You were dreaming about finding lost things, right? Then this dreams' dictionary is where you'll find an answer to your question, what does it really mean to dream about finding lost things. Below are all the interpretations and all the meanings of what you have dreamed about. The finding lost things dream consists of 1347 symbols:
Happiness in things... (parents)
climb: thou must first bring your business in order and then think of other things... (tower)
see one: monetary gain and happiness in all things... (giant)
Perhaps the symbol warns also against attach certain things too much importance, they exaggerate unnecessarily.... (Binoculars / telescope)
In some dreams, the situation is such that in a large department store floor – it is the external reality of the world of a thousand things – be sold to the butcher’s tremendous amounts often bloody flesh.... (Food)
In any case, the character is going to call, better pay attention to the language of things and to push aside not so many of his thoughts and feelings.... (fever)
Degen and larger instruments: you dangerous and great things in mind... (grind)
because heavy things fall rapidly down.... (ore)
A blank newspaper page can mean two things: firstly, that the desired information for the dreaming for various reasons are not accessible, and the second, that the reason are the dreamer available so that it makes available to the use of other people.... (newspaper)
In home and family things is imminent a happy, relaxed time.... (geranium)
however Plays it not good, they will lose their advantage and long for things that they will never be able to call their property.... (Violin / Violin Concerto)
singing (hymns) and listening to: difficulties in all things.... (anthem)
Sometimes hovers the dreamer even over the marsh to go there – a good sign: it will be available in everyday life over things!... (moor)
the mind is focused on worldly things... (mystic)
the dreamer learns to appreciate finer, better things.... (taste)
A passport in a dream may also symbolize the permission for the dreaming to deal with new things or break into new areas of experience.... (Passport)
Comes in a dream before a teacher, things are different: teachers may indicate spilled sadistic or masochistic.... (teacher)
The knot of people dreamed describes many fear that one does not come with an application for the course, that too many people could have a say in certain things.... (ball)
exhorted to courage and endurance in things... (Auerhahn)
you should try to be compassionate in smaller things and big events will emerge from it.... (certificate)
Also: good and bad things will alternate in the near future... (zebra)
But if he does his nose stuck in things that do not concern him, then for waking life, the interpretation is allowed that he too curious, perhaps even tactless confronts its environment.... (nose)
Get a high price for an object: one should think about whether one is concentrating on the really important things of life.... (price)
In the dream of something new is made to a fresh start, to look in a new way the things and deal with situations, or perhaps a new pair relationship.... (New / New)
you do not bother to look at things from the perspective of other people... (certificate)
see or speak to him, signifies instruction in some things get, without that they would just clever by damage... (ranger)
it is cut: means a complete failure in all things.... (Sugar cane)
The dream of a label has to do with the urge of man to give names to things and to personalize.... (label)
deliberately repressed little things have their meaning... (insects)
Was the dream coach a biplane, you should try to look at things from different angles.... (bus)
a swarm: strong harassment from unpleasant people or things... (insects)
Astrologer is to be understood in the dream as wise counselor, but to greater success and personal development also helps urged to seek not so much dominated by material things.... (Astrologer (-ie))
To dream, to be a giant, is a warning of adventurous things, hubris and megalomania: The dreaming could be about to commit an irreparable mistake.... (giant)
And you do not want to wait for someone or something at your own pace annährt – to ‘bring it forth’: Zoom! A telescope can point out that the dreaming must reflect on things with both a short- and a long-term perspective.... (Binoculars / telescope)
The crash in the dream indicates a loss which can refer either to the dreamer himself, other people or things.... (Crash / crash)
search for mines: to participate in useless things.... (Mining)
you should then learn to better control and not easy to let things slide.... (mattress)
A well-ordered library refers to the ability to maintain an overview in mind things.... (Library)
see gunpowder: advises not to go too far in all things... (powder)
One should therefore always consider things from two sides, not get carried away in happiness and in misfortune the other hand, do not despair.... (zebra)
If the view is clear or blurry? Among other things, the following interpretations are possible from the surrounding circumstances: Closed windows announce resistors that will be but brave tackle.... (window)
he seeks for worldly things, he will attain wealth by a prince, but fear of princes.... (Clouds)
In general, it is often interpreted as a seduction of the dreamer by worldly material things and then can warn to be led too easily tempted.... (Apple (apples))
We consider a model and work as an artist with him that could pointed this out that we in the daily life of the head for other things as is for ‘Trautem Home – happiness alone’.... (Model / model)
with chicks or pullets: say happy things ahead, however, require some effort... (Chicken)
do: lay hands Do not fuck things that you do not understand... (Model / model)
see: experience kinky things... (hay)
The dream will perhaps say that our wake I many things are – especially its intelligence – should not be too sure.... (childhood)
Artemis is always as Agrotera and as Elaphebolos (Agrotera = Slayer = Elaphebolos Hirscherlegerin) in terms of things cheaper than if it is presented in a different way.... (gods)
Look at cages: dangerous things will not worry you.... (pirates)