You were dreaming about horse chasing, right? Then this dreams' dictionary is where you'll find an answer to your question, what does it really mean to dream about horse chasing. Below are all the interpretations and all the meanings of what you have dreamed about. The horse chasing dream consists of 598 symbols:
see curious: a pleasant and carefree life you enjoy... (horse)
Donkeys and farm animals embody workers and subordinates... (horse)
beautiful harnessed to a cart, etc.... (horse)
restrain yourself: you bring your enemies to rest... (horse)
you will come to view.... (horse riding)
see shod: must do hard labor... (horse)
even fogged: keep your friends well, they are loyal to you and give... (horse)
On the other hand, it is in many (northern) regions of Europe as the legendary mythical creature, carrying the souls of the dead ‘on the shore, by the river, and in the other world’.... (Mold (white horse))
(See also the individual animal names, and ‘reins’, etc.)... (horse riding)
kill: poverty and misery are coming... (horse)
eat: come to Hard Times.... (Horse meat)
catch one, bridle and saddle or harness: it distinguished great business successes from... (horse)
runs it which, together with others: you will hear from sick friends... (horse)
see run past him: it stand out in a quiet, lazy days from... (horse)
free see in the paddock: to win back its independence and seeks to self-employment... (horse)
catch one and let slip away again: you are unlucky... (horse)
see in the stable: means prosperity... (horse)
Racehorses: reflect for an excess of debauchery and luxury... (horse)
see broodmares: apply as a sign of sincere feelings between lovers, married or not... (horse)
Noble Stallions: announce success and high standard of living, but also unseemly passion... (horse)
Draft: are expected for prosperity, which, however, various obstacles precede, even in love are difficulties... (horse)
see ways: one longs for or promise more freedom and independence in life... (horse)
see run: all your wishes will come true... (horse)
herald happiness and joy, usually means the dreams of horses honor, wealth and success... (horse)
Rules of psychic and usually sexually-erotic life... (horse)
you should be frugal.... (Horse meat)
dead behold: a sad event.... (horse)
bridle and harness of: one will start something new... (horse)
Volatile pleasures lie ahead... (horse)
Piebald: promised profit in various enterprises... (horse)
dirty and emaciated mold: a jealous boyfriend could abuse the trust... (horse)
wealth... (horse)
on a cow or an ox: you do not know what you want... (horse riding)
tame see: you have to grip tightly, you want to keep your happiness... (horse)
on a donkey: you make yourself ridiculous... (horse riding)
fall or see others fall: represents the loss of a high position.... (Horse carts)
see grazing Peace and Wealth... (horse)
it will open up good opportunities, you should use... (Horse carts)
wild, view full freedom: the unbridled enjoyment of pleasures, through which you so often brought them abundant nuisance, you come to stand still expensive... (horse)
(See also ‘buggy’, ‘team’, ‘coach’, ‘travel’)... (Horse carts)
possess: wealth and happiness is you sure... (horse)
on a camel: one will force you to strange things.... (horse riding)
see someone riding on it: be haughty... (horse)
on an elephant: you hurt yourself by großtun... (horse riding)
see in the pasture: desire for freedom and independence... (horse)
you will win influential people in prestige... (horse riding)
In addition to the sexual riding sometimes but the importance of travel, which can outline the ups and downs on our life.... (horse riding)
scheckig: glad ride to a feast... (horse)
also: stands for intellectual creativeness and leadership and has high spiritual goals... (horse)
White: wedding and christening... (horse)