itching left finger DREAM INTERPRETATIONS
You were dreaming about itching left finger, right? Then this dreams' dictionary is where you'll find an answer to your question, what does it really mean to dream about itching left finger. Below are all the interpretations and all the meanings of what you have dreamed about. The itching left finger dream consists of 369 symbols:The loss of sight is the lost clarity, and depending on which eye is blind, it may reflect the loss of logic (right eye) and intuition (left eye) symbolize.... (crop circle)
Right and left one has to assess the sun from not from the location of the dreaming, but from the.... (gods)
A patient prayed to Sarapis, he may him if it was destined to be saved, shaking his right hand in a dream, if not the left.... (hand)
One should here consider how the vehicle missed? Saw you there or had left a long time? The answer may relate to the removal of the goals in life.... (Connection (transport connections))
one should not be unhappy because an incorrect companion has left one.... (missionary)
Furthermore, the following should be noted: The right eye represents the son, the brother and the father left the daughter, sister and mother.... (blindness)
If you often dream of fainting, you feel mentally totally overwhelmed and also plays in reality (sometimes) with the thought, ‘in a disease to escape’ to be finally left in peace.... (Fainting / fainting)
Iris (goddess of the rainbow, servant of Hera and messenger of the gods, which descends on the rainbow to the people), seen on the right, brings luck, to the left, misfortune.... (gods)
It has left the everyday world behind and is immersed in a different world.... (ski hut)
left: one has disappointed you... (Shop (Shop))
a frostbitten save people: one is a friend who has left a regain.... (freeze)
is missing on the left side: death of a distant relative... (Arms (body part))
the left to the wife, the mother, the girlfriend’s daughter and the sister out.... (hand)
meet someone: left to unnecessary excitement... (Quarreling / quarreling)
If he himself is led, this shows that he has left another person’s control to a situation that affects him.... (to lead)
With two sons, two daughters and two brothers right eye called the elder son or brother or the elder daughter, left the younger daughter, the younger brother or son.... (blindness)
for woman to unbutton a garment with the left hand: they should be careful that it does not come through levity into trouble.... (button)
Right and left have often to do with roads and paths, where you have to decide on a direction.... (direction)
left: recover from being ill.... (hospital)
at this the right teeth signify the elderly that left the younger men and women.... (teeth)
Dreaming a great lord or the Emperor, he give someone voluntarily a princely gezäumtes horse from his stables, he is a left to him by his wives... (horse)
If one left due to illness or for a cure to the vein, the person in question in accordance with the blood loss is big money issues, but precisely thereby have income for life and limb.... (Bloodletting)
see: one will be left out of a man down to which one has trusted... (orphan)
What indicate the different directions? There are always a dream left and right side and often a top and bottom.... (direction)
Among the directions in the dream we understand: up – down, right – left, front – back, forward – backward, the compass, etc.... (direction)
left: severe dispute in marriage... (apartment)
Left: Treason... (hand)
it is usually seen as a sign of a break and left-cheerful nature with good relations with the world around.... (pleasure)
Who often dreams of frightening mass gatherings, certainly has a problem with social adjustment, like the field withdraws into a neat, harmonious (and particularly unperturbed) and appreciates it, ‘left alone to be’ – it requires a great deal of freedom to to develop a positive attitude towards life.... (Mass / mass appeal)
Cakes of capers, olives, all kinds of vegetable pastries, spice cakes, and whatever else there is, have deliberately left aside, because they obviously do not mean anything good.... (cake)
This dream situation indicated mostly out that you feel left alone and / or.... (road)
in the first case is often the importance to take account of the right or left.... (foot)
Are you afraid to miss something? Where and how do you fear being left behind? The scarf can strangle and also warm.... (dress)
thereby designate the right row men left women... (teeth)
Of course, the gesture of the fingers must be considered whether the finger, for example, points to something or the fingers are closed into a fist.... (crop circle)
the finger: You come in embarrassment.... (Sucking)
This as well as the finger sucking may represent an attempt to comfort themselves.... (Sucking)
with his finger: you get trouble.... (interpret)
This meaning is especially true when they bite into the finger and blood appears (Symbol defloration).... (thorns)
If you would yourself, you should direct the finger at himself.... (rogue)
Finger rings of iron bring happiness, but a cumbersome-won... (iron)
Finger: With the fingers and the hand we access, we grab on to something, indicated this dream symbol on fitting out activities.... (crop circle)
(See also ‘finger’, ‘hand’, ‘body’)... (thumb)
not can be drawn from the finger: indicates great difficulty letting go of the old partners internally... (ring)
Rarely thicker than your little finger, earthworms are found worldwide.... (worms)
It is the index finger of God and a symbol of the spiritual destiny.... (Church tower)
Pull the finger: a fling will have serious consequences... (ring)
Is the dream of a marriage ring stuck on another finger, so this may be an indication that the promise has no validity or that the dreaming perceives the wedding ring as a limitation.... (Ehering)
the finger wearing (Married): disagreements in marriage... (ring)
Is he his wife finger rings, so you will fulfill both desired.... (wife)