frog jumping on me in my dreams DREAM INTERPRETATIONS
You were dreaming about frog jumping on me in my dreams, right? Then this dreams' dictionary is where you'll find an answer to your question, what does it really mean to dream about frog jumping on me in my dreams. Below are all the interpretations and all the meanings of what you have dreamed about. The frog jumping on me in my dreams dream consists of 1910 symbols:
Some dreams reflect recognizable scenes that we have seen just before bedtime on TV or in a movie.... (TV / TV)
Like all dreams of flowers and this has an erotic significance.... (violet)
Who dreams, suddenly losing his hair, has to cope with a recent fear of loss during this period.... (bald)
What the interpretation of the teeth is concerned, which allows a multiple determination, so a true understanding is only in our days very few interpreters of dreams have been developed, wherein Aristandros from Telmessos (From the historians of Alexander the Great frequently mentioned soothsayers and diviners of Makkadonenkönigs.... (teeth)
If a woman dreams of a mythical deity, her, this helps to understand different aspects of their personality.... (gods)
The rodent, which can store in its cheek pouches up to 50 grams of cereal, is also in the interpretation of dreams emblematic of hamsters and gluttony.... (Hamster (rodent))
One can such dreams but also often interpreted as a loss of inner balance.... (Christ)
Who dreams of a state of calm (or of rest), it has desperately needed: a depletion dream!... (Quiet)
Often one dreams of concrete married, wedding or even of sexual intercourse, this then expresses the desire for a solid, harmonious relationship.... (marriage)
He is the first datable author who strove for a unfassende Scheme in place of a more random collection of examples of dreams.) Gave the most and best policies.... (teeth)
As the only true proves what is predicated of sacrificial priests, bird showers, astronomers, of Wunderzeichen- and interpreters of dreams and visceral showers in the dream.... (Warranties)
The dreams of the dead go to almost always even.... (death)
If a woman dreams of an eagle under this sexual aspect, is perhaps their sexual life unfulfilled and she wants to be taken of a strong man in possession.... (Eagle)
The dreaming is ‘foreign powers delivered’ feels – if the recurrence of such dreams often, a therapist should be consulted.... (occupation)
Blue sky and sunshine form one of the most auspicious of all dreams, because he predicts prosperity in money matters, happiness in the home and society loyal friends.... (the atmosphere)
Bringer of dreams... (owl)
In dreams she often appears in historical, flowing robes, to emphasize their sex appeal in addition.... (Archetypes)
At the spiritual level is the field for Mother Earth, for the great nurturer and possibly for the ‘Field of Dreams’.... (field)
The diseases and events that occur in dreams are always for mental illness and solutions.... (hospital)
Depth psychology sees abortion dreams which are very numerous, a bit embarrassing parable of liberation from something psychologically Erledigtem.... (toilet)
This is especially true for stories that one dreams repeatedly or even in installments (as a film series).... (story)
Akhmet: One of the dignitaries Mamun had a dream and therefore turned to the interpreter of dreams Sirin: ‘. I dreamed that I was standing on a wide, flat field, the first overgrown and full of grass was, but then was skinny and bald’ The Traumdeuter Sirin said, ‘The one who dreamed this, has an unstable and ambivalent nature.’ And as Sirin had judged, his judgment was confirmed on the dreaming.... (field)
The importance of clothes dreams immediately becomes clear when one considers the function of the dress.... (dress)
If he dreams of a cutter, it can also refer to a person who bears the surname Schneider.... (cutter)
One often dreams of a seat if you can not find fulfillment in living with his partner, one would hope for.... (Bench (for sitting))
As a symbol of security shows the womb in dreams often as a pocket or bag.... (bags)
It happens that the dreaming talks in his sleep during such dreams.... (language)
Indignation (eg via other), by the processing of current events in dreams arise and then usually no deeper meaning.... (indignation)
Dreams from baking bread to symbolize the desire for the ‘small fortune’ – domesticity, family formation, manageable, solid relationships without much excitement.... (to bake)
Depending on the circumstances, dreams can be a symbol of the fundamental forces of nature, brute force or a catalyst of the anvil in a dream.... (Anvil)
According to the accompanying in the dreams you can still see the following meaning in it: see ear warns sometimes against defamation.... (ears)
If one dreams of another was a bastard, so facing a significant increase in the social category.... (bastard)
Anyone who sees a flagpole in woman dreams or contributes so indicates sexual wishes and desires.... (banner)
If one dreams of being a bastard, we may expect a great homage: While it is not a financial improvement in sight, but glory and honor to come to you.... (bastard)
Who dreams of hand his apartment or... (House demolition)
Such dreams should be interpreted as an indication that they ‘do something in time’ (actively) has to initiate a positive change.... (business hours)
If one dreams of sacks, one is its potential and his abilities basically not deliberately.... (bags)
Maybe the dreaming wants to punish for any alleged offense and dreams, as a substitute for action, of sadistic behavior.... (Sadism / sadist)
the same interpretation applies when such dreams of other houses.... (rain)
how could it be therefore that one who dreams of an ordinary or simple man is? Is someone another of the fruit of Zimtrindenbaums from, he will share with this wealth and power.... (cinnamon)
Dreams of polished diamonds are often associated with personal relationships.... (diamond)
If a woman dreams of a Great Dane, which is a sign that her lover is faithful.... (dog)
Discoverable erotic dreams chased many men and women of the 19th... (eroticism)
The passbook She admonishes in dreams, to flow your energies and do not hold them back.... (Sparbuch)
Conversely predicts every priest or state office from which man is excluded, this equally death if he dreams the office in question being the holder.... (Priest)
they can be as playful as other dreams and just as often use puns or eloquent allusions.... (plants)
The Noble Arabian stallion is equated in the interpretation of dreams with high position and dignity, in accordance with the mare with a noble woman... (horse)
At the spiritual level, creative urge in dreams, among other things in the jaws represents.... (to bake)
Dreams that speak of death, in which many strange images a death takes place, in which we have to die themselves, or even participate in its own funeral, say nothing else than that mentally something is dead, that the relationship with the people that we dream as dead, the time of life lacks.... (death)
Dreams of ships and boats showing how the dreaming mastered his own and other people’s feelings.... (ship)