You were dreaming about hug from behind, right? Then this dreams' dictionary is where you'll find an answer to your question, what does it really mean to dream about hug from behind. Below are all the interpretations and all the meanings of what you have dreamed about. The hug from behind dream consists of 4707 symbols:
Taking him angrily from his fingers, one loses what one loves, or makes itself an escapade.... (ring)
References to other possibilities of interpretation arising from the dream context.... (restaurant)
If he leaves her, she will wake up from the weakness of character and strive for the independence of the mind.... (pilgrim)
Retreat from worldly concerns.... (monastery)
Someone dreamed it verwunde him a fallen from heaven lance at a distance.... (foot)
The round table from the Arthurian legend embodies the starry sky, as the twelve knights who were allowed to take him space, corresponding to the twelve signs of the zodiac.... (round table)
X-rays can illustrate findings, which is obtained from the self-research, for example.... (X-ray image / X-rays / X-ray)
a woman is warned of the separation from their loved ones... (bells)
A rider (Gladiator on horseback, dressed in tunica and equipped with a round shield) predicts a rich, derived from good housewife rooms, but having little intelligence.... (gladiator)
It takes so much light and heat that one even dreams of the ‘Sun from the socket’.... (solarium)
from fish: money comes into the house... (shed)
A dream figure could be a person from the past of the dreaming and bring it to a certain stage of life in contact that was painful and has not been fully processed.... (People)
from a rise: you will realize that your troubles are only temporary.... (steam bath)
from a fall: it is very awkward and therefore scores very poorly or even lose the position... (dare)
If they fall down from the roof, they describe an opponent who wants to beat us with spiritual means.... (Roofing tiles)
from the wheel: about check not small damage, there are other large therefrom.... (hub)
A fig tree in the dream indicated generally indicate that the dreamer with a deeper spiritual awareness is in contact, from which it previously had no knowledge.... (Figs)
The well-known from ‘The Arabian Nights’ Abbassiden- ruler, the Caliph Haroun al Raschid was already aware when he had laid Baghdad district on the grounds that this city should be the mother of all cities by more than any other by their circular shape conveys maternal security.... (Geometric figures)
Family members, especially children, mean the whole family, because apart from what else they mean, it would also point to the relationship.... (Child (s))
A rich displays it rebellion from some relatives to... (head)
see: you will soon message from a distant country to receive.... (pilgrim)
dwindle see: you will be able to purify you from a false suspicion.... (fog)
Therefore, predicts the loom on which the work was begun, a long life, the one where the tissue to the section is completed, a short while, from which the fabric is cut off, the death announced.... (loom)
Ports and anchorages all mean always friends and benefactors, promontory and coves contrast people we perforce, but not appreciate freely and also prove to turn us from benevolence good.... (port)
you profit from the position of your friends.... (Deputat)
On the other hand one is convinced in many primitive peoples from the fact that the mask its support gives the strength of the animal shown with her.... (mask)
Wreaths from the date palm favor because of the interdependence matrimonial alliances with freeborn women and prophesy because of evergreen children, which is granted a long life... (Date tree)
The importance of the compass is seen mostly from the whole dream action.... (Heavenly directions)
For other uses may result from the following circumstances: see, fry or eat goose always promises success, often also in financial terms.... (goose)
drinking from a: a secret love is asking for trouble... (jug)
Perhaps it is the clown also expressed that it deviates from the standard, is it perhaps even ridiculed.... (clown)
From Bernstein says that he is the oldest stone that was used in jewelry.... (amber)
a beautiful: one is fortunate if one takes before villains from the immediate area in eight... (Afternoon)
Do not wait till from small great damage.... (Plastering)
In dreams all icons from the Nutrition and Care are the basic human needs for warmth, well-being, protection and livelihood in conjunction.... (Nutrition or care)
to withdraw from the labor market: means of transport in the near future, as are monetary gain through legal channels... (Cancellation (waiver))
Dreaming a young woman from the fact that men leer at her, she runs the risk of losing their integrity.... (squint)
An open word from a friend can bring a lot of new creative ideas.... (Teaching)
When Eurydice, the young wife of Orpheus, died of a snake bite, he took it with the permission of God Hades, he had stirred by his lamentations, from the underworld back... (head)
You govern yourself by the great plan from.... (Tinker)
it ride: the use at work has paid off and you will now be able to draw profit from it... (saddle)
Customer from distant countries, one facing exotic influences.... (Mohr)
a renewed friendship with someone from whom they were separated long.... (Yankee (nickname for Americans))
Who just so ‘or- Happy nothing’ one – has mastered challenge brilliantly and would like to withdraw downright joy, this overdose luck often processed in departure dreams: home situation, stand out a window seat on the plane, and is far from everything Everyday smaller and smaller – then off through the clouds into the boundless blue.... (departure)
from a clear draw and drink: you’ll take advantage of good fortunes... (source)
hear from violent shooting: agitation or turbulent events... (shoot)
also: reassurance and comfort from friends... (Snow / Snowberg / Snow melt)
broken keg: stand for separation from family or friends.... (Barrel)
on a be: there are a profitable business from home... (People’s Festival)
From Christ there is indeed no dream reports in the New Testament, but the great prophets of the Old Testament dreamed according to tradition and received in this dream visions their messages because they were open to it and also believed in this possibility of revelation in the theological sense.... (Religion / religious)