You were dreaming about dog being killed, right? Then this dreams' dictionary is where you'll find an answer to your question, what does it really mean to dream about dog being killed. Below are all the interpretations and all the meanings of what you have dreamed about. The dog being killed dream consists of 976 symbols:
Understanding the female side of your being and / or your shadow side... (Moon (Selene))
you are being watched.... (chameleon)
Sometimes a very balanced being is expressed in the flute.... (flute)
see how a milking: one has the feeling of being shamelessly exploited by a human... (cow)
themselves or others are injured: coldness is being hurtful to one or other... (Ice skates)
Wealth and well-being.... (Farm house)
Negative to be on the brink perplexed, dizzy, paralyzed, scared, being afraid suggesting helplessness, anxiety and desperation is.... (Abyss)
you are being cheated... (cupping)
Being in the dream in a religious community meeting (for prayer or worship), the agreement may mean a moral position.... (Community meeting)
It shows great joy in life and well-being, because no one thinks of dancing until he has paid his tribute to the belly as a stern and cruel master... (Dance / dancing)
Being at the border between two countries, shows the need, perhaps a move to tackle big changes in life.... (border)
Well-being.... (nap)
Building enter: joy and well-being.... (Anatomy (Institute))
running water symbolizes peace and well-being... (water)
behind habits, compulsions or guilt may be, of which one should free themselves by being processed consciously.... (Clyster (enema))
This is an aspect of the Unknown, which every human being at some stage he must face in life.... (Abyss)
The following dream symbols related to sexuality can play a role and be interpreted in a dream: Bisexuality: Every human being carries within itself both a male and female side.... (sexuality)
enhances the female portion of your being... (mugwort)
Only in stand shirt refers to the fear of being exposed.... (shirt)
Such signals always have a significant importance, you should immediately get in touch with this man – is being turned out, that was actually ‘created’: Here someone needs attention, help – or is otherwise in an extreme situation.... (name)
Do not believe every human being.... (Shameful)
A warning dream! Disregarding another who is being tortured often comes in helplessness expressed, because one can not help a loved one in an emergency.... (torture)
It is the place from which also comes out of the human being in the world and to which it returns.... (kitchen)
Maggots may represent the impurity of the body or the feeling of being eaten by something.... (Made)
The devil loses his power when he has once recognized it as something that belongs to every human being and to the one inevitably eventually must confront.... (devil)
Being on the water, as in a boat, can point to indecision or lack of emotional commitment.... (water)
be stung by them: you are being cheated... (insects)
The longing for the ease of being manifests itself, and the subconscious converts signals in elf form: an invitation to a more fun to deal with challenges and sometimes ‘no’ to say.... (Elves)
An athlete dreamed of being pregnant and giving birth to two dark-skinned girl.... (Pregnancy / Pregnancy)
A car is often for personal space, for the extension of being the dreamer.... (car)
If one dreams of being struck by lightning while driving to the lake, is in bed or back on Earth or prone is so brings no good... (lightning)
mature parts of your being... (crane)
hear the voice of a friend or relative: means a serious illness and perhaps death, being then about someone guardian is... (call)
For a woman who dreams of being entertained servants, this is an unfortunate omen.... (Servant / serve)
If you stand all alone in the spotlight, all eyes in the hall only one? A terrible feeling? Then you have fear of failure – or a stick perfection and fears always, not being good enough and ‘losing face’.... (performance)
To interpret the dream exactly, must also be taken into account what is being built.... (Building site)
Threatens you just get stuck in it, one is afraid of being unable to cope with his life.... (moor)
he takes it but without being sick, it means a provision for the maintenance of good health and a rounding of the assets according to the efficacy of the drug.... (drug)
also: one will be prevented from being sensitive damage... (money)
being stared at by strangers: happiness exemplary Omen... (eyes)
Uses the dreaming the dagger to attack another human being, then he tries on a deeper level, an unloved part of its cut out and get rid of itself.... (dagger)
of his death dreaming while of being together with another woman and a consequent scandal: it threatens divorce and loss of property... (husband)
eating its own flesh or that of another human being: one has dominion desires that are fulfilled, or will have numerous descendants.... (meat)
being locked in a dream means that cornered the dreaming feels – often the dreamer has created the conditions for his ‘captivity’ by fear and ignorance itself.... (To be captive / captive)
Well-being with the power... (crane)
under certain circumstances is that with being in love in relationship.... (fool cap)
one must recapture his luck after being too trusting in speculation... (coat)
Maybe he thinks he has lost control and being able to move more forward.... (decrease)
your own face or other blackened or disfigured believe: accused without action on their part a lack of tact, the circumstances being but speak against a... (explosion)
What he makes of the square, is his view of the world are connected, the circuit with his inner being and the triangle with his sex life.... (Geometric figures)