You were dreaming about hug from behind, right? Then this dreams' dictionary is where you'll find an answer to your question, what does it really mean to dream about hug from behind. Below are all the interpretations and all the meanings of what you have dreamed about. The hug from behind dream consists of 4707 symbols:
Transcendent meaning: Gift from the plant kingdom.... (plants)
often they are but understandable only from the context of other symbols.... (To dye)
deep emotional understanding or healing of injuries from early childhood.... (Early childhood)
see: you will be liberated from an embarrassment.... (Councilor / councilor)
Eating meat from wild ass prophesied a great name and wealth.... (ass)
can be discharged from the police guilt over real or imagined immoral actions show.... (police)
Be released from a boy: you are making bad experiences... (delivery)
Exemption from great distress... (Elderberry tea)
resulting from the circumstances in which especially the fire is to be observed in the hearth.... (stove)
inherit a large fortune from an unknown: remove... (chicken eye)
see or speak: you will be freed from worry.... (Grandparents)
others fall see: you draw advantage from the disadvantage of others.... (fall)
From it all our senses and the entire intelligence apparatus are controlled... (head)
Lady differs from the symbol of the woman in that it looks elegant.... (Lady (woman))
also: one has secrets from you... (blindness)
Find a shelter from suffering to joy follows... (hut)
we consider such an interpretation is not necessarily to be valid, but believe that swings in the dream indicate a danger or can be implied to act impulsively – especially if the swing hanging from a dry branch or at high altitude.... (Swing)
to rinse the mouth: relief from all kinds of pain and torment.... (rinse out)
One can conclude from the things and their condition where strengths and weaknesses lie, what you could fulfill the hopes and stays where to do something else.... (Inventory)
but from carelessness she makes a mistake.... (tape)
Depth psychology sees abortion dreams which are very numerous, a bit embarrassing parable of liberation from something psychologically Erledigtem.... (toilet)
First feel the pain that comes from the outside, but also keeps many harmful.... (skin)
Knowledge about what might prevent you from exploiting your highest potential.... (corals)
do acquaintances: you will spend time with superficial things, which one keeps away from his duties... (life partner)
If one who dreams to have lice, wakes from sleep, he is likely to be lost.... (listen)
Though he fall from the donkey, he will be destitute.... (ass)
also: Someone who does not deserve to benefit from our success.... (bacon)
Blood from their own wells: it faces a disaster in the family... (abdomen)
have lost their way: you will not be freed as quickly from your trouble... (labyrinth)
others hear complain bitterly about the loss of friends: signaled difficulties and much suffering, but from which grows a lot of joy and personal maturity... (complain)
You show yourself very aloof and schreckst from the friends.... (Would)
suffer from it: admission of complaints of all kinds... (stomach discomfort)
Dreaming one, he was approaching this river or scoop it, he will receive from the Lord of the river as much power as he drew wine.... (Wine)
If he draws a rabbit from the bellows, it will make the wealth of the woman exploit.... (hare)
celebrate wedding shortly: from myrtles... (wreath)
If you play badly, you will probably have to look for a partner who has more luck to profit from it.... (chess)
Transcendent meaning: Silver can bring energy, or a message from other realms in your world.... (Silver (metal))
complain about the loss of relatives: by illness comrades closer, from which arise brilliant opportunities.... (complain)
from Tannen: long faithful friendship and love... (wreath)
be: disturbing failures and unexpected visits from unwelcome persons... (myopia)
The exact meaning arises primarily from the following accompanying: Healthy teeth promised success and material gains.... (teeth)
Liberation from an oppressive anxiety.... (remuneration)
from a turn: one will start with renewed vigor over again... (Sermon / preach)
escape from a prison: you can get rid of all anxiety... (prison)
because of the children) has regular contact or when from a partnership to a crisis friendship.... (hedge)
translated is thus a certain isolation from the environment.... (Bushes (shrubs))
The Ark in the Bible is the ship, saved with the Noah his family and many animals from certain death.... (ark)
If a young woman dreamed that she was in a state of siege and was surrounded by cavalry, she would soon be experiencing serious disappointments at pleasure, but if she were overcome, she would draw joy and profit from apparent failures.... (siege)
Either one stands in the shadow of this person or you are the person who determined from the context, the behavior of the other person.... (Dream-me)
Eats someone Hasenbraten, he will obtain from the females great means, but also get sick.... (hare)