You were dreaming about killing in self defence, right? Then this dreams' dictionary is where you'll find an answer to your question, what does it really mean to dream about killing in self defence. Below are all the interpretations and all the meanings of what you have dreamed about. The killing in self defence dream consists of 1222 symbols:
Is your own hair kept in a dream, so the inner self developed similarly well.... (hair)
The dream of infidelity on the other hand symbolizes self-reproach, an ideal or principle of life to be unfaithful – but also directly to the spouse.... (marriage)
Who ‘falls prey’ in the dream events a bluff is just concerned in many cases in order to free himself from a self-deception (delusion).... (Exchange / exchange)
A dream symbol of self-expression – and for that, they cultivated and very aware that one uses (to their advantage).... (exhibition)
The only way to preserve the self-respect.... (Sorry)
If the dreaming hanged or another person, so this symbol is to be understood as a warning against carelessness, recklessness and lack of self control.... (Hang)
In addition, many special interpretations are possible depending on the circumstances, in particular: Healthy, well-groomed hair – especially if it has a strong shine – indicates youth, vitality and a positive self image.... (hair)
cozy, familiar home of the self.... (Country house)
be self: bring a pleasant surprise.... (Cook / cook)
It is hoped for the future, especially for the intimate area, if we can open it up in a dream as if it were self-evident.... (Door lock)
At the spiritual level can leather in a dream an indication of self-mortification be.... (leather)
wear self: indicates disease... (Brautschleier)
A scale is the dream an indication of the need for balance and self-control.... (Libra)
If a woman dreams of hacking, it will be independent of the other, because it is self-sufficient.... (hoe)
If the dreaming is as an agent or as spectators in an arena, so it symbolized the need to seek an environment that offers more space for self-expression and creativity.... (arena)
A baby can also the original, innocent self ‘the child within’ symbolize the dreaming and return his desire in such a state (childhood).... (infant)
This note should always be taken seriously, because it indicates that it is still severely restricted in the free self-expression and lifestyle.... (dethronement)
In general, the image of Heath also shows that the dreaming is in a situation of conflict between external self-control and inner passion.... (pagan)
Leather can relate and depend on its basic meaning ago by the other dream circumstances on the self-image of the dreaming.... (leather)
A part of your self that feels comfortable in the water... (Trout)
The Higher Self tells the dreamer that he must necessarily relax now.... (Relaxation)
Disclosure of a part of you that perished in self-defense.... (bees)
If we die even in a dream, that is a kind of purification process our soul, the rebirth of our better self that must change for the better in order to survive the battle of life.... (death)
self: you’ll need to accomplish an unusual activity.... (scrub)
Pilgrim is the desire to find himself, but also warns of great isolation and self-isolation.... (pilgrim)
Repetitive movements of any kind refer in the dream usually indicates that the dreaming should think about what he is doing, and may have to find a different kind of self-expression.... (jump)
It is a sign of self-realization.... (Archetypes)
a bag of disgust throw: a bad signal, because you can play its essence only through more self-knowledge Edit... (bags)
The mature, powerful aspect of your self... (grizzly bear)
Facilities: Exploring the house, an incipient self discovery signal, whereby the dreaming new pages developed in itself – especially if the house had known but had different rooms.... (House)
He must often first be executed, directed to what’s up his self with him.... (Court of)
What does it mean when men dream of tooth extraction, the founder of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud stated: It is a glorification of self-gratification.... (Extract a tooth)
General is in the self-control and discipline to express, with which one can control his passions better.... (fire Department)
Gift of self-acceptance and the game.... (seal)
An empty bag can indicate the void in our relations a bulging on excessive self-centeredness towards the one who is closest to us.... (bag)
A part of the whole building of the self.... (apartment)
This leads to deeper insights into the spiritual self.... (building)
Adonis symbolizes health, beauty and self-love.... (gods)
Tougher kind of self-defense, as as in Judo.... (karate)
Machine brings habits, prejudices and similar ingrained thinking and behavior expressed hinder the spontaneity and self-development and should therefore be broken again.... (machine)
Psychodynamic understood he asks, in the unconscious to ‘dig’ to gain more self-knowledge.... (spade)
Violet is an ‘undecided’ color, often in young people, the need for spiritual guidance, inner harmony and more self-knowledge shows.... (To dye)
In individual cases, it is too narrow a mother bond or other relationships expressed through which one is hindered in the self-development.... (Spiderweb / spiderweb)
own self: indicates an inheritance or other allowances... (Orchard)
Curtain or veil similar garments: If the dreaming self or other people wear a veil in his dream, he is trying to hide something from the other, or he accepts his knowledge of himself or his relationships with others only partially.... (dress)
Other meanings arising from the following circumstances: self freeze often indicates that overly suppress and control must not feelings, because otherwise ‘soul freezes’.... (freeze)
Rib fracture, self: you should be on guard that you not from men whom they trusted, is betrayed... (ribs)
Is he sick, old or tamed and sluggish, so this is a symbol of the desire of the dreaming to self-control.... (leopard)
spiritual self.... (cup)
Transcendent meaning: Self congratulate yourself on a dream... (seal)