You were dreaming about hug from behind, right? Then this dreams' dictionary is where you'll find an answer to your question, what does it really mean to dream about hug from behind. Below are all the interpretations and all the meanings of what you have dreamed about. The hug from behind dream consists of 4707 symbols:
Many people are afraid that the forces from the unconscious will suddenly attack them and thus bring them into serious mental crises.... (alligator)
But it could also be a tip from the subconscious be: What are you actually runs away, why you do not want to deal with reality?... (Emigration / emigration)
the vine symbolized hand because he hervorsprießt from the earth, death, which was the other dahinraffen – in earth also the body to solve – and because the vine is deprived of the time its fullest ripeness of the fruit.... (gold)
The notoriously difficult to playing musical instrument indicated probably also suggest that the dreamer who saw himself or play another fact should not cherish too high expectations from on a given matter.... (harp)
For what is seen from the inner guidance primarily as a threat, including the renewed unconsciousness If the adult, his lack of habitat, which does not allow the personal enrichment, energy losses by consuming bonds, spiritual inflations, the formation of rigid complexes which on costs the psychic totality go.... (danger)
This may mean that one should clearly they face outwards or hide from others.... (dress)
So put in the color symbolism Violet from the signification of red, namely blood and ‘heart’, and blue, namely soul together and thus results, among other things, the importance of spiritual passion.... (To dye)
be removed from a dead man: it comes because of disputes to alienation.... (Leichentuch)
Displays at any body part a wound, so you put the from there, as if the body part in question was ill himself.... (wound)
Looking somebody a river flowing from wine, a dream that may have only the emperor or prince, he is, as long as the flow is in its sphere of influence, yet gain greater power to wage war against their enemies and insurmountable be... (Wine)
feel: means consolation in adversity and rescue from danger.... (affliction)
The pressed oil from these fruits is both externally and internally, come for healing and for cooking application.... (olives)
A journey to a distant country or a parting from a friend is at hand.... (Mole (harbor dam))
Freedom from the constraints of civilization.... (animals)
himself cut: relief from grief... (hair)
Early childhood is the period of time in which one enters from the Dreamtime in the company that currently exists on the Mother Earth.... (Early childhood)
we spill it, we might suffer from a deficiency that wants us show the unconscious so.... (salt)
Transcendent meaning: a transfer of power, transmitted through the object that represents the fetish, or by the creation realm from which comes the fetish.... (fetish)
This dream picture stands for pleasant as well as unpleasant messages from the subconscious.... (package)
Psychologically expressed: the status change, such as the transition from adolescence to adulthood, delayed, or you are still tied to many complexes, they will not let us go.... (railroad)
Lurking in the dream hazards, robbers, highwaymen or wild animals on the roadside, said this, we must learn the people who are our advancement in the way and the deceives us the dream in many guises realize to protect ourselves from them in everyday life can.... (road)
Fear Freedom means always to go from a narrow into the distance, because fear makes tight, freedom makes far.... (anxiety)
He is also a mythological animal from which it was said that he could live in the fire.... (salamander)
If you release it all and cleans it from them, liberation is to be hoped for by those evils.... (listen)
find out happy from the difficulties of a find... (labyrinth)
Grew the branches free or prevented them from each other grow on?... (branch)
If a different dream figure completes a sword from the dreaming, this points to the fact that he enjoys the protection of higher powers.... (sword)
also: one should practice wisdom and get away from the everyday things in the near future... (Old)
Miss: you want something from you... (jewels)
from one be violated: threat of a powerful enemy... (Dragon (the mythical creature))
drinking milk from a wild ass promises increase, but also disease.... (ass)
Occasionally a rainwater, namely clean, it is, apart from the mentioned general blessing personally receive great blessings... (rain)
Enemies are trying to divert your attention from honest shops... (Bet / bet)
From a pure piece of metal to ensure does not dream it OFT- unless of a Gold bullion: This is the dream of wealth – in the REM phase as in real life.... (metal)
Lets the Emperor Aries slaughter, namely its own, high dignitaries from grace will fall, are there alien, he will be killed as many enemies as Aries.... (Aries)
Only sometimes indicated hiking from one image to the fussiness of, the one going on in waking life.... (gallery)
sit in it: you wrong advisers, separate yourself from them... (prison)
be the owner of a restaurant: have to work hard and eventually recover from the losses and difficulties.... (Guest house)
It dreamed somebody, he was chained to the base of Poseidon from the Isthmus.... (portrait)
From elderly dreamed the park bench is often evidence of a desire ‘to be old together’ and many (peaceful) to have time for each other.... (Bench (for sitting))
promises so much that you will go from bad to worse... (fountain)
see or talk to them, relief from distress and worry... (Councilor / councilor)
be blessed: new powerful energies rise from the heart, which are a help soon.... (Blessing / blessing)
to observe the sky and beautiful landscapes from an observatory, now there is a promotion to a major, responsible position... (Observatory (astronomical observatory))
see someone fall into a swoon: one will be pumped from someone... (Fainting / fainting)
from a boat in sight: great joy and homecoming... (country)
Blood: From dreaming blood, symbolizes either the adoption of the dreaming that a sacrifice was made at a certain level.... (crop circle)
see one: you take yourself from fraud and fraudsters in eight... (advocate)
Clothes, carpets or furniture: hats your property from destruction.... (knock out)
raise: the circumstances are not free from foreign influences... (Arms (body part))