You were dreaming about killing in self defence, right? Then this dreams' dictionary is where you'll find an answer to your question, what does it really mean to dream about killing in self defence. Below are all the interpretations and all the meanings of what you have dreamed about. The killing in self defence dream consists of 1222 symbols:
which may relate to external circumstances, but also display a lack of self-knowledge.... (darkness)
If the dreaming in his dream sees his navel or of another human being, he realizes how he relates to his inner self or to the external world.... (navel)
It represents the four corners of the earth is revolving around its center, or ‘the ego, the order itself revolves in time and space’ – that is, a complete integration of the outer and inner self.... (mandala)
So it is in the nature of things that the human species-appropriate position which is from body to body, while they have invented and added all the other from arrogance and self-indulgence.... (mother)
The bigger the letters of his own name, the more emphatically lives one of his self-absorption.... (address)
If the dreaming in his dream questions, then this indicates a degree of self-doubt.... (Question / ask)
Also you will gain more self-knowledge and solve problems better.... (doctor)
It can be a symbol of escape from reality, intoxication and self-awareness experiments – just like ‘real life’ also be.... (Opium (opiates))
also: self-deception... (drink)
Carefully combed and styled hair indicates vanity or strong sexual self-discipline.... (hair)
Symbol of the ‘upright posture’, for courage, courage and self-confidence of a man.... (spine)
Therefore, it is interpreted as a symbol of the subconscious, the part of the self, which the dreamer approaches when he tries to understand who he is and where he comes from.... (museum)
Chin: It symbolizes the self-expression of the dreaming.... (crop circle)
Destroyed Fortress may indicate a disappointed hope, or warn of the loss of self-confidence... (fortress)
Intimate female self.... (bra)
Did they sported in the dream the diadem, confirmed that a strong self-awareness and the knowledge of their own effect on other people.... (diadem)
youthful, female self.... (daughter)
see barbed wire: a reminder now for some time to be patient, to dissolve all the difficulties of self... (wire)
Perhaps he is afraid to lose his self-control or parts of his personality.... (Guillotine (Feilbeil))
Throat: it shows that the dreaming is aware of its vulnerability consciously or feel his need for self-expression.... (crop circle)
General wishes to convey the characters that sometimes can occur surprising turns and that the self-determination of the existence and the power of the foreign regulation should always be aware of.... (dwarf)
self: you should beware of false friends in eight.... (cold)
If a woman dreams of a stranger (and it deals with their properties), this means the analysis of the self-image of their own femininity.... (Mrs)
develop more self-confidence... (dwarf)
Is it stuffy, messy and it acts oppressive or is hectic, the dreaming is afraid of conflicts and suffers from a lack of self-consciousness.... (office)
The totality of the self... (mandala)
you are in a self-inflicted or evoked by other predicament... (house)
A dwarf can a small part of the self symbolize, with which the dreaming must deal.... (dwarf)
Jung sees the fish as a symbol of the self.... (fish)
you noticed in a dream that incense was used for this purpose, this is perhaps an indication, but that changes to the self or pending in the personal environment.... (incense)
Work on self-acceptance and love.... (therapist)
Horror dream is often the result of unresolved fears and doubts and can be a trigger for a deeper understanding of one’s self.... (horror)
The natural feeling of the dreamer may come in a way to light which brings its wilder and more uncivilized self expression.... (Native (native))
That men have invented all the other positions of arrogance, self-indulgence and intemperance, which nature but only one, namely teaching body to body, one can on the example of other beings recognize... (mother)
by defenses protected self.... (fortress)
Secondly dancing depends in the discotheque together with a sexy self-presentation, which is not applied often in the workplace.... (discotheque)
make in religious ecstasy of self-reproach: one will be almost forced to abandon one’s own personality in order to please someone who is at a highly regarded... (Religion / religious)
The dreaming is with the innocent, odd side of his self, responsibility needs to take over nor wishes into contact.... (People)
be self-shot: be annoyed by bad people and might suffer an acute illness... (gun)
self: do not concern yourself with things that you do not understand, could you hurt yourself otherwise... (cooking)
The self-injury instrument of our time! A substitute satisfaction, because the soul sucked relish a bit.... (Cigarette)
the self-established rules Permit to break even once.... (Lessons)
be: one is or wants to become self... (merchant)
interpreted Psychodynamic calls fish to be more self-knowledge, to which one must strive.... (fishing)
‘Everything mask!’ then reflects the subconscious in dreams – and warns of further self-denial and resignation.... (Jux)
in self-discovery (which is one of the main tasks of the dreams).... (gods)
each self-satisfied one feels, the less the prospect of prosperity... (Conscience / conscience)
self: you’ll make another delight.... (cooking)
General embodies the desert the self-image of the dreaming in the face of the world, the value that he admits because of its living conditions.... (desert)
from the wall on a self-falling: points to disasters and revelations... (Wall plaster)