frog jumping on me in my dreams DREAM INTERPRETATIONS
You were dreaming about frog jumping on me in my dreams, right? Then this dreams' dictionary is where you'll find an answer to your question, what does it really mean to dream about frog jumping on me in my dreams. Below are all the interpretations and all the meanings of what you have dreamed about. The frog jumping on me in my dreams dream consists of 1910 symbols:
If a girl dreams to have become thin, then tears are displayed to a lost love.... (thin)
The four cardinal points are less frequent in dreams, though they frequently characterize indirectly a dream.... (direction)
Somebody dreams that some were broken by the upper large fins, which will cause bitter suffering wife, except that they prostrate is sick or quarrel with him... (ribs)
According to the traditional interpretation of dreams, the symbol also austerities and waivers may announce in life.... (Virgin)
In dreams of women can show the liberation of the superior power, because in the story, the woman survived the entering the room and restrains the male fiend.... (Blaubart)
Dreams of babies or birth are often for terms such as waxes, care and a fresh start.... (infant)
If a woman dreams of hunting dogs, they will fall in love with a man beneath her.... (Hunting dogs)
There are dreams that are associated with marked Horror feelings that attack us, but we see no reason and occasion.... (nightmare)
Dreams with this continent indicate, therefore, that you will reach the goal through these features soon, or should strive more to take the own timidity.... (America)
The onion may occur in dreams and meditation as a symbol of wholeness... (onion)
If one dreams to have very small children or to look, so that’s when it’s your own, for men and women of bad omen... (Child (s))
In Dreams from the attic one often encounters strange, archaic and illicit content on fantasies and many grumble.... (Attic floor)
Who just so ‘or- Happy nothing’ one – has mastered challenge brilliantly and would like to withdraw downright joy, this overdose luck often processed in departure dreams: home situation, stand out a window seat on the plane, and is far from everything Everyday smaller and smaller – then off through the clouds into the boundless blue.... (departure)
In particular, when the dreaming suffers from internal conflicts, he dreams in opposites (eg male / female, old / young, clever / stupid).... (opposites)
A simple one dreams of a double cake: it shows him his own marriage... (cake)
If one dreams of having a big head, so brings a rich man who has not filled no political office, also a poor, an athlete, a believer, a banker and a Eranarchen (Originally head of meals or symposia on joint costs were organized, then chairman of mergers with interest-free partnership for various purposes, eg... (head)
Dreams of wild animals are seen as very positive, as our life energy is expressed in them.... (animals)
Therefore, the meaning of such dreams also depends on the age (and social environment) of the person concerned.... (Mansarde (room in the attic))
The Emperor also bears witness to this interpretation: is a servant of the Emperor to be afraid of his anger and he dreams, the emperor let him come and look at him, this will forgive him all their iniquities and awarded... (Christ)
Who dreams of him longs and should at least take a break while on vacation.... (Moose)
In some dreams can this be translated as the taunts, the ‘love’ keep fellow ready for us.... (embroidery)
These dreams may simply be the response to the developing life, but sometimes symbolic interpretations must be considered.... (infant)
It would still be to lead many risk dreams.... (danger)
The meaning of dreams envelopes may depend on the context of the envelope in a dream and it of the emotional reaction of the dreaming.... (envelope)
If one dreams repeatedly the same at short intervals, so it always means the same thing.... (repeat)
Often asthma displays in dreams of healthy people that they suffocate almost under the weight of its responsibilities and problems, can no longer develop, responding perhaps to be hypersensitive (allergic figuratively).... (Asthma / asthma attack)
Dreams of babies often indicate positive creativity and hope.... (infant)
All dreams of physical impairment due to illness have real difficulties there, but someone who suffers from asthma, is more likely to dream of being able to breathe freely, as. From his illness... (Asthma / asthma attack)
Often feelings are amplified in dreams.... (Longing / longing)
In the modern interpretation of dreams, there is the traditional explanation of Alpdrückens – namely as an expression of sexual harassment in a dream – no longer, if only because the nightmare seems to occur most often in children – even if it objectively is very rare.... (nightmare)
Quite different, if you can find it in the dream funny, just for fun ‘in rags’ (or in very sloppy, cheap-looking presentation) to be on the way: One has dropouts dreams and desire to provoke – and everything Conventional one feels (at least in this period) as troublesome, untimely restriction.... (rags)
see smoke: taking refuge from fear of reality in dreams.... (tobacco)
also: says a separation of the dreams ahead... (ink)
Dreams of mansard have in the elderly often have this symbol of a ‘hovel’ (and fear of) itself.... (Mansarde (room in the attic))
So all appearing in dreams strange machines should be understood as a warning signal, wherein everyday machines such.... (machine)
Dreams of this kind never be repeated in the same night, often not even within several weeks, if at all.... (nightmare)
If the dreaming has found a new approach to his personality and then learn to deal with it, then this is expressed frequently in dreams by a school situation or by means of a classroom from.... (school)
But otherwise it’s cold in the soul when one dreams of ice and snow.... (danger)
Dreams of the people around forty know to report of such implementation of an internal judgment.... (Court of)
Asthma can occur in dreams in sick Paroxysmal... (Asthma / asthma attack)
Just at the turning point in life when we hiked the apex height of our existence, and in the distance the dark gate of death appears at near or distant horizons, to get closer to death and death dreams and help the hesitant insight to the inevitable not only in bitter angst guessed, but consciously and our lifestyle then shaping to accept.... (death)
Eye dreams detect the existence and our inner attitude towards it.... (eyes)
In dreams, the motivating impulse or the energy needed by the dreamer in a given situation, are shown as a motor.... (motor)
‘Everyone has to carry his pack’ – it is in this sense a symbol of everyday stresses and worries, even in dreams meaning.... (parcel)
In the interpretation of dreams is to pay attention to the skirt length, which is generally may say: The shorter the skirt, the more the ‘seam’.... (dress)
Wisdom is a property that can be promoted through the interpretation of their own as well as foreign dreams.... (wisdom)
Did you have the dream lust for power? Were you intrigued to have power over others? In such dreams one is confronted with its own strengths and weaknesses, you get a mirror held up, where you can see how far you would go yourself: Maybe she would have been only availed to ‘jump shadow’ over his and lay inhibitions which arose from a feeling of powerlessness, inferiority.... (Power / powerless)
If one dreams of, to be wise, it indicates the ability to cope with life successfully and to develop meaningful relationships with others.... (wisdom)
Dreams in which trees are planted, may mean that a proposal which may now look unpromising, could lead over time to success.... (tree)
Dreams from the attic are always somewhat suspicious.... (Attic floor)