dreaming hair falling out in clumps DREAM INTERPRETATIONS
You were dreaming about dreaming hair falling out in clumps, right? Then this dreams' dictionary is where you'll find an answer to your question, what does it really mean to dream about dreaming hair falling out in clumps. Below are all the interpretations and all the meanings of what you have dreamed about. The dreaming hair falling out in clumps dream consists of 6314 symbols:
comb your hair yourself: signs of losses by a person to whom they trusted.... (Comb / comb)
long hair comb: tells a new friendship... (Comb / comb)
goes combing easy and the hair is long and beautiful: profit, a new friendship... (Comb / comb)
means your work will be difficult and useless, especially if it makes you difficult to comb your hair... (Comb / comb)
see covered with hair: distraction... (chest)
a child’s hair would: a good judgment it enjoys in other people... (Comb / comb)
The Sundogs, the meteors, the brightness and the so-called hair and beard stars mean the same thing, what is located above the air zone constellations cause usually.... (gods)
for man – have covered with hair: Health... (chest)
(See also ‘hair’)... (pomade)
the emperor is his people in a war against enemies lose according to the loss of hair.... (fire)
Because everything is sluggish and is not worn, promotes the growth of hair, the human tongue can not but be sluggish.... (tongue)
The less hair you seem to have, the more serious the disease will be coming... (bald)
If one believes to have hair on the tongue, white or black, it is not a good sign.... (tongue)
Black hair accelerate, white delay the dream fulfillment.... (tongue)
If the knit consists of an unusual material, such as hair or fabric, there is a particular necessity which necessitates the properties of this material.... (Knitwear)
The hair is a known sex symbol.... (crop circle)
Hair: They represent strength and potency.... (crop circle)
Hair loss in a dream means loss of prestige.... (bald)
infected a lover of a woman this rose in her hair, so you will cheat... (Damascene rose)
Who dreams, suddenly losing his hair, has to cope with a recent fear of loss during this period.... (bald)
One must know that as well as the hair and the blood power and wealth of the people means only it refers to a much greater degree of wealth.... (Bloodletting)
Not infrequently one actually fall amplified from hair when you stand just under the shock of an emotional or physical loss.... (bald)
fire: it is a hair’s breadth away from an accident.... (delete)
(See also ‘farmer’, ‘hair’, ‘pet’, ‘bull’, ‘animals’)... (pig)
Hair are secondary sexual characteristics.... (bald)
on the palms, on the cheeks or elsewhere, where hair can not grow, it is from people of foreign tongue bring together a new army, also be his treasures multiply... (beard)
to comb the hair in general: an invitation to hold more order in itself... (Comb / comb)
(Vessel for serving of beer or mineral water, which open when being pushed out by added carbon dioxide through a valve)... (siphon)
out: a letter from afar... (news)
For some time someone close to uses of your good nature, you find out who it is and make a call, creates the record straight... (Flying (Animals))
Are these body parts become more beautiful and handsome, he put it out as a success and increase its business.... (cheek)
The correct answer to the statement of hazard, a response that is more in deeds than words can also lead the people out of the zone of danger.... (danger)
It dreamed somebody, an eagle tear him with fangs guts out, carry it through the city in the densely populated theaters and show them to the audience.... (Eagle)
This may also mean that love and care you need – or that one should both dole out generous.... (Cook / cook)
For even if the children work at first does not go out of hand, as they will be if they become older, can afford something Proficient.... (Child (s))
With an apology can be the iron out again.... (cadaver)
He must find out whether the responsibility for the failure lies with itself or with another person.... (Wreck (Shipwreck))
Domestic animals point out that the savage is not actually accepted, but is played down.... (animals)
Watch out for eight and see who is your friend.... (bag)
rummage in and bring out something unexpected: it come to light things that were not yet known to itself... (bags)
in a place your hands without having looked into it before, or want something to get out of one and not find something in it: bring disappointment or unexpected failure.... (bags)
Sets someone else with a scorpion in terror, he will drive them out against threats and sow enmity.... (Scorpio (Animal))
then calls the dream to live out the other side of the personality.... (Roofing)
out of pity received: good investment... (Gifts)
When we see a particular animal lying dead in front of us, the significance of the animal should be observed as a symbol to find out further details.... (caraway)
but he adorns himself with usually like, it will do it out of pocket.... (ears)
The cutlery helps carry out this cultivation process.... (cutlery)
out the window: Armed and Trouble... (jump)
Wasteland often stands also for a position in the association, boring life, but points out that it has attributed the often own incivility... (solitude)
come out tight again: it stands before one a tiring journey... (fog)