You were dreaming about female lion, right? Then this dreams' dictionary is where you'll find an answer to your question, what does it really mean to dream about female lion. Below are all the interpretations and all the meanings of what you have dreamed about. The female lion dream consists of 377 symbols:‘N’ as written, or spoken plastic letter stands for the fertilization of the male spirit through the female aspects of personality.... (N)
Pear: The pear is true because of its shape as a symbol of the female body.... (Fruit tree)
female spirit, the women or... (incubation)
A bow like that of Cupid, on the one hand to be loved by the desire suggest or symbolize the union of male and female.... (Arch / triumphal arch)
If the dreaming in his dream sees a sheet with a colored band instead of a chord, it connects to the female principle and the feminine beauty.... (Arch / triumphal arch)
has female virginity... (field)
Signs of impulsiveness, this depending on the species, be regarded as male or female sex symbol... (Livestock / cattle herd)
smell for men, strong perfume: it is exposed to the influence of a female person that will affect the thinking and acting by fraud to the detriment... (Perfume)
the peacock is a female, the disaster is taken in accordance with his wife.... (peacock)
Is eating a meat of a female peacock, he will attain rich from a respected lady means.... (peacock)
The money also has erotic significance and represents the ‘supply of female erotic attraction’ represents.... (money)
Transcendent meaning: A gift of good female magic.... (Snow owl)
enhances the female portion of your being... (mugwort)
Nothing good is it if the body leaner or a single body part, with the exception of the female tongue.... (emigrate)
The dragon (female, of course!) Is often the bad mother who rejects her child.... (Dragon (the mythical creature))
These women suffer because the relationships between man and woman are so difficult in a world in which the male and female attitudes are not yet reconciled all together.... (fairy tale)
female self... (purse)
a well-fed: promises a leading position in the community and admiration of the female sex... (oxen)
A goddess in a dream of a woman symbolizes the connection about the unconscious that exists between all women and female creatures.... (goddess)
Has the hole but the shape of a column or a cave, this is a symbol of female sexuality.... (hole)
Many see psychological interpretations in the purse a female sexual symbol.... (purse)
male or female look, especially sick or deformed: soon be tempted to fall into a scandalous and adulterous affair... (genitals)
, ‘Something to keep to yourself’ type and not to present any – A typical woman dreams and a symbol of ‘female holding’.... (purse)
Understanding the female side of your being and / or your shadow side... (Moon (Selene))
The number four, which plays a role for the shape of the square, the female force depicts the man, which he is often unaware.... (cube)
often been spoken of as the grandmother moon and as the leader of the female life.... (Moon (Selene))
Sometimes a communication symbol – always one for erotic desires and its (dreamed) performance, because they are often a symbol of female genitalia.... (Lips)
female nature.... (Moon (Selene))
a female aspect... (cats)
At Freud the pan has female-sexual meaning.... (frying pan)
Ten: A new beginning, the male and female together.... (Numbers))
female sexuality... (chest)
Chest: What experience I want to savor fully? Female: What I feed? Which part of me wants to be loved?... (chest)
you should be the female sex in the near future to very careful because this woman ‘wears the trousers’... (beard)
A hole can the female or the void symbolize that you feel when you start to understand the self.... (hole)
The Female translated doing the earthy, Yielding, the male celestial, Starke.... (five)
The dreamer may have problems with the female members of his identity.... (bag)
The male wearing a bright plumage, while only a few red feathers are scattered among the otherwise gray in the female.... (cardinal bird)
Transcendent meaning: the gift of the female shadow... (Black Widow (Spider))
Some vegetables have as many fruits attention to female or male sex organs.... (vegetables)
The dream of a lady who would have had the right to a full female happiness and yet was left out of this, am telling here: ‘I came up a staircase and entered a large room.... (Food)
In the door takes the fascination that the female sex organ to the dreamer, to light.... (door)
Because whatever happens in the dream with a door, it symbolizes the male dreamer female womb.... (door)
Transcendent meaning: A powerful female spirit beings that can bring the people of the Dreamtime ceremonies and sacred knowledge.... (White Buffalo)
Discussed the dream a contrasexual adolescents, this usually means that the dreaming deals with repressed male or female aspects.... (People)
The apple is considered in psychoanalysis as a typical sex symbol, because it is very similar in its form of the female breast, especially when one sees only two apples in a dream.... (Apple (apples))
In women they express sometimes the female inferiority of the ‘not yet be emancipates’.... (oxen)
Color symbolism is almost always associated with sexual passions, where black and white (as a male and female) are considered Extreme... (To dye)
When a man dreams of a mare, it represents the anima or the female (see ‘Archetypes’).... (animals)
The dreaming looking opposites as male / female, give / receive, good / evil to integrate.... (affair)