You were dreaming about dream of a baby elephant, right? Then this dreams' dictionary is where you'll find an answer to your question, what does it really mean to dream about dream of a baby elephant. Below are all the interpretations and all the meanings of what you have dreamed about. The dream of a baby elephant dream consists of 5147 symbols:
At this level, the search or wanderings of the hero in a dream represents the spiritual path of development.... (search)
Acid in the dream brings the knowledge of the dreaming to express that his confidence and his normal sense of well being by external influences are melted away.... (acid)
If the dreaming feels trapped in his dream of quicksand, then this is an indication that he is in a difficult situation, he has not necessarily self-inflicted.... (drive sand)
Teams will often interpreted positively as a dream symbol... (opponent)
At the spiritual level is gambling in a dream the ability is to perceive opportunities.... (Happiness)
So he is in a dream often for impetuous, rough force that should be used cautiously so as not to shoot over the top.... (bear)
Whether single or whole thorn bush – who dream of having a ‘thorny path’ before him: problems and obstacles to be overcome.... (Thorn bushes)
Unfortunately, not a dream, heralding a million profit, but only a symbol of strenuous debate on the chances of a risky (and perhaps not entirely serious) business still to make a profit.... (jackpot)
Volume is an ambiguous dream symbol, often it is set with friendship and hope in relationship.... (tape)
(It must not be the person from whom you actually dream!)... (admiration)
dream of: points to a long life... (mummy)
At the spiritual level, the mistletoe in a dream is the essence of life.... (mistletoe)
Clothes that bear other people in our dream can make the scene for the acting out of confrontations.... (dress)
Will it but poorly maintained, it tears through the dream as a nightmare of our disordered desires and proves so that our Eros makes capers.... (horse)
I have the following observation made: had one, the wife and children, lost after this dream face his wife and pulled his children great, by the duties of father and mother met them at the same time.... (chest)
Of patients that threaten to suffocate in a dream, you know that they suddenly release wills in waking life, by which they finally were able to overcome the disease.... (suffocate)
According to the accompanying dream, one can derive the following meanings: can see donkeys indicate mental sluggishness that you should overcome.... (ass)
If the tube is, however, entered the dream for protection, it indicates both the fear of life and the need for protection as well as a strong bond of the dreaming to the mother.... (pipe)
They represent in a dream various strengths and weaknesses.... (organs)
The holiday is the dream always represents a symbol of relaxation, leisure and freedom.... (vacation)
That one in dream vigorously and compulsively washes his hands, is not unusual.... (Cleaning / cleaning)
At the spiritual level a seal stands in the dream for secret, esoteric knowledge.... (seal)
At the spiritual level, to imitate is the dream for the initiation of the microcosm in the macrocosm and vice versa.... (to imitate)
A dream from the pension or annuity may have an assurance that you need to have no fear of getting old, because you will be supplied.... (pension)
Shampoo in a dream has an obvious connection with cleaning and washing.... (shampoo)
Of good omen this dream experience is for the one who is involved in a process in which it comes to life and limb... (decapitation)
Casanova could dream of, from the excess of sexual actions and desires namely, that would have to be limited to a normal level, thus ultimately retained potency.... (emasculation)
Occasionally one is reminded of a sense of everyday life in a dream.... (pin)
At the spiritual level the morgue in the dream may signal may new beginning.... (house of corpses)
The dream road can lead anywhere... (Away)
Leaving aside the dream other wine drunk, so the time is right to realize a long-cherished plan.... (Wine)
The untüchtige doctor emerges then in a dream when we have done wrong to another person.... (quackery)
Loses the dreaming in his dream to his devotion, this is perhaps an indication that another person exerts power over his fate.... (Happiness)
At this level, the brain in the dream symbolizes the switching center of spiritual power.... (brain)
The statement of this image can therefore only be read out of the overall context of the dream.... (candle)
an intellectual failure (especially when one is faced with important exams or any other type of test or check), or they are afraid that a plan or project can not succeed? Felt is that the ‘high-flying’ on air castles built? A dream of a car accident warns maybe that one ‘to fast does’ in waking life – because you might want to pre-empt rivals.... (disasters)
Weep another dream figure, it should be understood as an invitation to the dreaming, thinking about his own behavior and whether it is appropriate.... (tears)
The dreamer wants to free itself by weeding dream of unpleasant or stressful influences.... (weed)
an auspicious dream for the businessman... (Satin (Silk))
The screw can therefore occur in the dream as a sign of physical or mental pain.... (screw)
I once heard from an expert, an interpretation which me evident to because, as I discovered, corresponds to the dream fulfillments.... (Arms (body part))
At this level represents an osteopath in the dream represents spiritual manipulation or alteration.... (Osteopath (bone specialist))
the dream of a man, however, it emphasizes his aggression.... (Knife)
Dangers, destruction dream... (bomb)
Viewing the dreaming in his dream fiddling with a compass, this is an expression of his attempt to find the right direction or a confirmation of the chosen path.... (Compass)
Immerse it in the dream of a man, he emphasizes the need to maintain something in life and use.... (Comb / comb)
Often nervous action in the dream with the (unsubstantiated?) Has to do everyday excitements that are causing us headaches.... (nervousness)
It is depending on the content often only a primitive sexual dream... (Nudity / naked)
Often the dreaming is forced by a dream of a prostitution to deal with his guilt feelings or uncertainties.... (Prostitution / prostitution)
Did you do the weekly shopping quiet or you have stocked up for an emergency? The dream where you shop desired things can emphasize that you can in reality do not always have what you want.... (purchases)