i dream of being chased by a crocodile DREAM INTERPRETATIONS
You were dreaming about i dream of being chased by a crocodile, right? Then this dreams' dictionary is where you'll find an answer to your question, what does it really mean to dream about i dream of being chased by a crocodile. Below are all the interpretations and all the meanings of what you have dreamed about. The i dream of being chased by a crocodile dream consists of 5621 symbols:
be of a danger or enemies from ambush threatened: see... (crocodile)
They lurk in the reeds which on drawing water from the Nile, and grab their prey at the right moment).... (crocodile)
great danger of overpowering enemies, which you can escape only through wisdom... (crocodile)
you should not trust anyone... (crocodile)
meet: you will learn seemingly strange people... (Extraordinary being)
Something strange like to evil – or in other ways on the occult – point.... (Extraordinary being)
After initial concerns but you will notice a positive influence of these people on your life... (Extraordinary being)
even be one: lasting friendships.... (Extraordinary being)
(See also ‘Ufo’)... (Extraordinary being)
The dreamer has to face the unknown and terrifying.... (Extraordinary being)
friendly stranger: promises health and a pleasant environment... (Extraordinary being)
not human.... (Extraordinary being)
distant... (Extraordinary being)
The dreamer experiences himself or part of himself as a stranger cut, as outsiders or as.... (Extraordinary being)
Which part of me is weird or unconventional?... (Extraordinary being)
In the dream he has the knowledge that he lives his life differently than others.... (Extraordinary being)
strange or unknown... (Extraordinary being)
What is real for me?... (dream)
you’ll fooled.... (dream)
consult a: you can expect news from the distance.... (Dream interpretation)
Soon received from someone great gifts.... (dream)
one deceives you.... (Dream interpretation)
The blame should be looking at themselves.... (dream)
This suggests more frequent loneliness or independence of the dreamer out – rare that he withdraw more and his inner peace should.... (Dream-me)
also: you fight against a truth... (dream)
The image recommends frugal, so to be satisfied with little, to recognize that one’s cause is not so bad.... (dream)
One should take the hint as an opportunity to work more actively to the achievement of its objectives, instead of dreaming.... (dream)
(Man +)... (dream)
You should pay more attention to your dreams.... (Dream interpretation)
If you feel in the crowd well, social activities are displayed... (Dream-me)
The feeling that one has in this vision can be regarded as a unique key for interpretation.... (Dream-me)
you feel bad, I would advise against such activities.... (Dream-me)
How important is mentioned here specifically, the dreamer or the dreamer is almost always spontaneously clear.... (Dream-me)
Awakening the inner reality.... (dream)
The dreamer or the dreamer will spontaneously clear what is meant here.... (Dream-me)
Create... (dream)
Make sure that the person, in addition to the stand, is larger or smaller than you.... (Dream-me)
Either one stands in the shadow of this person or you are the person who determined from the context, the behavior of the other person.... (Dream-me)
This refers to companies or feelings of superiority.... (Dream-me)
As they opened the dream letter, already describes the reaction: Was it hastily or carefully, or you put it aside for now and wanted him not to open for the time being? The dream has a clearly made it clear that there is something in life that needs attention.... (letter)
Tennis – usually played by two single players – is the dream especially because of the person of game opponent of importance: Who is it, or whom he or she represents? It is in the dream also possible that the game opponents two sides of one’s being or representing... (tennis)
If one steers the canoe with their own bodies in a dream, this is a dream in which you bless your own being and your feelings.... (canoe)
The following dream symbols related to sexuality can play a role and be interpreted in a dream: Bisexuality: Every human being carries within itself both a male and female side.... (sexuality)
Stepping into a dream or dream series repeatedly same behaviors identical situations or the same dream symbols to want to say a dream that one should give up his compulsive repetitions in everyday life.... (repeat)
(However, many argue dream researchers / inside, the presence of the mandala in a dream and was even in long dream series, at least for the European dream images, mainly an invented by young thing.... (Geometric figures)
A dream in which you were seller (in), may mean that ‘sell’ in the waking life wants something: maybe a plan, an idea, a project? Or yourself? If you buy however, even some of the / the dream-seller (in): Was this (r) trustworthy or cunning? If an attempt might, love and affection to buy, or is separated from too much or too often? Is this particular dream a statement on the emotional or financial security? Felt is exploited, because it was necessary in a dream to sell valuable or sentimental possession pregnant? If so, then bringing in life probably too many victims.... (Sell / seller)
All who want to spend their lives in the home, working their own soil, and people who fear being expelled from somewhere, they chased and they can not longer remain at its current location... (crucifixion)
being chased by a group, the anxiety can show to be overwhelmed by work colleagues or family members to have nothing to say on an important matter.... (hunt)
being chased by the dog: disagreements between friends are to be feared... (squirrel)
A cat is killed or chased in a dream can be interpreted as an omen for a possible disaster.... (cats)