You were dreaming about dream urinating blood, right? Then this dreams' dictionary is where you'll find an answer to your question, what does it really mean to dream about dream urinating blood. Below are all the interpretations and all the meanings of what you have dreamed about. The dream urinating blood dream consists of 5272 symbols:
deep red: you want to see blood... (Red (color))
Blood Red Moon is seen as a serious warning signal.... (Moon (Selene))
Iron also supplies the central ion in the hemoglobin molecule from which the blood and thus the whole man depends.... (iron)
Veins seen accompanied by anxiety: it may be an organic impairment of the heart, circulation and blood pressure... (Vein)
Menstruation is the stage in a woman’s cycle in which it repels the blood that kept them in the first part of the cycle of their womb.... (Menstruation)
holy blood.... (ruby)
Dreaming one that only the Imperial Palace has been shaken, prophesied the death of the emperor or his son, his daughter, his wife, or a blood relative, or dangerous conditions of those who are especially close to Kaiser.... (earthquake)
(See also ‘artery’, ‘blood’, ‘body’)... (Vein)
Previously used Heiler Hawthorn to to respond to problems with hardened arteries and blood pressure.... (Whitethorn (spring blossoms))
Red Garnet primarily is associated with the sturgeon in connection, but also with the heart and the blood in general.... (garnet)
The blood-red sun against it announces serious problems.... (Sun)
Aquarius: The mark affects blood circulation and ankle.... (zodiac)
They have been used in both skin as well as blood disorders.... (boiler)
Blood.... (leech)
And they call ‘the Weckstimme brain’ the brain of the cock, ‘biting Indians’ pepper,’ Jungfrau milk ‘the tear and Starfire blood’ the dew ‘Cretan sheep’ quince and similar fantasies to lose no more words about it... (Healing / healing)
The blood no longer flows freely, blockages occur.... (circulatory diseases)
If the right side of the head bald, the person will lose all male blood relatives... (Bald head / bald head)
Published Helios dark, blood red or of terrible appearance, he shows anyone evil and mischief... (gods)
The blood-sucking vampire is such a fearsome creature that he is commonly regarded as the embodiment of evil.... (vampire)
Many outputs meet at people who are like us, to blood relatives and namesakes.... (wedding)
Vampires are supposed to be only apparently dead, the night leave her grave to drink other people’s blood.... (vampire)
In any case, red symbolizes an intense, passionate process or state – either positive or negative sense: It is the color of blood, the fire – the overwhelming (and uncontrollable) feelings.... (Red (color))
The blood-sucking ghost of Slavic folk legend goes as monsters (qv) through our dreams.... (vampire)
perform yourself: if blood is, you will win a lawsuit or a dispute... (execution)
if or when the executed man comes back to life without blood, can be an enemy, despite all efforts incapacitate... (execution)
In this way, they will not marry itself, but rather a piece of her own flesh and blood.... (wedding)
Separating blood someone on the Earth, it will be for the marketing of women spend a lot of money, and thus gain the joys of love... (urine)
Is it the left side, he will lose the female blood relatives... (Bald head / bald head)
The color of blood, fire, passion, sensuality and vitality.... (Red (color))
Or suppressed parts of the personality of the dreaming gain in a dream by incorporeal voiceprint.... (Voice (Human), People,)
In the dream means to ride on a donkey, that the dreaming has its impulsiveness under control.... (ass)
To interpret the dream closer attention must be paid to their nature and characteristics, but also on what happens to them.... (food)
for men who dream of their own: it is a particularly good lover wants to be... (nose)
A water pipe in the dream can give the dreaming about how he should deal with his feelings (the size and type of pipe are of importance in this case).... (Pipe (for smoking))
because all events that occur only once, but impossible for a second time, when they have taken place in a dream, no longer be realized.... (decapitation)
The following individual aspects of a trip can be found in the interpretation of dreams consideration: Departure: The departure, for example from the airport or a train station, was always interpreted in older dream interpretations as death.... (travel)
Asphyxiation in a dream can indicate a conflict or a restriction on a spiritual level.... (suffocate)
In the dream he may serve as a means to self fully integrate, and to illustrate the fact that the larger whole is greater than the parts.... (Religious pictures)
Toys in the dream makes the dreamer to his fortune attention to take over the design of his life in his hand.... (toy)
If the fire burns brightly and brightly in the dream fireplace, we have no fear either in the intimate or in the workplace, because we are always with the passion and endurance with the thing.... (fireplace)
If a chest or box appears in a dream, she describes how the dreaming hides his feelings or ‘intercalates’.... (chest)
For the exact interpretation of the dream of the state of the garden or the lawn is important.... (weed)
the ancient Egyptians already considers pile up when the mountain in the dream is too steep, obstacles on the life of the dreamer, which can only be controlled only with great physical effort.... (mountain)
Anyone who stays there in a dream should also take a break in the waking life in order to refuel for the further life struggle.... (Gas station)
Where a dreamer tries to grasp hold of dangerous Steinhaldenfeld over rock walls to the height where he wades through a water, because it is good to live especially careful and aware in this dream times.... (Away)
Has a young woman this dream, she will maintain contacts dissolute.... (scabies)
warns lose gold after old dream books before the loss of a faithful people.... (gold)
At the spiritual level symbolizing pearls in a dream those small, easily overlooked, yet fully coming experiences and experiences that are so important in the development path of man.... (pearls)
If the environment in the dream plays a particularly important role, this is usually a message to the dreamer.... (Localities (Places))
At the spiritual level may indicate acid in a dream that corruption corrodes the wholeness of the dreaming.... (acid)