field with green maize plants DREAM INTERPRETATIONS
You were dreaming about field with green maize plants, right? Then this dreams' dictionary is where you'll find an answer to your question, what does it really mean to dream about field with green maize plants. Below are all the interpretations and all the meanings of what you have dreamed about. The field with green maize plants dream consists of 5843 symbols:
(See also ‘field’, ‘yellow’, ‘paper grass’)... (Flax (field))
Fallow field symbolizes traits and abilities that you do not use.... (field)
A barley field or the threshing of barley predicts wealth and physical strength.... (Corn field)
A scrawny, barren field indicates neglected, unfulfilled sex life and strong desire for motherhood.... (field)
As the grain is a sign of growth and maturity, promises a very happy development of your life a whole field of them.... (Corn field)
Dreaming a devout and pious man, he owned a wheat field that does not wear, he interpret it as a personal lack of good works... (Corn field)
The following features should be noted: Who worked the fields with much energy, is in love reach our goal and have a fulfilling sex life, whoever sees him in a dream, is reminded of his duties.... (field)
barren, overgrown with weeds: inertia and neglect... (field)
semi, flourish or flourishing: you must look to the future with great hope... (field)
covered with fallen leaves: grief.... (field)
Your dream may also refer to the ‘Bett im Kornfeld’ But, then he has you blessed with a daughter a romantic love affair.... (Corn field)
Acker, the symbol of fertility, the womb of Mother Earth, of connectedness with the natural forces.... (field)
Is he harvested or are his clods caked hard, then there may be a problem that the dreamer can only cope with persevering diligence, or to dangers that he has conjured up by its own misfortune.... (field)
Connection with the earth... (Field Pumpkin (Pumpkin))
Connection with earth religions... (Field Pumpkin (Pumpkin))
You have to give you satisfied with replacement.... (Mangold (reddish with fleshy leaves))
see: the love is one under the spell... (maize porridge)
it recovers from tedious tasks and plans for a successful future.... (maize porridge)
What grows in me?... (plants)
Fertility.... (plants)
The second creation Reich... (plants)
connected to the earth and sky... (plants)
natural process... (plants)
(Man +)... (poisonous plants)
Poisoning by it is a recommendation to pay more attention to your body and its needs.... (poisonous plants)
Eradication of old-growth.... (Cut back (from plants))
(See also ‘cereals’ and individual plant names)... (plants)
nourishing (physically and mentally)... (plants)
nature... (plants)
serving... (plants)
Transcendent meaning: Gift from the plant kingdom.... (plants)
they can be as playful as other dreams and just as often use puns or eloquent allusions.... (plants)
you will be pursued with malice.... (poisonous plants)
A poisonous plant promises unexpected business success.... (poisonous plants)
something Rooted transplant.... (plants)
Your connection to the plant people.... (plants)
new interests and a new environment is displayed.... (Night shadows (plants))
The dream character wants us warn against allurements and temptations that may haunt us in the next few days.... (poisonous plants)
healing.... (plants)
You need the soil in which they take root, the water from which they feed, the air and the winds that disperse their seeds, and the fire in the form of sunlight, in order to grow.... (plants)
helpful... (plants)
What old stuff I’m willing to eliminate?... (Cut back (from plants))
eat the fruit: a auspicious dream... (Night shadows (plants))
Trees: your future will be under a lucky star... (plants)
Vegetables: through your efforts you will make money... (plants)
Flowers: you want to bring a woman into the house... (plants)
Removing or demolish: your awkward beings will play you some nasty prank... (plants)
wilted and dying: it has reached a stage of stagnation and should strive to move forward again.... (plants)
indicates a large family.... (plants)
young, douse or maintain: good children Breeding... (plants)