You were dreaming about gun shot wound, right? Then this dreams' dictionary is where you'll find an answer to your question, what does it really mean to dream about gun shot wound. Below are all the interpretations and all the meanings of what you have dreamed about. The gun shot wound dream consists of 276 symbols:Especially the dreamed shot is an aggression icon you want something ‘kill’ or ‘bring down’ someone.... (firing)
One has an inferiority consciousness and must return the arrows which are shot at one... (Arrow (as projectile))
Be shot: proclaiming a fateful future, honor.... (shoot)
In the psychological interpretation of Sagittarius (Hunter) is a symbol shape for a goal-oriented approach, of which one other distracting rather: One would be free to decide when to set which step – then unhindered and ‘get a shot’ alone can.... (protect)
Shot drink: you tend to be self-deception or escape from reality... (drink)
Shot: you make a bad bargain... (drink)
Shot Drink in a dream is often associated with wickedness.... (brandy)
sharp shot: you need now a strong impetus to finally pull off a certain thing.... (brandy)
Then ‘the shot went off’ is flat.... (war)
Sometimes the successful golf shot also translates the happiness that is in one fell swoop into the house.... (Golf (Sports))
An object was sighted, then decides the accuracy whether something (or someone) ‘shot’ is.... (shoot)
If shot at a woman, it feels threatened by signs of aggression or sexuality.... (pistols)
If a woman is shot during the flight, this means that looking for their enemies to prevent their ascent to higher spheres of the benefit and prosperity.... (Fly (state))
Near Lying symbolizing profit one has ‘shot down’ by not work, but by conducive circumstances and cleverness in the competition.... (Hunting trophies)
In this opening shot inside, which probably could tend to indicate that you want to do in waking life deliberately, without themselves something to forgive (because one imagines himself behind the loophole in security) comes.... (Shooting range)
see shot dead: enemies could interfere in your private affairs... (ducks)
When suddenly a shot was heard, flew the pigeons away in four directions.... (direction)
As luck symbol, it is being shot a hare or eaten roast hare.... (hare)
Most understandable is the interpretation as a male organ in turret and gun.... (war)
(See also ‘gun’)... (shotgun)
(See also ‘gun’, ‘weapons’)... (Fire brigade)
(See also ‘shotgun’, ‘gun’)... (cannon)
(See also ‘sword’, ‘Gun’, ‘weapons’)... (Knife)
The so-called gun barrel is in any case of delays... (Weapon)
(See also ‘fight’, ‘gun’, ‘uniform’ and individual military equipment designations)... (army)
see compete with gun: Security... (guard)
with gun: you are threatened, but a good friend is loyal to you and protected you.... (guard)
(See also ‘gun’, ‘weapon’)... (revolver)
(See also ‘hunting’, ‘gun’ and some animal species)... (firing)
The immediate release results from the dream action when you fire a gun himself, said properties for the dreamer apply – when you see handle someone with the cannon, this person is the ‘energetic’ protagonist of the dream – and it has possibly the dreaming apart.... (cannon)
(See also ‘gun’, ‘firearms’)... (Carabiner (rifle))
(See also ‘gun’)... (hunting rifle)
In Freud male sex symbol, also signs of sexual tension and tension (the gun is well known, stretched).... (pistols)
Gun is generally interpreted as a weapon.... (pistols)
Gun and represent to conventional interpretation male sexuality.... (weapons)
At the spiritual level the gun symbolizes the male principle in a dream.... (pistols)
(See also ‘thunder’, ‘gun’, ‘noise’)... (canonendonner)
When a woman in a dream sees a gun, it is the masculine, aggressive side of her personality conscious.... (pistols)
The gun in the dream has something to do with the assertiveness of the dreaming and generally aggressive alleged power.... (pistols)
(See also ‘army’, ‘attack’, ‘military’, ‘gun’, ‘War’)... (artillery)
A gun has an obvious male and sexual meaning in dreams.... (pistols)
(See also ‘gun’)... (rifle)
(Gun), shoot it: would not reckless... (rifle)
(See also ‘bang’, ‘gun’, ‘excess’ and other weapons with which one can shoot)... (shoot)
with the gun: one will quarrel with friends... (fencing)
see flowing from a wound: Announcement of cares and infirmity... (blood)
(Yarn is wound): you have to compensate for unevenness.... (reel)
A wound, an ulcer, bleeding or craw-like swelling in the neck, these are all visible signs of abundance, which is paired with evils.... (neck)
(See also ‘blood’, ‘scar’, ‘operation’, ‘wound’ and the individual injured limb)... (Injury / injuries)
sore or wound: the thing is fraught with danger... (hand)