You were dreaming about catfish dream, right? Then this dreams' dictionary is where you'll find an answer to your question, what does it really mean to dream about catfish dream. Below are all the interpretations and all the meanings of what you have dreamed about. The catfish dream dream consists of 5003 symbols:
When the lift is stuck in a dream, this is a sign of a disturbance in the personality development of the dreaming or for feelings of inferiority.... (lift)
If a bait designed in the dream of a woman, this can express their doubts as to whether it is sufficiently attractive to a desired partner.... (bait)
Iron in the dream may allude to a lack or discipline required.... (iron)
Vanity and arrogance adorn themselves in the dream... (feather)
Laziness admonished in a dream rarely, try harder... (To be lazy / lazy)
It is possible, of de items as either natural force or to dream in their individual components.... (elements)
As a dream symbol shall be deemed harmless.... (lizard)
At the spiritual level of Schneider in the dream is an indication of creative ability.... (cutter)
Usually the monster in the dream symbolizes the negative relationship that has the dreaming to himself, and his fear of one’s own feelings and instincts.... (monster)
The dream hunter.... (puma)
A doll in a dream can represent the soul of a particular person, can be helped by the sympathetic magic or sorcery, while also harmed.... (Dolls)
At the spiritual level, the blood can dream of that of Christ represent (see also ‘menstruation’).... (crop circle)
Who deletes a fire in a dream may in waking life just escape from an unhappy situation yet.... (delete)
As a dream symbol Linde can be interpreted by the nature in the sense of joy, companionship, longing for nature and healing.... (Linden tree / Linden flowers)
A ‘faceless dream partner’ is symbolic figure for own, often unknown and unconscious parts of the personality.... (partner)
Photos in the dream are symbols for idealized memories, but also for the desire to ‘make their own image’ from experienced situations and only to look at the most beautiful ones in the future.... (Photo / photography)
A barrel in the dream also points to the talent to be creative with Raw.... (Barrel)
Vegetation can stand in a dream for the obstacles that artificially built the dreaming going on to obtain a growth process.... (vegetation)
If an iron used in the dream, so this is an indication that the dreaming tries to make more of itself.... (iron)
Man can not be based in reality as in a dream in the mist or recognize his surroundings accurately.... (fog)
As you go through your household in a dream, so you probably stands before a change of residence.... (Inventory)
At the spiritual level the igloo symbolizes the feminine, protective and nourishing principle in a dream.... (igloo)
He may appear in the dream as a warrior’s shield or as a barrier between the dreaming and the rest of the world.... (Shield (Protection))
In the dream image of the olive itself kindness and gentleness express.... (olives)
Who carries a hump in the dream that hopes to bring a backpack full happiness home.... (humpback)
Gets a person in a dream visit, has this symbol usually indicate that a change or development particularly imminent in interpersonal relationships or has already arrived, the most, however, is only temporary.... (visit)
Biting the dreaming in his dream another human or a fruit, so for him there is an idea or an idea to its implementation it should work with a vengeance.... (Bite)
Streets and roads refer in a dream on the life of the dreamer, to the entire distance or on certain sections of the road.... (road)
Are we even dream of Schneider, we must venture into a particular matter little to reach the goal.... (cutter)
Akhmet: One of the dignitaries Mamun had a dream and therefore turned to the interpreter of dreams Sirin: ‘. I dreamed that I was standing on a wide, flat field, the first overgrown and full of grass was, but then was skinny and bald’ The Traumdeuter Sirin said, ‘The one who dreamed this, has an unstable and ambivalent nature.’ And as Sirin had judged, his judgment was confirmed on the dreaming.... (field)
The dream could be your attitude toward your partner or your sexuality.... (partner)
Keeps the dreaming in his dream a scepter in his hand, he is to be transferred vitality capable.... (scepter)
The fog is in the dream a sign of insecurity, uncertainty, doubt and hallucinations.... (fog)
to eat in a dream or watching someone eating announces a secure social position, unless you now perceive your options and act accordingly.... (eat)
Each monster that appears in the dream, is something that the dreaming has made artificially huge.... (monster)
the dream is usually accompanied by disease... (illness)
Often thus anxiety are connected in a dream.... (bandit)
Indicates the reader his dream, so he can expect the opposite of the dreamed.... (Magic / magician)
Many people are afraid of blood, and therefore, a dream in which the blood plays a role, the need to signal to come to terms with these fears.... (crop circle)
Just as the flood debris and rubble continued creates, it is meant also to the dream image a cleansing and purification.... (tide)
At the spiritual level, a dream in which the dreamer finds himself in different historical periods, be an indication of an earlier incarnation.... (story)
Occasionally a woman in a dream goat milk, you will marry for the money and not regret her decision.... (goat milk)
What can you contribute to that their partnership is as good as the dream?... (partner)
Colors can only have in a dream in itself meaning... (To dye)
A blue-toned dream photograph indicates that something in life is hidden from view.... (Photo / photography)
The attending doctor in a dream can give to the dreaming important clues for solving its problems.... (hospital)
As a dream symbol, it points out that one tends to resort to animal wild, uncontrolled nature after what you (vitally) requires greedy.... (Claw (of animals))
Loses the dreaming in the dream but a diamond or diamonds, this points to the loss of an important thing.... (diamond)
Loving has this dream symbol points to mutual consent.... (dromedary)
If the dreaming in his dream collects garbage, this may indicate that he bears false presumptions.... (Waste (waste))