You were dreaming about killing in self defence, right? Then this dreams' dictionary is where you'll find an answer to your question, what does it really mean to dream about killing in self defence. Below are all the interpretations and all the meanings of what you have dreamed about. The killing in self defence dream consists of 1222 symbols:
intuitive self... (natives)
A person who can turn on and off his feelings at will, has great self-control.... (water tap)
X-rays can illustrate findings, which is obtained from the self-research, for example.... (X-ray image / X-rays / X-ray)
Creeper indicates uncertainty, self-doubt or unfair entanglements that end with failures and losses.... (creeper)
More embodies healing and self-knowledge.... (Indians)
Even in the dream is about self-expression – people dress as you act and ‘arrive’ want.... (Fashion)
In negative: Taking unnecessary amount of used too much care on vesting, creates unnecessary clothes or dressed down, it means hypersensitivity, inhibitions, fear of self-disappointment, isolation or concealing your own ego adjustment and mendacity.... (clothing)
This may be due to a lack of self-consciousness, to uncertainty or inhibitions and fear of life.... (port)
Maybe the dreaming must exercise greater objectivity in his self-assessment.... (zoo)
unrecognized aspects of the self.... (relative)
Self-doubt.... (anxiety)
Letter can symbolize self-knowledge, insight and perception... (letter)
Self-criticism and alienation make it hard to the dreaming to meet its everyday tasks.... (prisoner of war)
The passport as proof of identity can also point to the uncertainty and lack of self-consciousness.... (Passport)
Boundlessness of self.... (Pegasus)
All kinds of gemstones are symbols of inner values such as: self-confidence, pride, reliability, confidence, constancy and assertiveness, but they can also express the desire for these characteristics.... (precious stones)
one is a little self-indulgent... (restaurant)
All they seem to know better and they doubt seemingly self-evident.... (scholars)
the sun, towards the light that illuminates our path, is a symbol for the introverted self-directed to be thinking.... (Heavenly directions)
inner self.... (fish)
The capital, however, is our self, is focused personality.... (Ticket / Ticket)
intuitive self... (Native (native))
Relatives caring professions: This refers to the compassionate, caring side of the self and often on an appeal.... (People)
the symbol calls in this case to go in the future upright and self-confident through life.... (Bend down)
Where in my life I run away before my own strength? What am I willing to begin? What part of my higher self, I am taking possession ready?... (hunt)
where the sun goes down, into the night, lurking in the hazards, depicts the mature, self-confident and mild approach of the dreaming.... (Heavenly directions)
extinguish a self: a hope is destroyed... (fire)
Underwear: A dream of their own or of foreign underwear shows that the dreaming hidden settings reconsiders his self-image or sexuality.... (dress)
If a dream of leprosy is, this refers to the fact that the dreaming part of its is self-conscious, he considers impure.... (leprosy)
In the dream to be a beggar, represents a sense of failure and lack of self-esteem.... (beggar)
self: you hold wanton thoughts... (to sing)
In the dream, the trickster that part of the self, the devastating damage can do in the life of the dreamer.... (Trick / Trickser (Trickbetrüger))
On the psychological level represents the antlers in a dream is the awareness of the potential for conflict between the noble self and the lower instincts.... (antler)
General calls the painting to more humility and less struts for self-representation.... (painting)
A call for more self-criticism – and the courage to accept change.... (putrefaction)
Hair that is in poor condition, can also stand for low self-esteem Long Hair embodies femininity in women, especially, there is the attraction to a partner.... (hair)
Trouble with another human being, one has self-inflicted... (school)
But it may also be that the clown as a sign occurs that the dreaming tries his true self to hide behind a mask, pretending its environment something.... (clown)
If the old man is a man, he symbolizes – depending on the sex of the dreamer – his self or his animus.... (People)
You know no way out, as much as you think, wait, it’s self-destruction.... (chew)
This would be an image of his growing self-confidence and greater acceptance of himself.... (relative)
They cut in a dream the drums? A 1: 1 icon, tend in everyday life for enterprising self-expression and do not believe in a quiet, secluded life.... (Timpani)
see how the Holy Spirit on Jesus comes: to practice renunciation and self-denial... (Baptismal font)
Mercury was also a swindler, impulsive and self-centered and dominated by desires.... (gods)
Where in my life I lack self-confidence?... (lost)
be: one should now much self-criticism and humility practice that will have far-reaching consequences for life.... (Pope)
General wants the sign leading to the dreaming mind that he is prone to self-sufficiency and dispensed values and profit it could reach if he supported anything in return.... (ants)
This danger can come from one’s own self, as a repressed into the unconscious mental content, before you’re scared and you therefore no longer wants to make.... (escape)
professional aspect of the self.... (office)
It is the urge of the dreaming for recognition, self-affirmation and adventure.... (military)