being trapped on a mental hospital ward DREAM INTERPRETATIONS
You were dreaming about being trapped on a mental hospital ward, right? Then this dreams' dictionary is where you'll find an answer to your question, what does it really mean to dream about being trapped on a mental hospital ward. Below are all the interpretations and all the meanings of what you have dreamed about. The being trapped on a mental hospital ward dream consists of 1176 symbols:be busy with their own excrement: you want to get rid of mental ballast or annoying circumstances... (excrements)
Who dreams to actively intervene in the event of an accident, could soon come in a similar situation (figuratively): It is often a ‘tip’ from the subconscious that someone close to ‘is an accident’ emotional, is in a relationship crisis or is in a situation that he or the mental state of emergency... (Help)
Bizarre behavior during dreaming or other dream characters can shed light on the mental state of the dreaming.... (behavior)
one must take great mental and physical efforts in purchasing, if one wants to achieve his goal... (horse)
Driving down we and other animals from the pasture, we must subdue in waking life the will of others, that means we are under mental duress.... (Pasture (meadow))
Killing (murder) can suppressed feelings and similar mental contents symbolize that should be readmitted.... (kill)
A warning sign! In the dream, the pharmacy generally an emergency situation and the prompt to strive more to his physical and mental health embodies.... (pharmacy)
The house, where we take care of stock, is instinctive, but also mental energy.... (barn)
If the fire burns without sparks, you may be in good physical and mental condition.... (fire)
heavy mental suffering mostly from an unhappy love out... (torture)
However, it rarely refers to a lack of physical force – mostly it’s about perseverance and mental challenges to what is now the necessary power would apply.... (force)
a reminder, his mental and physical powers not to waste in projects but can not be realized... (sand)
If one kills a rabbit, it suggests that suppressing emotions and similar mental content and therefore unhappy.... (rabbit)
Fishing indicates that you are in the mental balance or it will get back soon.... (Fishing / fishing)
Roof embodies the intellect and often include a mention that to ‘top-heavy’ lives be guided too much by reason and logic, but suppressed feelings and similar ‘irrational’ mental content.... (roof)
According to current interpretation is that us and singular life energy that lets us process Mental as spiritual.... (table)
It is important to note, in which mental and emotional situation you lived at that time.... (time)
Rather, it is pointed by sexuality in the dream on a mental and creative function.... (sexuality)
accomplish acrobatic equilibrium Act: Warning of mental daring and too much recklessness... (balance)
Amputees feet or legs may indicate that something retardant hinders our life, it the dreaming of possibilities lacking to evolve, or he has lost his mental or spiritual mainstay.... (amputation)
We believe that with the death takes place a mental maturation process which will have a favorable effect on the character of the dreamer and his relationship to his environment.... (to die)
Who listens to sing in a dream, just has mental stress behind and right now ‘a song of relief’ to – says the traditional interpretation.... (singing)
Abstinence in the form of self-control, suppression of needs and renunciation of passions and desires, particularly of bodily appetites, is positive that the dreaming to a higher level of mental-spiritual self-realization effort and would remain true to its principles.... (abstainer)
Occasionally a price tag must point out which mental effort it took to get to this sweet experience.... (Food)
Anyone who builds a new house in a dream or can build, should do in waking life a little for his mental and physical wellbeing.... (New construction)
general: stands for discarding of mental ballast, as well as creating internal order... (Abort (WC))
Equilibrium acts perform: disclosure of mental audacity and recklessness, also strong self-confidence.... (balance)
Breathe them the scent of lilies, he is sorrow purify and increase their mental abilities.... (lilies)
Previously the difference between physical and mental fertility was unknown.... (Seeds (grains))
The financial, mental or spiritual resources of the dreaming require careful attention.... (Bank (as a financial institution) / Bankhaus)
It is hard to give up something, whether it be physical or mental and spiritual values.... (constipation)
The pawnshop also describes insecure feelings, sometimes even mental disorders that are due to the fear of not to act outwardly as you would like to like to see.... (Rental house)
He collapses, so our legs and feet are at risk, which could be translated so that we hardly find from an instantaneous position of the mental stresses to which our consciousness feels not grown, a feasible way.... (cellar)
It means mental and spiritual profit or the recovery of lost objects.... (Ambra)
The light it radiates promises cheerful serenity that Funzel mental cramps.... (lamp)
Swarms of locusts can draw attention to serious mental harm.... (grasshoppers)
Mental, for example, if one is unable to speak, or hear, or spiritual, a blockage can also manifest.... (blockade)
One should free oneself from mental, spiritual and moral filth and deception, which clogs the fine channels to the spiritual plane.... (clean)
Sport calls for skill, planning, care, physical and mental energy.... (Sports)
even be buried: signs of mental development and an imminent change of personality... (governess)
She translates the mental self-poisoning, the insistence on a false position.... (constipation)
When it comes to a disease in the dream of the dreaming, emphasizes this, that there is a physical, emotional or mental imbalance in his heart.... (plague)
Generally, it embodies the partly unconscious mental-spiritual area of a personality... (mother)
Buy: you need a mental strengthening... (sausage)
It is rare to refer to mental prey.... (pirate)
you’ll have much mental work.... (Nutcracker)
This dream vision will shape a mental importance very much into consciousness.... (headline)
But usually rewrite the shoes or mental location of the dreamer in waking life.... (Shoes)
If such a dream before more and triggers strong feelings of fear from, this indicates either a physical illness or a mental disorder.... (breath)
This can (often neuroses) accompanied that should be treated by psychotherapy with pathological mental disorders.... (Funeral / burial)