Sue)
Maybe the dreaming have highlighted the difficulties in his life sick, and he must now give his full attention to his talent for self-healing.... (Association)
from a self-mercy call: come in bedrängnisvolle situations... (demand)
Destruction of aspects of the self.... (shoot)
be self: shame, loss of reputation... (Usury / usurer)
The dreaming is well advised to develop more self-confidence and act flexibly.... (port)
The base of the pyramid represents the body, the side faces show the spiritual aspirations, the top symbolizes the harmonious union of the human and the ‘higher self’ (God).... (pyramid)
the spiritual mentor or the higher self of the dreamer appears on the spiritual plane in a dream sometimes as Pope.... (Pope)
If a dream of tests is (especially when it comes to exams in courses and schools), this is usually in conjunction with self-criticism and the desire for good performances.... (exam)
With frequent applause dreams, it is not particularly good at self-consciousness.... (applause)
If in a dream singing is heard, this has to do with the self-expression of the dreaming.... (to sing)
if you wore it to a costume party or on stage, it can be interpreted as an indication that they hide his true self or... (Costume / costume)
At the spiritual level of the pyramid is a symbol of the integration of self and soul.... (pyramid)
potential kingdom of self.... (palace)
A symbol ‘gentle’ revolution against a conventional way of life and a sensual, pleasurable, ‘wild’ self-expression.... (Rock concert)
If we can not read self Written on it, proves that our forgetfulness towards our associated people.... (note)
At the spiritual level the rock concert in the dream symbolizes the need of the dreaming to self-forgetfulness.... (Rock concert)
see a bright glow: you will receive ‘spiritual guidance’ and can be as much with self and trust in God to bridge and overcome a difficult life situation... (Headlights)
baptize another self: you want to take care of him and exert influence on him... (Baptismal font)
Therefore judge who granted become the dream interpretations of the face when they are simple and understandable, as self-interpreted and the cases containing the solution in itself, and point not around on the interpretations.... (Warranties)
Deep understanding either your original or your self-chosen family.... (quail)
sometimes they are too tight and hinder the self-development.... (ring)
At the spiritual level symbolizes immobility in dream unconditional being, liberated self.... (immovable)
Because normally associated with a key lock and thus also a keyhole, the dream refers to a kind of confusion between the inner and outer self.... (keyhole)
When the self-imposed restrictions are subdued, the breakthrough to one’s own truth is often achieved.... (alcohol)
There is the opinion that this would arise from our hidden frustrations, repression or self-condemnation.... (nightmare)
Invention often heralds a sea change in the life that comes, for example through greater self-awareness in motion... (invention)
The victory in the dream embodies overcoming obstacles that has built the dreaming self.... (Victory / Victory)
a heavy load wear: secure omen of disaster, possibly due to excessive self-confidence and lack of careful planning... (load)
Joyful experiences with familiar people are a happy tune and grow self-consciousness.... (lanterns)
Verleugnetes self... (Fables / fables)
Also the expansion of consciousness, self-knowledge, willpower and ability to make decisions is in Eva sometimes significantly.... (Eva)
left: one will become self... (hospital)
The dream of a tank which one wears shows that the dreaming with his need for self-defense and protection against the aggression of other apart sets, but also with its aggressiveness, if it is the vehicle.... (Armor (Warrior))
Because this can lead to self-sacrifice, will the symbol might encourage them to think of their own needs.... (bees)
male aspect of self... (Brothers)
The way the dreaming moved into his dream can say a lot about whether he accepts sufficiently self.... (Move)
Maybe the dreaming has become impatient with the seemingly never-ending search for his spiritual self.... (Longing / longing)
The arena can also mean that there is a tendency to excessive self-presentation and had underestimated the possibility that it could do more harm than good.... (arena)
One dares not in the thick of it, envy others to self-consciousness.... (arena)
Task of dreaming is to develop his self-awareness and explore his life by separating it into manageable parts.... (analyst)
the other self.... (mask)
a part of your self that occurs strange you... (yeti)
At the spiritual level are musical instruments in the dream of the kind of dreaming as he brings self-expression.... (musical instruments)
see breeding plants: check the basic characteristics of your character and self-image critically... (plants)