You were dreaming about female lion, right? Then this dreams' dictionary is where you'll find an answer to your question, what does it really mean to dream about female lion. Below are all the interpretations and all the meanings of what you have dreamed about. The female lion dream consists of 377 symbols:
but chests, cabinets and Caskets the wife of dreaming, because the most valuable entrusted to them, bed bags and blankets, the concubines or female freedmen.... (Furnishings)
In primitive peoples is the female sexual organ symbol of femininity, which also means motherhood.... (vagina)
The head is in fact the symbol of the next of kin, namely the right side of the male, the left female.... (Bald head / bald head)
The left side represents the female relatives and acquaintances.... (Left / left handed)
see wear of a female person: you’ll by ridiculous fashions mockery.... (frosting)
the sexual principle, the Passive, preserving, Female, and it is against the right the worse... (Left / left handed)
Think you, to sleep upon an unknown female person, and is this well built, graceful, precious and finely dressed, hung with golden necklaces and offers it himself, so it is for the dreaming a good sign and announces him great success in his undertakings at... (Strangers)
The dream symbol can difficulties and conflicts in the integration of male and female parts of the personality indicate.... (castration)
female prime symbol of love with the opposite sex... (witch)
Unknown female persons is for them to be considered as images of things that are taking an output for the dreaming.... (Strangers)
the female... (Menstruation)
It also means that the performance will not arrive without the assistance of a female person.... (gods)
According to many analysts, incidentally, the left hand is a female symbol, the right male.... (hand)
the male and the female connecting... (Pipe (for smoking))
She is the original, basic vitality of the man, archetypal symbol of female maternal as the male spirit.... (horse)
presents in women is one’s own shadow, in men: the female component in man brings a new page... (sister)
Is it the color of the water, the blue is a symbol of the subconscious or the female side of nature.... (blue)
Like everything Germinating also interpreted as a symbol of the female sex organ or... (Beans)
Likewise, it will happen to him in terms of the other female persons... (Mrs)
What, incidentally, applies equally to female dreams of single life.... (bachelor)
female power... (Menstruation)
Towards the end of this rest period to bring the female bears their young and breastfeed them in their retreat cave.... (brown bear)
At the spiritual level of the Cup is the dream of the female principle.... (cup)
a woman has this dream, her daughter die, it does not, the closest female relative.... (shoulder blades)
What is the psychotherapeutic point of view: can the ‘animal instincts’ live without any sense of guilt?) It is the female principle of the receiving and instinctive.... (unicorn)
The shape is similar to female, to aspirations to unite.... (Pear / pear tree)
In particular, the garden bordon owners are useful, because of the many seeds and seasonal work in the garden, but he brings women all into the reputation of immorality and whoring (Kepos = garden, often also the female sex part.)... (garden)