You were dreaming about catfish dream, right? Then this dreams' dictionary is where you'll find an answer to your question, what does it really mean to dream about catfish dream. Below are all the interpretations and all the meanings of what you have dreamed about. The catfish dream dream consists of 5003 symbols:
A dream of big waves that roll on the beach may indicate forthcoming crucial emotional events.... (water)
The theater and everything that has to do with it, life can be a warning in a dream not to be confused with a stage.... (theater)
Refueling depends dream always with the energy together, we need to go our Journey.... (tank)
The dream message is: Do not Over – but finally talk about it!... (blows)
In the dream you have already practiced.... (Jammer / whine)
A particularly strong displacement of the shadow is when you perceive themselves as ugly and disgusting dream.... (People)
If you see the game map As in a dream, this is an indication of a turn toward a decision.... (As)
Occasionally dream mentally disturbed people who are prone to compulsive cleanliness, often of disinfection.... (Disinfection / disinfection)
In the dream, the three symbol meaning of spirit and creative power, it has a masculine aspect.... (Three)
If one is lying under a cloth with someone else in the dream, this implies that someone wants to stick with us under a blanket, that is, against others, by which he intends to use us as a cover coat.... (cloth)
be Dick interpret old dream books as a symbol of happiness, success and prosperity.... (Thickness / thickness)
He dreams that he is chosen, it can be seen with this dream his desire for power.... (Select / Select)
Born in the dream represents the beginning of a new creative phase of life, the promises to the dreaming enrichment and personal advancement.... (birth)
If you hear or hear the greeting ‘Lebewohl’ or ‘Stay healthy’ in the dream, it has nothing good to mean... (farewell)
It is not unusual for a ‘fault’ – waking dream in which one has committed a crime and fear of being discovered.... (Be to blame))
The unconscious attempts with the dream of sinking to make this weakness aware, so you can fight it.... (decrease)
Sometimes grief playing with, but generally is to listen to play the organ in a dream, pleased with himself and the world.... (organ)
As well, of course, if this bold action succeeds! In the dream viewing the dreamer has to meditate on what has to be understood for it at this so happy to reach the beyond.... (bridge)
It is to ask whether the ego excessively permeated with this dream symbol with his needs.... (celebrity)
Is the bride but ugly or unhappy, the dream shows in this picture of the Partnership or family conflicts.... (bride)
A splinter in the dream can represent a minor irritation.... (splitter)
No symbol – usually a greedy cravings dream in the ‘lean times’ one-sided diet.... (pudding)
Galoshes (overshoes) one carries the dream often when you expect worries and problems.... (galoshes)
Yawning in a dream indicates fatigue or boredom.... (yawning)
If a dream of hay is, the dreaming should deal with the practical part of his personality.... (hay)
a dream about your children... (childhood)
A newspaper in the dream refers to knowledge that is available to the public.... (newspaper)
Does he speak in a dream, then that’s what he says, often seen as a prophecy.... (birds)
When sprain in the dream referred to a restriction on the movement, with which is not as drastic as the fracture.... (sprain)
Lud is his burden to a dream service man from, one circulated probably otherwise the obligations to other off.... (service man)
At the spiritual level embodies a toilet in a dream means and ways to get rid of all negativity and discard.... (Toilet)
Suffers the dreaming in his dream to inflammation, it might be that he has internalized negative attitudes of other people.... (inflammation)
At the spiritual level the nest in the dream symbolizes security in the familiar environment of the dreaming.... (nest)
It is important to see the colors in close conjunction with the other symbols of the dream.... (To dye)
In a dream to save a drowning person, perhaps symbolizing the fighters in one.... (drown)
In the dream to be part of a splinter group, points out that the dreaming, very involved in a matter that is different from conventional wisdom.... (splitter)
From a great authors to dream, brings the unmarried unexpected pleasure.... (author)
For a young woman this dream is a harbinger of indecent amusements.... (rope)
If you dream that you have an accident, then it depends on how it happened, especially if it is something that you use regularly, such as a garden tool.... (accident)
Who misses pointless dream to be powder, is also squandered in waking life his energies soon and then have to complain about too faint of heart.... (powder)
If a dream of is that the dreaming is eaten, he sits down with the fear of losing his identity apart.... (devour)
In the dream, it may therefore be a call for caution to keep injurious behavior on the part of the dreaming or others in check.... (yawning)
Anyone concerned itself in the dream gifts for others, want (usually for gifted person) improve its relationship or may also raise their own status within a group.... (gift)
Thus, the dream could relate to the current feelings for this person.... (dog)
In the dream vegetables may occur as symbols of elementary feelings.... (vegetables)
Because a channel is an artificial structure, it refers in a dream to the tendency to be strict in the control of the emotions, impulses and passions.... (channel)
Psychologically he gets his dream meaning mainly by its black color and thus refers to the feminine.... (coffee)
Frequently this knowledge has no form, and therefore appears as energy, which represents the spirit of the dream as light.... (light)
To interpret the dream exactly, must also be taken into account what is being built.... (Building site)
It should be noted however, that the dream of lightning only means the foregoing observations, if it seems a to have been scorched by lightning, or he had descended to the head or chest... (lightning)