You were dreaming about big ocean waves, right? Then this dreams' dictionary is where you'll find an answer to your question, what does it really mean to dream about big ocean waves. Below are all the interpretations and all the meanings of what you have dreamed about. The big ocean waves dream consists of 428 symbols:
Since life in a village was slower than in the big city, it might as dream content are also available for relaxation.... (village)
you’re making a big profit.... (Luck)
If you are dreaming of a mature, big pumpkin, you should trust yourself and your abilities, not rely solely on the help of others.... (pumpkin)
big and fat: Happiness... (head)
big win in the game... (moss)
The sun is without a doubt the person of the emperor, the most powerful man after him, Venus Augusta, the other big stars, the dignitaries of the emperor and the other stars the world at large the moon.... (Stars)
big win.... (Motor vehicle)
hold in your hand: big win... (moss)
bear: big trouble with neighbors.... (Hand basket)
Likewise mean rivers that do not irrigate the land, people, mighty or low, depending on whether the rivers are big or small... (Flow)
have: an unexpected teller will tear a big hole in the checkout.... (Toothache)
give a beggar: promises big profits... (money)
it will work soon in a big city.... (Gentry)
see: It makes you big promises, do not believe everything.... (Support / support)
Gestures they angry bark or bite, announce iniquities of them relevant persons and big losses.... (dog)
The signal will give to think that he is making a big mistake if he loses human values in favor of material from the eyes.... (hell)
if one succeeds in making people to friends from whom you can expect help, big business will succeed very well... (giant)
since the often leads to big problems, ending with disappointment, exhorted the dream in such cases, but caution.... (spring)
Big man warns of aggression or overemphasis of mind.... (man)
sardonically laughing: big money spending... (Mrs)
operate: foreshadows big skills that can be acquired.... (Astrologer (-ie))
This face can but look a great man or one who will bring it more into something big.... (oxen)
suddenly showing up in front of a: it will give the opponents a big fight... (giant)
you should try to be compassionate in smaller things and big events will emerge from it.... (certificate)
the chirping of big green hear: can indicate failure and an unusual dependence on others... (leaf grasshopper)
See: you have big plans... (drawings)
Jugendträume old people are a sign that the life ring closes, the old man does a return to its beginnings, behind which Begins to glow the first morning light of a much too big, eternal youth, or it is already the first step into a new life ,... (youth)
someone: Your agility will bring you a big profit and pleasure.... (Teach / teach)
golden string, braid or cord: promises big profits in the near future.... (String (of a musical instrument))
Tunica, a short-sleeved shirt made of linen, was worn by both men and women) many big bugs, disgusted in front of it, it will bring the best of intentions but not ready to shake it.... (bug)
You have in front of big plans.... (hug)
can you soon meet challenges, provide the impetus for a profitable future: see a big wheel train which rotates... (Wheels)
dried: big disappointment in worldly things... (Beans)
unknown: big win you get into the house... (People)
also: Through the good advice of a business colleague you will receive just a big money loss.... (raft)
see a new: one will soon make big plans... (straw hat)
big or strong have: points to much work... (Arms (body part))
see a big meadow: happy days... (weed)
feel: big events... (earthquake)
make Honeymoon: bring a big surprise... (wedding)
In important cases, it is a powerful header or central station, with big, shadowy tracks halls.... (railway station)
Buy: you will commit a big mistake... (slippers)
At the present time only a few people working in the country, and therefore this symbol is no longer such a big importance.... (Plow / plow)
Badet one in lukewarm water, his distress will be not so big and bad... (to bathe)
The barracuda is a big fish, which is found in the Mediterranean and Atlantic.... (barracuda)
Leaving aside the dream pebbles, one should not only deal with big things, but also learn more details in its deliberations and decisions.... (pebbles)
one wears with big plans... (Mast / Mastbaum (of a ship))
you have big losses... (bone)
a burning: displays big win... (House)
cook: the difficulties are not as big as they seem... (water)