You were dreaming about hug from behind, right? Then this dreams' dictionary is where you'll find an answer to your question, what does it really mean to dream about hug from behind. Below are all the interpretations and all the meanings of what you have dreamed about. The hug from behind dream consists of 4707 symbols:
Dreams from baking bread to symbolize the desire for the ‘small fortune’ – domesticity, family formation, manageable, solid relationships without much excitement.... (to bake)
It indicates that something presses on the stomach: a concern, from which one must free himself, a love affair, which comes to an end, or the anger over unfair treatment that we simply do not yet recovered.... (stomach)
In Western culture, the image of a bush is normally associated with the burning bush from the Bible.... (Bushes (shrubs))
eat: you will remove you far from home.... (mellifish)
Often stepfather and stepmother are the symbol of a life in a foreign country and the departure from the home... (Booties (Pansy))
Playful learning is easier, and if a doll in a dream appears, it is an indication that the dreaming must repeat some lessons from his childhood, because he has now forgotten or it turns the usually unconscious wish of the dreaming, childlike traits to reserve, to see life as a game, and to be free of responsibility.... (Dolls)
how could it be therefore that one who dreams of an ordinary or simple man is? Is someone another of the fruit of Zimtrindenbaums from, he will share with this wealth and power.... (cinnamon)
deduct from an animal: brings financial success... (fur)
see closed: one should break away from old ideas and attitudes and try to identify the correct important things in life... (Latch)
or obtained: from a preserved promise remains to be seen whether it will also be redeemed... (Check (bank))
The exact meaning arises from the dream action.... (nymph)
You need the soil in which they take root, the water from which they feed, the air and the winds that disperse their seeds, and the fire in the form of sunlight, in order to grow.... (plants)
The Shop Around the time when small everyday-Alpstraum symbolizes emotional ‘Ausgesperrtsein’ – one suffers under the impression that all other luckier, rather a desired partner (the nicer apartment that better relations, better career opportunities, etc.), and much else more gotten from the sunny side of life.... (business hours)
even be released from a: it begins a new period of life... (prison)
from beads: tears and sorrow... (wreath)
Eats someone from his own bowels, he will be at the expense of his family, if by strange, alien to cost people.... (guts)
Deserted road means that you can rely only on itself, can not expect any help from the outside.... (road)
in a Andren is from an ugly duckling into a beautiful swan finally.... (swan)
you will achieve its objectives and for harvesting a lot of recognition from friends and acquaintances.... (summit)
you’ll get from your loved one basket... (Pond (small pond, pond))
Adler, the Lord of the Skies is positive to be interpreted as detachment from earthly bonds, it stands for the vibrancy great thoughts, but often also for the consuming passion of the mind.... (Eagle)
also: one will renounce unpleasant people and freed from these further pursue his goals... (urn)
away from the station: one will suffer loss.... (railway station)
You get a telephone call from importance.... (memorandum)
Who loses something from the car, its financial possibilities will be assessed soon exhausted, or at least much less.... (dare)
In this space one wants to free itself from everyday dirt, slipping into another skin.... (bathroom)
I know someone who is dreaming, tell him one from credible informants: ‘. Your father is not dead, he just sleeps’ The father of this man was blind because the son the news of this incident received shortly thereafter.... (blindness)
from a pass: one is or wants to change his residence.... (mate)
talk to him, you will always prevail in the life and beat competitors effortlessly from the field... (Emperor)
Knowledge about how you fends you from reaching your spiritual goals.... (corals)
Parcels or parcels in the dream can also represent gifts that the dreaming receives from other people.... (package)
from a staircase: loss of assets... (fall)
Grandparents symbolize general experience and wisdom: You can point out that one should act prudently and wisely in a matter and learn from experience.... (Grandparents)
Allen, the return expected went away, those winds are always low, which blow from the sky areas where traveling abroad are, while the headwinds holding back the person concerned.... (gods)
can interpret exactly to the letter only from the context in which it appears in the dream.... (C)
Worse: You are suffering from nasty treatment.... (character)
It may also mean that you need help to get away from something -eg... (Waste (waste))
Slaves and all, have to pay the compulsory labor, it freed from bondage... (Trumpet)
obtained from someone as a gift: apply yourself not about love, it will be in vain... (basket)
Also the need for advice and help, relief from feelings of guilt and personal maturation often plays into it with the interpretation.... (gods)
If now is the adaptation, as seen from the soul of insufficient when we have taken pelts, then we are simply insufficient or poorly clothed and strive us in dreams are often very anxious to conceal our lack.... (dress)
Dreams from the attic are always somewhat suspicious.... (Attic floor)
Or you would not shy away from the abuse of power and necessary ‘stop at nothing’.... (Power / powerless)
A dream cigar usually symbolizes someone from real life, which is wealthy and pretentious, perhaps autocratically.... (cigar)
There is also the fear of colds, which result from the freeze that one translates as fruit before inconvenience.... (freeze)
Contrasting it varies from olive green to white.... (serpentine)
It symbolizes like no other independence and autonomy as well as cutting the cord from the parental home.... (Home)
Fruits from the garden of love to pick... (olives)
Cleans you look at the ears of dirt or pus, so one has to expect news from somewhere, poor contrast, if one is pulled by the ears.... (ears)
Slices of such fossils often contain images of which it was believed that they were carrying messages from the period in itself, where the stone was still made of wood.... (Petrification (wood))