You were dreaming about devil, right? Then this dreams' dictionary is where you'll find an answer to your question, what does it really mean to dream about devil. Below are all the interpretations and all the meanings of what you have dreamed about. The devil dream consists of 79 symbols:
Maybe it’s worth it for the dreaming to start with him if he wants to see some form of evil or wrong behavior.... (devil)
see: you will do it with evil men get... (devil)
Devil: In the dream, the devil stands for temptation.... (Religious pictures)
If in doubt, allowed the herbs prefer away, because ‘with the devil is no cure’.... (Herbs)
Satan (devil) may ungoverned emotions, passions and fears embody whose energy you should use meaningful.... (Satan)
Mosquitoes, flies, gnats are all symbols of the devil.... (Mosquitoes)
In the Middle Ages the monkey was often equated with the devil, because he embodied the animality that was the Middle Ages as sinful.... (monkey)
(See also ‘devil’)... (Satan)
The devil can also symbolize the shadow of the dreaming.... (Religious pictures)
(See also ‘ghost’, ‘mermaids’, ‘Nymph’, ‘Devil’)... (leprechaun)
If a devil or a similar figure sits in a nightmare on the navel, then this represents the embodiment of the fears of the dreaming.... (navel)
(See also ‘devil’)... (Mephisto)
At the spiritual level the devil can appear as a leprechaun or a manifestation of a particular disturbing figure in his capacity as a seducer in a dream.... (leprechaun)
A leprechaun often has a similar meaning to the devil, who torments the dreaming is difficult to him, inflicts damage and has it has great joy.... (leprechaun)
A fork, specifically a fork with three tines, is a symbol of the devil and therefore constitutes evil and fraud.... (fork)
As a symbol of entanglement and servitude, he is an attribute of the devil.... (Knitwear)
Only the poisonous green has a negative sign – it is the color of the devil.... (green)
Austrian Space: ‘When you get the Habergeiß in the bedroom, you will soon get the devil.’ Definitely not to be taken literally!... (habit)
Evil goes hand in hand with the devil.... (Wickedness / wickedness)
(See also ‘colors’, ‘grass’, ‘Devil’)... (green)
In the early days of Christianity was held dreams for the devil’s delusions, the so wanted men and women to sin.... (temptation)
It is a symbol of darkness and tolerated by God dominion of the devil.... (hell)
(See also ‘Court’, ‘violence’, ‘Hades’, ‘religious pictures’, ‘Devil’)... (hell)
symbolizes the same thing as the devil... (Boa Constrictor (snake))
The black horse was seen as a mount of the devil and was thus a symbol of the dark, magical powers.... (horse)
In almost all fairy tales, the devil has a club foot.... (limp)
Translated: All scholarship was no use if one does not penetrate to the core of things, often the devil is in the details.... (poodle)
The goat may also represent the devil.... (animals)
So you throw it over your shoulder – supposedly the devil in the face.... (salt)