You were dreaming about finding lost things, right? Then this dreams' dictionary is where you'll find an answer to your question, what does it really mean to dream about finding lost things. Below are all the interpretations and all the meanings of what you have dreamed about. The finding lost things dream consists of 1347 symbols:
Often, they also point out that not give trivial things too much attention, but focus on what you want, what is really important.... (Chicken)
Playing see: you happy about your things be... (boy)
It is necessary to listen to the language of things and to act accordingly.... (Barracks)
he unexpectedly achieve great things.... (Ringfights / rings)
The scales mean namely the ears of the judge, things in the speeches of the litigants.... (Libra)
also: you want to look different than they are, that brings danger things.... (fantasize)
One of the hardest things both in life and in the dream is breaking through the barriers that every human being has originally for its protection, built.... (tickle)
it would be better to keep some things for themselves... (dress)
you bogged down with unimportant things and should not be so talkative blurt out everything... (straw)
one should not engage in unsafe things that would lead one to the ‘straight and narrow’.... (slide)
sow:, thou art with unnecessary things... (Cos (Lettuce))
using an unknown, bad road: speaks for the beginning of new things that bring nothing but trouble and loss of time... (country road)
In his dreams, the human things or situations that are seemingly nonsensical creates.... (Bizarre)
things turn out differently than you think.... (cooling down)
Handover of a letter by him to be inconvenient for old dream books, all other things promise pleasant news.... (delivery boy)
Brass things: promised dissensions – yes polished, the sharper the dispute... (Brass)
you will do with other nice things... (Coffee Mugs)
Birds dream express the human need to project its properties to objects and living things outside himself.... (birds)
Vocational suffer hideous things... (Religion / religious)
smoke and smelly: you’ll drive reprehensible things.... (tobacco pipe)
Have courage, now things are looking up.... (New Year)
serene, clear blue see: happy things and joy are before thee... (sky)
Among other things, one can derive the following meanings: The folded-over belt indicates an intimate relationship in which love blooms, perhaps even on the solid band which encloses a marriage.... (belt)
Happiness is a before, in Friendship things as in love affairs.... (knob)
even be wealthy: one will carry happy things and maintain connections to wealthy people... (prosperity)
catch: You’re lucky in your shops and things.... (Birds of prey)
Maybe you let things in life just to come to you?... (patient)
Fears of death and dying are expressed in dreams, among other things in the image of that one in a valley, the valley of death, enters.... (valley)
but first need to make progress in life the necessary things.... (school)
judge your views on things beyond Earth.... (star hotel)
Luck with things... (baker)
self: do not concern yourself with things that you do not understand, could you hurt yourself otherwise... (cooking)
showing happiness in things, if diligence and perseverance are present... (saw)
As soon as man knows what he is seeking, he is aware of the value of things, his surroundings, and the possible experiences.... (precious stones)
Things that can not happen in real life, only arouse false hopes.... (wonder)
Few things will prophesy in little: It dreamed an example... (eyes)
one should examine his things thoroughly before you enter into commitments... (smoke)
At the spiritual level, the skirt in a dream a hallmark of the championship in craft, but also in spiritual things.... (Write a review!)
a filled (with different things), see: can almost always satisfy your own desires... (wallet)
If one sees others apparently dead, one should in waking life do not get upset about things that are again not so bad now.... (Shall death)
After such a dream we should literally shake itself and to approach with more vigor to the things that we do not miss anything important.... (sleeping car)
swollen or ill: delays in all things... (foot)
Your things can not keep up.... (gravel)
Namely, it is like the mother of the earth, because it is the nourisher and creator of all things.... (mother)
shed: to undertake laborious things... (sweat)
Success in things and move to a big city... (ants)
A group of elderly people in the dream represents generally traditions and rules of behavior of the past – those things that are holy to the ‘master’ or family.... (People)
smell: loss and misfortune at Things... (garlic)
different things will make good.... (mosaic)
Often the stomach is to be interpreted as a symbol of physicality, sensuality, sexuality or the material things of life.... (belly)