You were dreaming about getting pregnant, right? Then this dreams' dictionary is where you'll find an answer to your question, what does it really mean to dream about getting pregnant. Below are all the interpretations and all the meanings of what you have dreamed about. The getting pregnant dream consists of 137 symbols:
is a woman pregnant and has it one of the birds, they will bear a son, who gained fame.... (hawk)
If a woman dreams, they wear men’s clothes but no shoes, she will give birth to a boy, if she goes pregnant... (dress)
If you are trying to get a baby with your partner, the dream could tell you prematurely that you are pregnant – dreams know the diagnosis apparently sometimes earlier than any doctor.... (delivery)
If pregnant women of dreams, eating fish, an easy birth announces.... (fish)
has become fuller and plumper his bedding, he will, when he comes home again, found his wife pregnant.... (bed)
see a pregnant: delivers welcome news... (Mrs)
He had a wife, had never received you earlier that year but became pregnant and gave birth to male children.... (wheat)
is she pregnant, she is a girl give birth that same raise and bring to the man.... (wedding)
In my experience, does not always apply, but only if the woman is not pregnant or childless or has nothing to sell.... (wedding)
His mistress was pregnant and gave soon a little boy’s life.... (Eggs)
A woman who was pregnant, dreamed that she gave birth to a dragon.... (Dragon (the mythical creature))
Does he dream, his wife, who is pregnant, give birth to a daughter, she will give birth to a son, and the dreaming will be lucky... (Mrs)
She should also ask herself whether she is currently looking to get pregnant.... (delivery)
the woman is not pregnant and it seems to him, she would bear a son, great affliction and sorrow shall come upon him.... (Mrs)
A dream in which you were seller (in), may mean that ‘sell’ in the waking life wants something: maybe a plan, an idea, a project? Or yourself? If you buy however, even some of the / the dream-seller (in): Was this (r) trustworthy or cunning? If an attempt might, love and affection to buy, or is separated from too much or too often? Is this particular dream a statement on the emotional or financial security? Felt is exploited, because it was necessary in a dream to sell valuable or sentimental possession pregnant? If so, then bringing in life probably too many victims.... (Sell / seller)
one dreams repeatedly from getting a letter from a friend, this will arrive soon or contact... (letter)
see someone who treats an injured person: someone from your family or circle of friends is getting married... (doctor)
Is someone getting a ring with a reddish stone, it announces to him in accordance with its gloss at even greater power and joy... (finger ring)
ivory: the days are getting friendly... (ring)
Saxophone warns against getting bogged down in trivialities or to participate in gossip.... (saxophone)
Therefore, getting married sick prophesied death... (Funeral / burial)
First, it appears indeed doubtful, but turns out to be so profitable, the more you are getting into it.... (island)
What part of my being I’m getting to know you ready?... (Strangers)
This handy appliance is as simple as its symbolism: Who dreams of ironing want, fix something, and it runs the risk of getting ‘to burn their fingers’.... (Iron)
the same structural units, the same complexes and systems experience, can participate in getting higher and higher.... (spiral staircase)
eat nut on calls, not getting angry because you will soon be rewarded for trouble and effort.... (Nut / nuts)
Is in a place where no cross stood, one built, a new leader will soon after getting there... (cross)
Seeming it the emperor, he may eat a limb of a lion, he is from a foreign realm to win a part, an ordinary man is getting money and lavish gifts of imperial side and be master of his enemies.... (Lions)
Getting a spiritual life and of all that is the people expensive comes in the dream symbol vinegar as a preservative substance expressed.... (vinegar)
Very tall grass and overgrown meadows warn the dreaming, to avoid getting entangled in unreal ideas.... (weed)
getting nowhere fast itself: a lot of effort, little success... (threshing)
he’s mad: the enthusiasm for a not personally known people will quickly dwindle in getting to know... (Wine)
Also: escape from everyday life, danger of getting lost in ideas and concepts.... (Airport)
A dream from the pension or annuity may have an assurance that you need to have no fear of getting old, because you will be supplied.... (pension)
Getting a serving position.... (Lord / Reign)
also: by a carelessness threatens to getting into a difficult situation.... (Treason / traitor)
Therefore, getting married sick prophesied death... (wedding)
Had the dream great difficulty getting through to the dialed number, then the guard-I probably already greatly frustrated.... (phone)
getting caught.... (Arrested / arrested)
Why I’m afraid of getting caught? What I want to bring to a halt?... (Arrested / arrested)
there is a risk of getting into an ugly Klatscherei... (sparrow)
given by someone getting: promises happiness in family life and in their own family life... (shell)
Is someone getting an acquaintance hay, he will have in accordance with the present blessings and fortune from him.... (hay)
Is someone getting a dead man a worldly thing, he will attain temporal goods and increase in wealth.... (death)
her own husband goodbye and see are getting bigger while away: your harmonious togetherness is prevented initially by a noisy environment... (husband)
Also: One trouble is getting to a neighbor.... (cactus)
This is easily envisioned in data, but also the daily time may refer to the time of getting up, an appointment or meeting.... (time)
Beware of arrogance! Give nothing to the opinion of others and are not aware that the difficulties are getting bigger... (pyre)
see or participate in: getting an unexpected inheritance... (funeral procession)
Dreaming one, he dig on his land a fountain and run into clear water, it is a beautiful woman getting and witness with your picture beautiful and well-formed children, because the water is clean, but also to be rich according to the abundance of water.... (fountain)