fire balls falling from the sky DREAM INTERPRETATIONS
You were dreaming about fire balls falling from the sky, right? Then this dreams' dictionary is where you'll find an answer to your question, what does it really mean to dream about fire balls falling from the sky. Below are all the interpretations and all the meanings of what you have dreamed about. The fire balls falling from the sky dream consists of 5358 symbols:
the tensions with the partners are best removed from the world.... (ballet)
A relative or superior, who has given you an inheritance that removes you from the defect... (yew)
Perhaps he has gone too far in a matter from which he can not get out now.... (spider)
see: keep secret between himself and other delicate spun yarns or soon will be spinning it from prying eyes, because they can be easily destroyed otherwise... (Spiderweb / spiderweb)
Caliper can warn or indicate that you are not allowed to abuse from other egoism against arrogance.... (saddle)
Symbolic place of the unconscious, to be revealed transported from the ‘internal resources’.... (Christmas cake)
from a self-mercy call: come in bedrängnisvolle situations... (demand)
They represent trends and propensities which one has inherited from his ancestors.... (heirloom)
For from every district of the inner and the outer life can ascend danger.... (danger)
Sometimes it also announces the separation from a loved one, under which one will suffer greatly.... (grid)
The part of his personality that his is itself safe and not much ‘input’ from other people need may direct the life of the dreamer – provided it creates the appropriate conditions.... (pilgrim)
Is a dream from the fact that the dreaming in the center is about of a group, then this symbolizes the knowledge about the ability to cope with a situation and to be at the center.... (center)
leaking barrel, leaking from the liquid: warns against large financial losses... (Barrel)
Or one feels from the concerns to a large estate ( ‘rich land’) and overwhelmed its preservation.... (fat)
when Hafner: by blaming your wife the happiness will turn away from house and home, –... (pot)
participate and emerge victorious from this: one will achieve a goal after great difficulties, without having pleasure... (duel)
Exemption from responsibility.... (alcohol)
is the soul of another in one: one will receive encouragement and blessings from a still yet unknown friend... (soul)
Who has begun to realize his life’s dream, who was watching intensely in love, dreams more often than others from the walk among fragrant flowering branches.... (tree blossom)
Who dreams often erotic bar scenes, in which he himself will remain as unrecognized, repressed desire for sexual adventures ‘away from home’ – or with friends.... (Bear)
Remember the night and separate the emotions from the thought.... (Lady (woman))
In general, the fruit-bearing are more favorable than the wild, and the oil and the laurel tree exempt from the fruit-bearing ones that do not lose their leaves.... (tree)
Success or profit will be a grudge from other... (Pitch (sealing material))
a specific person with whom you used to stand in close relationship will, from a know nothing.... (Porte)
Departs from the train, you will soon have to say goodbye to a loved one.... (railroad)
also: you have not learned much from his experience and still has to learn to... (china)
this frees it from their oppressors... (ship)
School asks mostly, to learn from experience.... (school)
from the bed of a sick person: The most difficult time is overcome: Now everything will be easier.... (get up)
There is the opinion that this would arise from our hidden frustrations, repression or self-condemnation.... (nightmare)
see: receive news from afar... (pilgrim)
see and drink from good: good intentions grasp and live godly... (cup)
for the body of the deceased dissolves into the fabric on, from which it was constructed and formed, and because it is made of earth essentially, he turns back into his appropriate matter.... (mother)
Dreaming of the emperors, he adore a picture of our Lord Jesus Christ crucified, it kisses or teach a request to the image, it will triumph over his enemies and be glad of his fame, because the cross with the adhering to it body of our Lord Jesus Christ mighty means victory and deliverance from all distress... (Christ)
also: a sign that you will estrange from someone close... (telegram)
You might want to warn your dream before someone in your area from which you put at risk.... (crossotter)
escape into the wild before a: it expects a business or personal embarrassment, however, can be created with little effort from the world... (leopard)
A dress from grandma wardrobe which attract mostly older dreamers, translated the desire to grow old in dignity and to ignore the scoffers who begrudge us much.... (dress)
at another he may announce that you will beat an opponent from the field.... (leg)
protect yourself from fraudsters.... (Buchs tree)
a letter from a distance will arrive... (news)
hear shouting: watch your children from harm... (night owl)
This release him from responsibility and give him a sense of security, which comes in the dream expressed.... (umbrella)
If it has been completely cut off an ear, the person concerned will exclude him from their friendship.... (ears)
It is necessary to break free from thinking and desire.... (Buddha)
Make sure, from which the cutlery is whether it possesses special forms.... (cutlery)
it goes from no pain, it only delayed for the time they are executed.... (teeth)
Remove negativity from a situation that makes things clearer and purer than they were before... (Hummingbird (bird))
Buy from a slightly or act with him, promises good business.... (junkyard)
Often speaks of envy from the image of the monster that others better off than ourselves.... (Abortion)