You were dreaming about big snake, right? Then this dreams' dictionary is where you'll find an answer to your question, what does it really mean to dream about big snake. Below are all the interpretations and all the meanings of what you have dreamed about. The big snake dream consists of 683 symbols:To make caterpillar, butterfly and snake is widespread archetypal images of the personal transformation process.... (transformation)
Dreaming a woman, a child put her a snake on the back of the head and hear the animal hiss, they will be persuaded to abandon an asset that they would keep better.... (Child (s))
For our consideration it is of particular importance that the snake speak can slip out of their skin and forms a new skin.... (transformation)
Look at the snake exactly.... (transformation)
If a woman dreams of a crawling through blossoming clover snake, then love will disappoint them early, and she feels her surroundings as bleak and daunting.... (Kleefeld, Germany)
Eva talking with the snake hear or see: wily women are your wealth and reputation harm... (Adam)
A snake that winds around a rod, points out that the dreaming who has reconciled his opposing personality traits together, unconscious forces liberating, healing, regeneration, and renewing create (see also ‘Aesculapius’).... (animals)
a snake pit or the nest of any dangerous animal: great concern... (nest)
a snake umbringend: considered a good omen... (dog)
It belongs to the reptiles and avoids, like the snake, the contact with people.... (lizard)
(See also ‘snake’)... (rattlesnake)
And really he dreamed he were entering the Sarapistempel and Kerberos (The three-member, with snake mane and -schweif provided hellhound, which prevents the dead from returning from the underworld.) Shook his right hand.... (hand)
Speaks one with a wild animal or a snake, which also means victory over his enemies... (Editorial office)
More snake as fish, suggests a temptation to Aalglattes... (eel)
Like the snake is considered the salamander as symbol for animal unconscious processes – and he is considered magical creature.... (salamander)
(See also ‘snake’, ‘worm’, ‘fish’)... (eel)
Adam see with fig leaf and Eve with the snake around the hips and abdomen: malice and perversion affect their fate... (Adam)
If you see a snake in her lap, threatening humiliation.... (Lap)
Somebody dreams of a giant snake or a dragon in his home, on the field, in city or country, will be released just there a hostile ruler maliciously.... (Dragon (the mythical creature))
Word drakon means snake, but also dragon dragon.... (Dragon (the mythical creature))
Phoibos commented, that all who drank of the wine, perished because a snake was pegged it.... (Wine barrel)
Attracted eels lazily through muddy turbid water, one would like to be ‘slippery’ in order to more easily ‘snake’ by unexplained threatening perceived situation.... (eel)
drawn out of the water: the Snake symbol is now captured, eliminates the risk... (eel)
The other, whom it dreamed, from the barrel is according sprouted a vine, just as it was a krepierte snake, and the wine was just as corrupt, but drank none of it, and it also came to none.... (Wine barrel)
Or you had a dream where you sit on the train and perceive a copper bracelet on your wrist, this could indicate that your goal is the Snake position.... (travel)
in big pile: you let yourself into great things.... (Beetroots)
Also: you’re in big trouble... (money)
strike: you’ll have to pay big money teaching.... (skull)
Signs to the contrary, in a successful business deal or big income... (advantage)
you will make big money unnecessary expenditure.... (Ballet ladies)
you will get help in big trouble... (Walking stick)
Tighten old or broken: get into big disputes... (Protective gloves)
blow itself: one tends to his fellow big trustfulness contrary accommodate and would do better to keep important things for themselves... (Horn (musical instrument))
Big game hunt: good success in business... (hunt)
Radar in the dream can mean that controlled by powerful external instances in his behavior the dreaming feels – ‘Big Brother is watching you’.... (radar)
The dreaming has made a big mistake, is now before the damage done – and denies his guilt.... (ash)
see coming to him: get in the near future a big surprise... (mail)
record: you go against big worries... (loan)
So Orchestra indicates inner harmony, in the reluctant psychic contents were reconciled to each other, to submit to the big picture (personality).... (orchestra)
They want you to make big trouble.... (stomp)
good income, big win is before you.... (down)
see (Guardsman): receive big change... (Guard)
Is eating someone a boiled sheep’s skull, he will reap big profits by a man high class, but it will cost him toil and labor... (skull)
see: big win... (hustle)
see a build: you’ll carry you with big plans... (tower)
also: it will occur among friends diseases, prepare a big worry... (Oranges (fruit))
see a big: sign of a difficult situation, in which one will soon fall... (tongs)
many see piled up in big heap: tells an event that brings many tangible benefits.... (Beetroots)
see or have to do with it: you’ll find yourself struggling with big plans... (locomotive)
it is the wife, the husband is because of their frivolous doings have big trouble.... (Elephant disease)