field with green maize plants DREAM INTERPRETATIONS
You were dreaming about field with green maize plants, right? Then this dreams' dictionary is where you'll find an answer to your question, what does it really mean to dream about field with green maize plants. Below are all the interpretations and all the meanings of what you have dreamed about. The field with green maize plants dream consists of 5843 symbols:
(See also the individual plants)... (Glasshouse)
because these plants are torn up by the roots.... (carrot)
She has always been considered one of the tastiest and most powerful healing wild plants.... (Wild American Ginseng)
To some extent it also plants and features to light, waiting in the unconscious until they are awakened and used.... (Sleep / sleep)
reading of plants: undergo futile efforts.... (caterpillars)
plants: can look forward to a long lasting health.... (Herbs)
As vessel for beautiful plants or flowers the vase and similar vessels represent the dream often the female.... (vase)
farmland means nothing other than the woman, the seeds and the plants the children and that the children of wheat and barley, the daughters, legumes but miscarriages... (Grain (grain))
farmland means nothing other than the woman, the seeds and the plants the children and that the children of wheat and barley, the daughters, legumes but miscarriages... (legumes)
The six results from the multiplication of these two numbers and describes the constant struggle of emotional plants against too realistic forces that want to eliminate any sense, but it can not withstand the trials of everyday life.... (six)
The oak is one of the book plants.... (Oak)
According to mythology the fruitful power of the moon (qv) that rules over plants and waters and also indicates the times of the woman.... (hare)
Another story is the fact that the three plants grow Always together, to remind people that harmony of the world is much more beneficial than disagreement.... (Corn / cornfields)
look at plants: a friend helps establish your happiness... (ivy)
plants: one will mourn the loss of a friend... (ivy)
farmland means nothing other than the woman, the seeds and the plants the children and that the children of wheat and barley, the daughters, legumes but miscarriages... (wheat)
The used by us vitality can be often seen in the dream as the sap in plants.... (Plant juice)
Dreaming one, it waving in the time when everything blooms, a strong wind, the trees, however, does not bend, he predicts the Soil, because the wind growing plants comes to the rescue.... (wind)
see or meet on plants: conflict in all things.... (Covered)
plants: you will find good people who are at your side... (ivy)
has anyone a herb and vegetable garden, will push it to the quantity of plants worries... (vegetables)
plants: you will inflict damage through carelessness... (cypress)
flowers, plants: announced blessing and satisfaction... (water)
(Elder blue, lightfast vat dye in various tropical plants.)... (indigo)
The farmer sows, plants, plowing, mowing, breeds, but also keeps livestock and sells them for slaughter.... (Farmer)
Everything grows slowly and slowly matures as the cypress and similar plants, both happiness and unhappiness brings about slower.... (cypress)
Misfortune it brings everyone to decorate a wreath of mint, Phrygian Amaracus, sorrel, Alante, Anemone and marjoram (This idea is safely back on the use of these plants in medicine.... (wreath)
Plants or grain, etc .: business success.... (to cut)
plants: heavy and useless work.... (cucumber)
Beans, the seeds of a number of plants, for a long time is an important part of the diet of animals and humans.... (Beans)
They all start life as caterpillars feed on plants until they can spin a cocoon, and then transformed, after a phase of sleep, in butterflies.... (butterfly)
Plants: by your own fault you have fallen into need... (cabbage)
Although the gardener she finds plague, as they help him but by eating the insects that would otherwise fall on the plants.... (mole)
dead vine plants: an important business will not succeed... (Wine)
Here and there, but also to rewrite lettuce plants that we see in dreams, our joy of the simple life.... (salad)
of roses or other plants: symbolizes personal tensions in a relationship.... (clipping)
plants: your heart’s desires be fulfilled... (vegetables)
Nettles are wild plants that can cause skin irritations.... (boiler)
because these plants are torn up by the roots.... (vegetables)
farmland means nothing other than the woman, the seeds and the plants the children and that the children of wheat and barley, the daughters, legumes but miscarriages... (cereals)
plants: heart delights await a... (vegetables)
plants... (garden)
Plants: promises a good life... (cabbage)
The plants of beans is an indication of its confidence in the future and the desire to create something useful.... (Beans)
farmland means nothing other than the woman, the seeds and the plants the children and that the children of wheat and barley, the daughters, legumes but miscarriages... (barley)
this green, see fertile hills or mountains: one will be particularly wealthy and happy in the future... (travel)
In the coloring fluorspar varies from colorless to yellow, green, blue, violet tones to black molds.... (River Spat)
green: has high hopes... (painting)
withered grass: means the opposite of fresh green grass... (weed)
eat the green of the beet: is a sign of bitter disappointment... (turnip)