You were dreaming about bugs under skin, right? Then this dreams' dictionary is where you'll find an answer to your question, what does it really mean to dream about bugs under skin. Below are all the interpretations and all the meanings of what you have dreamed about. The bugs under skin dream consists of 686 symbols:
The useful poultry represents honest domesticity and maternal characteristics in very conservative sense – the ‘mother hen’ that keeps her chicks warm under the wing fluff.... (hen)
Not infrequently one actually fall amplified from hair when you stand just under the shock of an emotional or physical loss.... (bald)
(See also under the single color)... (chalk)
A bad sign, it is also to see star under his but... (gods)
Women who dream at night of nuts are born under a lucky star true.... (Nut / nuts)
And finally, arms embrace us, those helpers who ‘under the arms’ us.... (Arms (body part))
(See also ‘building’, ‘home’ and under individual building names)... (Buildings)
If you managed satisfactorily in the dream, the chances are good that you have everyday under control.... (furniture)
are under a: it could follow in love unhappy times.... (roof gutter)
threatened by or under attack: by a passionate act you will fall into evil disputes... (devil)
because how much a hovering above the ground, so it is raised against those who move under him.... (hover)
see: one will be taken under the spell of a man... (fakir)
Under Will you but something that you help is high point certainly.... (piety)
Who is a dare even dream, would be in reality always prove how good he is actually – and what he brings about everything ‘under extreme stress’.... (courage)
only make long distance calls or ‘no connection under this number’ end up with: shows contact problems... (phone)
plunge: Warning! There is a danger of losing the ground under their feet... (Abyss)
Under such circumstances, this dream symbol appears as an invitation to the dreaming to develop more openness.... (guts)
In addition, one must still take into account the different symbolism of right and left (see under those keywords) when one perceives only one arm in a dream.... (Arms (body part))
Who threading does not want to really succeed, the make it instantly in waking life hardly to keep his nerves under control, whereby a possible success can be reversed.... (thread)
under special circumstances one can conclude on an accident... (family)
(See also under the individual type designations)... (activities)
Very positive contrast would be if a house or room could caught fire and it would be a able to nip this because this is a symbol of controlled passion – so ensure that you have your life under control.... (disasters)
a model act and do business under.... (Self-made-man)
Water moves under its own laws, and if the dreamer noticed in his dream that a river or a road surrounds him with its meanders, this is an invitation to him, his feelings to become more aware and more gentle with them.... (meander)
He regarded the dream a part of himself, which is out of control and can be frightening, under certain conditions.... (Madness)
Did they perhaps acted immorally, but feigned innocence? The earthquake dream expresses a life of uncertainty from (losing the ground under your feet!) And presumably a very concrete: loss of home or work place.... (disasters)
Sometimes he also symbolizes the tendency of people to expand through meditation and similar exercises consciousness and seek experiences beyond reason and logic, which is to be considered under certain circumstances as a warning against a strong escapism.... (librarian)
The dreaming is possibly under psychological stress and must perhaps decide to leave based projects or feelings to be awake.... (Luggage)
You do not go under despite difficulties, we can not let you fall.... (Fish Bubble)
(See also under the individual names)... (Furnishings)
It is under constant observation of his own conscience the soul.... (camera operator)
in an awkward situation he consoles because it eventually picks up again, under favorable circumstances, he warns against it against any complacency.... (Beetle)
You have your affairs not under control and could harming themselves.... (To be mad / mad / mad)
(See also ‘Auto’ under ‘travel’)... (taxi)
To be ashamed of in the dream, is a mistake you made long ago and under which one suffers today.... (Shame / ashamed)
(Squill were also hung to ward off any evil at the door or buried under the doorstep.) Salvation it promises to all who live in sorrow and pain... (Sea onion)
paddling ducks in clear water: long-distance travel are under a lucky star... (ducks)
see how the values hike steeply upwards: it is under great pressure... (barometer)
Those familiar with religious legends, knows that God comes as a shaper of the man from the dust of the earth under the likeness of the divine potter.... (potter)
Most dreamers ashamed of slippers because they perceive as a sign of own inferiority and therefore fear that one day come under the slipper... (slippers)
Thus, one can consider a dream under three different aspects: given heard the dream ego, another of the dream content, and finally the actual information and knowledge that is usually displayed in the form of sometimes visionary images.... (vision)
watch at work: under good conditions of life is to reach old age... (painter)
Who am steaming kettle burn your fingers in a dream can take it calmly literally – he is afraid that his little ‘too hot’ and that he ‘their fingers burned’ if he yields to the temptation of a sense run wild to leave – no longer ‘to secure valve’ it with what is, to have it under control.... (Steam boilers)
(See also ‘food’, ‘fruit’) (Some fruits have their own, very specific meanings and are listed under his name such.... (fruit)
(See also ‘mother’, ‘sister’, ‘Caring Professions’ under ‘People’)... (Nurse)
The dreamer goes under militant thoughts.... (war)
sleeping in bed under the open sky: gratifying experiences and fate turn for the better... (bed)
When a person is under stress, then he takes the passage of time true abundantly clear that time is in this way to an enemy.... (hourglass)
under construction see: one will make a loved one a gift.... (Place to visit)
but under certain circumstances it is also a warning against carelessness, especially in matters of love, because then one must expect a disappointment.... (Thief)