You were dreaming about killing in self defence, right? Then this dreams' dictionary is where you'll find an answer to your question, what does it really mean to dream about killing in self defence. Below are all the interpretations and all the meanings of what you have dreamed about. The killing in self defence dream consists of 1222 symbols:
Which part of my higher self is ready to be integrated?... (Lover / lover)
free see in the paddock: to win back its independence and seeks to self-employment... (horse)
Sun: stands for self-confidence, life goals, will, male energy... (planet)
If the dreaming thinks in his dream, to fall, this is an indication of the loss of his self-confidence.... (decrease)
This allows conclusions to the self-esteem of the dreaming or how he is regarded by other people.... (jewelry)
These gigantic forces that may arise in a dream, come those areas of self that are not kept in check, and also can not be tamed.... (Titans)
a friend or relative: this will have benefits in the near future, probably in conjunction with a self... (birthday)
In the dream, a hairdresser therefore act as the part of the personality of the dreamer in appearance, which deals with the self-image and thus, what does the dreaming of himself.... (hair stylist)
If the Queen appears as an icon on a playing card, the dream is perhaps associated with feelings of arrogance and excessive self-confidence.... (Queen))
Veil often symbolized escape from reality in the insulation, which is connected to self-deception or deception by others.... (veil)
If it is possible to express energy held in sexuality in self-consciousness, then this manifests itself in the dream often as rise.... (rise)
The circle is a picture of the perfect and self-identical.... (Circles)
Consciousness and mind will connect to more harmonious, more balanced and mature personality through improved self-knowledge with the unconscious and the emotions.... (bride)
If you own the beautician, it’s conceivable that you try to help someone, to improve its appearance or to restore his self-confidence, or he must ‘make up’ these people in the truest sense of the word, that is, he tries it fundamentally to change.... (Cosmetics (-in))
Maybe the dreaming should consider ways in which he could change his self-image.... (hair stylist)
self-love... (rose quartz)
The regular dream interpretation can then good help in deeper self-knowledge.... (image)
Picked flowers are strongly advised not to believe the lies own self.... (flowers)
This gives him the opportunity to work on his physical self-image.... (Thickness / thickness)
But they may also stand a symbol of success, happiness, self-confidence and personality development of the dreaming.... (fruit)
The spiritual self has the entire collective unconscious access.... (ghosts)
Rheumatism (joint or muscle) may indicate a self-limitation.... (rheumatism)
It can also show masculinity, self-esteem and sense of superiority.... (giant)
At the spiritual level presents jewelry in dreams honor and self-respect is without no associated vanity.... (jewelry)
Shoots of dreaming himself, maybe he uses his manly assets for self-defense.... (weapons)
These visions suggest a strong, sometimes exaggerated search for the self.... (image)
nourishing albeit passive aspect of self.... (cow)
When working with dream images we often see aspects of the spiritual self that protect us against external influences.... (Guardian)
It is perhaps also noted that one must accept the facts without self-deception and glossing.... (Cosmetics (-in))
It symbolizes a person ‘rough edges’, the not so easy ‘glattzuhobeln’ is a pronounced and distinctive – and sometimes self-centered – personality, where you ‘bruises’ fetches when not on ‘the necessary’ distance ‘respects.... (edge)
extinguish: you will inflict self harm... (fire)
Speech always has something to do with self-expression.... (speech)
Work on self-acceptance.... (trust)
Sometimes the fear announces that it displaces too much into the unconscious and therefore is afraid of himself, which is relieved by more self-knowledge, harmony, more courage and determination in waking life.... (fear)
A scaffold points to an imposed spiritual standard of behavior and self-control.... (scaffold)
Perhaps a part of the personality of the dreaming acts as an overseer or attempts to suppress other parts of his self.... (Guardian)
lower self... (Trousers)
Spiritual poverty can stand for self-defamation.... (poverty)
Cholera symbolizes partly the desire for self-cleaning, for relief from stressful experiences, feelings and actions for which we are ashamed.... (cholera)
At the same time the disease warned in a dream but to carry out the act of self-cleaning is not too drastic, because you could take mental harm otherwise... (cholera)
Mermaids and water spirits represent the link between dark forces that do not necessarily understand the dreaming and the conscious self.... (mermaid)
Shield (eg name plate) meets the need for understanding and self-expression to express, especially when it is a sign with his own name.... (Shield (name plate))
Because for most people their self-image is strongly associated with their sexuality, an orgy in a dream may refer to it as the dreaming can release the blocked energy.... (orgy)
For self-punishment occurs when the dreamer does not meet the requirements imposed on itself.... (punishment)
be self: disease and misfortune for you... (beauty)
Who dreams more often of suffering from a lack of (male) self-consciousness and dreams in every sense of the word, to be sexually attractive and desirable man.... (harem)
on the spiritual level, this means that red is the color of self-portrait and sexuality, Orange stands for relationship – to themselves and other people.... (To dye)
The symbol of drowning indicates serious, often brought about by a lack of planning problems in helplessness and too little self-confidence.... (drown)
If one sees himself as a knight, this means serene self-confidence and loyalty.... (Knight)
Sometimes asks the tent to get rid of all that hinders the self-development, satisfaction and joy.... (tent)