fire balls falling from the sky DREAM INTERPRETATIONS
You were dreaming about fire balls falling from the sky, right? Then this dreams' dictionary is where you'll find an answer to your question, what does it really mean to dream about fire balls falling from the sky. Below are all the interpretations and all the meanings of what you have dreamed about. The fire balls falling from the sky dream consists of 5358 symbols:
Fire inside... (candle)
see (fire engine): tells an unpleasant surprise... (syringe)
In the negative sense they can of course also give rise to a fire.... (Spark)
(Fire), are working: you will assist a Friend... (syringe)
(See also ‘fire’, ‘bonfire’, ‘Candle’)... (Donnervogel)
fire... (candle)
The fire-breathing mountain points to traits that we should sit, to stand before us can.... (volcano)
On it is in such dreams since the vessel of our life is hardened by fire of the furnace, pointed.... (potter)
The ostensible symbol of fertility of autumn has a double bottom: One should ‘pull the chestnuts out of the fire’ someone – something unpleasant for other do – or take a risk in the interest of others to themselves.... (chestnuts)
In any case, red symbolizes an intense, passionate process or state – either positive or negative sense: It is the color of blood, the fire – the overwhelming (and uncontrollable) feelings.... (Red (color))
Candles grasp the element fire... (candle)
see fire: through a friend you experience things that will not please you... (cannon)
Transcendent meaning: Gift of the element Fire... (Red (color))
Here is the speech that rekindle the fire of love and thus promise marriage or marital happiness of the igniting spark.... (Spark)
see a forest fire: you should pay attention to all the physical symptoms... (forest)
The element that is associated with Mudjekeewis compound is the fire, as a mineral it is the soapstone when plant the cedar and the animal the grizzly aside... (Mudjekeewis, the Western guardian of the spirit)
(See also ‘building’, ‘home’, ‘house fire’, ‘key’, ‘castle’, ‘security’, ‘city’, ‘goal’)... (door)
are the enemy ships on fire, its demise will be sealed.... (Imperial ships)
Rises Helios down to the earth, he indicates fire and arson.... (gods)
Red is one of the priority colors of fire, as the color that you see in your own eyes, after having looked for a while in the sun.... (Red (color))
Formerly the interpretation of dreams took him literally – the fire-breathing mythical creatures had symbolizing a wicked woman (or... (Dragon (the mythical creature))
fire: celebrate great mirth... (cannon)
Also: Danger of fire or water damage, or even accident... (Hurry)
(See also ‘fire’, ‘Chimney sweep’)... (sweep)
the fire: your love is just flash in the pan... (syringe)
(See also ‘fire’, ‘Animals’, ‘Birds’)... (peacock)
often come in the roof fire also unconscious desires and fantasies expressed.... (roof)
see fire: it will be opened for you by various care and sorrow.... (cannon)
running away: you get into fire or water shortage.... (Workers)
Work with the element fire... (candle)
Are we even dream of pottery, then we have to mold and make the fire of purification itself.... (potter)
Fire.... (Steel helmet)
(See also ‘fire’, ‘Light’, ‘light’)... (lamp)
Lava is in the inner circle of the Medizinrads Mineral Totem associated with fire Thunderbird clan.... (lava rock)
fire... (lava rock)
See with bright fire: have good prospects... (fireplace)
You can bring about change by dry land in lightning strike and resulting fire.... (Thundering)
If you sit in front of a fireplace with fire, you can expect a more carefree future.... (fireplace)
(See also ‘building’, ‘house fire’, ‘Wall’)... (wall)
In (light) fire: experience joy and pleasure... (fireplace)
One should also remember that fire and heat are often sexual symbols.... (energy)
With wood fire: you will have a beautiful marriage... (fireplace)
(See also ‘fire’, ’tile’, ‘home’, ‘thatch’)... (roof)
Without fire: unfavorable sign for career prospects... (fireplace)
To see oneself sitting before one with bright fire: to have happiness in love... (fireplace)
Sets the dragon trees in fire or he uprooted them, the inhabitants will suffer according to the singeing, burning and uprooting heavy calamity.... (Dragon (the mythical creature))
The fire inside... (lava rock)
If the fire is smoky and the smoke is draining badly or not at all, it is in the private life ‘smoke in the kitchen’.... (fireplace)
If the fire burns brightly and brightly in the dream fireplace, we have no fear either in the intimate or in the workplace, because we are always with the passion and endurance with the thing.... (fireplace)
an eagle ate his liver every day, the junior repeatedly.), because he has molded people and stolen the fire, an evil end.... (People)