You were dreaming about finding lost things, right? Then this dreams' dictionary is where you'll find an answer to your question, what does it really mean to dream about finding lost things. Below are all the interpretations and all the meanings of what you have dreamed about. The finding lost things dream consists of 1347 symbols:
It is time that the dreaming with these things and faced the shroud takes away.... (Leichentuch)
see: let thee not lead to unlawful things.... (Lover)
Skim off the foam from fermenting beverages: you’ll be bothered by annoying things.... (skim)
it go: your things are very bold... (ice cream)
They grow in the back and forth of the environment and produce useful things.... (peas)
see: experience disgusting things... (pile)
If one dreams to work as a scribe, one will take care of other people’s things that do not touch and the cost to the dreaming only effort and effort, but will not bring the slightest benefit one.... (Councilor)
Frequently, the dreaming in his dream surprises himself when he does things that he would normally not trust.... (to lead)
If one dreams of falling in love with a man, there is a risk, certain things attach a meaning that is excessive and inappropriate.... (fall in love)
However, you can also appear when it comes to the loss of less tangible things such as love or respect or even self-respect.... (loss)
Listen: a society in which things get loud.... (trombone)
(Without Drescher) see: success in all things... (flail)
Often yes we hide things from ourselves and pretend they did not exist.... (Secret society)
see: kinky things will vote you sad... (Skull)
also: warning to get things lightly... (butterfly)
undergo combustion: it deals with risky things, the extremely detrimental effect on the general condition... (Burn / burn)
Garbage is something we want to get rid of – things that we no longer wish to have or that have pushed us from someone else.... (Waste (waste))
Go steep: tedious things... (Away)
The skull is an attribute of the contemplative repentance, rethinking transience of all earthly things.... (Skull)
one is bound to circumstances, things and people, of which one should be free... (prison)
see sewn: things will fit together well in the near future and lead to success, while if one uses force and diligence... (button)
Is a corpse in the business, all those concerned are confronted with losses and unpleasant things.... (Dead body / corpse)
things threaten one to get out of hand... (earthquake)
on the things get sad with sad faces: disgusting circumstances are arising... (burial)
He usually symbolizes deception and guile with which one should be made to certain things... (bait)
Maybe the dreaming must rethink his life and get used to the idea that there are areas and things that he should give up.... (notice)
private things will evolve satisfactorily... (Spoon (cutlery))
extinguished the candle by drafts: then spread your enemies harmful things about you... (candle)
the scent of flowers perceive: certain things are kept secret before a... (Linden tree / Linden flowers)
see: will not let you be tempted by evil things.... (Shop (Shop))
Sent: give up your hopes, you will employ other things in the immediate future.... (manuscript)
in the wind swinging branches: indicate that new things are a... (branch)
thereby fall into fear and sweat: undermining the will power and failure of all things.... (Alpine print)
Whoever sees himself as aged people, must come to terms with certain things.... (Older)
Many earthbound tribes knew a time, given away the things, gifts were made.... (Gifts)
To all others it means confusion and excitement, and that the things to which one is proud to have no fixed Betsand... (gods)
other things: one will have to comply with an unpleasant obligation.... (tear)
In earlier times, it was believed that all things have a soul.... (ship)
see work: unternimm no dangerous things.... (slates)
burn: in all things caution must be practiced... (hair)
forge: let not lead to the wrong things you... (gold)
the dreamer is so either bring the highly placed and his goods in his power or afford follow him, live with him and learn many good things about him, where he is in particular subject to him.... (country)
If the dream mainly revolves around the mechanics of the engine, the dreaming might have more to deal with the dynamics and pragmatism of his way of dealing with the things of life.... (motor)
bear: Do not dealing with things that do not concern you... (Barrel)
see silver things: the private affairs to be great and you’re lucky on the future journey.... (Silver (metal))
see or smell: do unnecessary things... (tobacco)
You remember figuratively often the small things you always forget carelessly leaves or simply overlooked.... (sawdust)
But one has to draw attention to things that previously received too little attention.... (chives)
Create: you will torment you with unnecessary things.... (register)
feel free to bother with things that have actually already done: in adults.... (One time)