You were dreaming about bugs under skin, right? Then this dreams' dictionary is where you'll find an answer to your question, what does it really mean to dream about bugs under skin. Below are all the interpretations and all the meanings of what you have dreamed about. The bugs under skin dream consists of 686 symbols:Does he wear not weapons, but looks with pride his troops under arms, he is a good news that he longed to receive... (weapons)
If you yourself sitting under it, he promises more prestige and honors.... (Baldachin (pompon heaven, Traghimmel))
see: you are under good protection... (Dowsing rod)
(See also ‘House’ and under individual names)... (building)
pass under a bridge admonished to not lose his sight of your goals and to pursue them.... (bridge)
Someone calls a dead to him, follows him at first, but then disappears again, the dreaming will come under the compulsion of a ruler, but free to come back.... (death)
In such cases, may be appropriate psychotherapeutic assistance when you can not even get the problems under control.... (demon)
sit under green trees: receive good news... (tree)
Under certain circumstances, it symbolizes fear of unconscious influences or dangers, so everything is ‘behind the back’ plays.... (move)
Sitting with a friend under green trees: unexpected luck, a merry marriage... (tree)
because the emperor has this dream, this points to all who live under his rule.... (cow)
are under a spell or magic: if you are not careful, you will succumb to the evil disguised as pleasure... (enchant)
wrapped a peeled onion in a handkerchief and placed under the pillow and said a certain verse about it.... (love)
Under certain circumstances, however, you find yourself not cope well in the bureaucratic jungle of everyday life.... (paragraph)
It then moves under circumstances unknown territory.... (acrobat)
In a family tomb climb in and coffins could see decay therein mean that although you can see the need for change, but is content with this ‘insight’ to put instead of a line under the past.... (crypt)
because all these birds indeed dive under, but do not sink in the sea.... (gull)
If the dreaming everyday under pressure, this may come in dreams to express that it is pushed.... (slide)
The type of bridge structure tells us whether obstacles are constructed on our life: The missing banister or still under construction bridge show the dreamer perilous locations on.... (bridge)
The dreamer sees himself in a dream under a canopy, knows about his potential for great achievements.... (Baldachin (pompon heaven, Traghimmel))
pass under her lose your goal is not out of sight.... (bridge)
Ceiling is also often in the sense of ‘holding something under the ceiling’ (ie hide) understand... (Ceiling (wool))
If you suffered from a lack of oxygen in the dream, you had either crept too deep under the covers, or the dream means that the wax-I need more fresh air – literally and figuratively.... (oxygen)
Under the so-called credible informants whose words you should give and follow faith, I consider first the gods... (Warranties)
Singing under Kitharabegleitung has interpreted the same way.... (harp)
So you try in vain to pull a heavy cart to slow him down on the slope, or you’re on a roof senses waver in the rocks of the high mountains, the rock under him.... (danger)
Run even in the game of your life director? Or follow the stage directions of others? This is what such a dream and of course also to the importance of the role that you have (under which director?) To play.... (Director / Director (Game Director))
A road race symbolizes feelings, which does not have the dreaming under control.... (travel)
Whoever sees himself in a dream without foot or leg, must fear losing the ground under their feet or the real attitude to life.... (foot)
He is capable of doing, the situation in which he finds himself, to keep under control, so that things are going in his favor and he can customize according to his needs and wishes.... (Magic / magician)
How did you manage the perspective? The answer could provide information on whether one sees things in life under the right angle of view.... (Photo / photography)
Beware of hubris and megalomania, of heresy, to be able to have it all and keep under control is offered.... (Injury / injuries)
Bad it is in every way to lose the ground under their feet.... (danger)
Some of the colors will be discussed separately under the appropriate keyword.... (To dye)
Here the water level is adjusted to the needs of shipping – is about ‘regulated feelings’ that can be live only under the circumstances.... (lock)
the station is under construction or you have to laboriously search for the right train: a planned project is still being questioned.... (railway station)
Does the following story familiar, because you have similar dreamed in different versions? Attention, you have a ‘helper syndrome’ – a somewhat compulsive need for help – you feel just popular and accepted, if you ‘needed’ – that’s why they offer under the motto ‘help against Love’ constantly your (often not desired) services’ to.... (willingness to help)
As the order of druids was revived in modern times, the founding members met under an apple tree.... (apple tree)
In the positive dream, it is a symbol of creativity that can also be used against the harshness of everyday life (or under severe conditions).... (sculptor)
(See also ‘corpse’, ‘death’ and under individual names relatives)... (dead)
to be bitten in the dream shows that the dreaming of the aggressive treatment of another human being has to suffer, or vice versa, that he himself does not have its aggressive impulses under control.... (Bite)
One gets played as it could undergo a ‘at worst’ – under the motto: Those who have nothing to lose, has nothing to fear – he is (internally) free.... (mockery)
One should gain more healthy soil under again.... (foot)
(See also ‘Animals’ and under individual pet names)... (Pets are allowed)
Although Full sack promises success in which you will have under certain circumstances but no joy.... (bags)
A symbol of unfreedom, spatial or emotional constriction, time and power pressure under the control of unloved or unacceptable people.... (siege)
because under such circumstances multiply known lice.... (listen)
Lies after. Under the heading of corn to see how the first woman brought the tobacco to people... (tobacco)
March), is also common under the name mountain or silver lion.... (puma)
because the Hanged has no ground under their feet still a tight fit.... (hang)