fire balls falling from the sky DREAM INTERPRETATIONS
You were dreaming about fire balls falling from the sky, right? Then this dreams' dictionary is where you'll find an answer to your question, what does it really mean to dream about fire balls falling from the sky. Below are all the interpretations and all the meanings of what you have dreamed about. The fire balls falling from the sky dream consists of 5358 symbols:
see flying high in the sky: there is a view to be the favorite of a very important person... (vulture)
Airports indicate changes, the aircraft a bringing in the sky and thus emphasizes the spiritual dimension of this change.... (Airport)
Exploration your connection with the energy of the earth and the sky... (tree)
Sky: It is a state of being in which the energy has a high vibration, that there is no more suffering.... (Religious pictures)
Blue is the color of the water on earth and the sky that we see on a clear day over us.... (blue)
against the sky (up): means a trip, for servants luck... (Fly (state))
an even known people see in the sky: this will do by oneself something silly, which must suffer other innocent... (firmament)
overcast sky: difficulties will come.... (Clouds)
a giant with a dome that soars into the sky, see: promises that you will be plagued by jealousy and desire for unattainable unglückseligem... (cathedral)
Transcendent meaning: A newly added connection with the earth, the sky and the water... (crane)
because in the dream, the fear was so powerful that it was believed that the earth does not offer enough protection for escape and one was therefore to reach the sky.... (Fly (state))
in the sky: a big promise is made to you... (cross)
see illuminate the clouds of the sky you will be hurt by the lies of your fellow men in your glory... (star hotel)
see a starless sky: Warning of an accident or a sign of ignored inner guide, which one now is on the wrong life.... (star hotel)
Connection to earth, sky and water... (crane)
The cross divides the world or the sky in the cardinal directions.... (cross)
A nuclear explosion triggers a mushroom-like appearance in the sky, a dream about a fungus can therefore prophetically point to an accident involving nuclear power or show an extraordinary rapid change of yourself in a particular situation.... (mushroom)
because as the sky, the seat of the gods, so Italy is the seat of the emperor.... (Fly (state))
for all things in the sky are perceiving clearly visible and for everyone.... (Fly (state))
high in the sky: do not be sad, your plan will succeed.... (Clouds)
(See also ‘flash’, ‘thunder’, ‘storm’, ‘sky’, ‘Weather’, ‘Wind’)... (Clouds)
see lights in the cloudless sky: your hopes will be fulfilled... (Evening Star)
see starless sky: Warning of an accident or a sign that we have not followed the lead and are on the wrong way.... (Stars)
he speaks of the earth with the stars in the sky or it reads characters, the dream will take the same starting for him.... (Fly (state))
Father Sun is associated with sky blue... (blue)
quiet, silent under a clear sky: announces a happy home... (sea)
(See also ‘sky’, ‘Cloud’)... (High (weather))
Crescent is when the moon appears exactly between full and new moon, as half a slice of the night sky.... (half moon)
Patriarchy seeks his God always up in the sky and pray therefore the spiritual and the corporeal demonized.... (positions)
But they can also contact us reflect the aim to expand with their own work until into the sky.... (Factory chimney / factory towers)
behold an angel or spirit in the sky indicates the loss of relatives and calamity... (ghosts)
Snakes belong to the female dream world like stars in the sky.... (Snake)
The way how beans and peas entwine up to the sky, or the fact that root vegetable grows underground, can be significant, possibly an allusion to aspiration and ambition or laborious thoroughness.... (vegetables)
a female spirit in long robes who floats quietly through the sky: one will make progress in scientific studies and effortlessly accumulate wealth... (ghosts)
(See also ‘aircraft’, ‘sky’, ‘travel’, ‘jump’)... (Fly (state))
A temple symbolizes the beauty of the sky, because it includes both a sanctuary for people, as well as a place where the divine resides.... (temple)
Children see the lighted sky: it is advised to keep the emotions under control, since irreparable mistakes are made in the excitement of an apparent carelessness... (Lights)
in the sky: you will put something in great terror.... (Waterhose)
A soaring in the sky Bird points to spiritual consciousness or the part of the dreamer who seeks knowledge.... (birds)
glowing human figures or animals in the sky: mean failure and grief... (Lights)
Anyone who sees a starry sky in a dream image, the stand, the star low.... (star hotel)
You meanings: Blue: This is the color of the clear blue sky.... (To dye)
A dream in which one observes the night sky and maybe even planning an interplanetary or even interstellar travel, indicates that you have the ambition to take it as far as possible in his field.... (star hotel)
glowing sky and moon and unnatural stars and a red or golden sun: prophesy terrible suffering... (Lights)
is abnormally quick or advanced departures the sky and forth manner, dropping see: meant an approaching catastrophe.... (Sun)
Certain constellations were given names that were associated with legends which the human-readable made these incomprehensible points of light in the night sky.... (star hotel)
Attracts the birds undisturbed in the sky circling, is the speech that should be achieved within the life of the high ideals.... (hawk)
The to be seen only in northern Europe the night sky over withdrawing phenomenon will probably make the dreamer attention to be somewhat fickle nature, change in the light with downsides.... (Northern lights)
and Moon see also the sky: Radical changes are in preparation.... (Sun)
Drag dark clouds on the sky dream on, they are images for depressive or pessimistic thoughts.... (Clouds)