You were dreaming about being anointed with oil, right? Then this dreams' dictionary is where you'll find an answer to your question, what does it really mean to dream about being anointed with oil. Below are all the interpretations and all the meanings of what you have dreamed about. The being anointed with oil dream consists of 5630 symbols:
with many roses: Familienzuwachs with you or your relatives.... (Rosenstock)
Who dreams of will soon have to deal with this issue, especially if the dream events occurred a fight with the gorilla (or attempting to outsmart him).... (gorilla)
Man is endowed with five senses and forms with outstretched arms and legs a pentagon.... (five)
In addition, the following interpretations are possible: Elephant with driver on the neck denotes the strength and energy with which to overcome obstacles on the path of life, where you will be guided by reason and logic.... (elephant)
sleep with someone other sex together: you or love partner accepts it with fidelity not very accurate when it is young and beautiful... (Sleep / sleep)
At the spiritual level luggage is in the dream a reminder of the dreamer, not to burden them with unnecessary knowledge, according to the motto: If you’re traveling with heavy luggage, comes better to its destination.... (Travel baggage)
This risk can potentially extend our favor, in most cases, however we realize that we ‘have cut his finger’ when we thought they could prevail in an adventurous manner or with brute force us what probably with brains much easily could be achieved.... (to cut)
As the trunk bypasses with you and you with it, indicates the extent to which you trust this man.... (trunk)
It dreamed one who lived in a foreign country, he builds himself there hearth and home and smear instead of stones his books with clay, but then he decided to proceed differently, tear a everything and hear with building on.... (book)
a large well-dressed, look at an event: promises pleasant surroundings with friends, but all interfere with the enjoyment of guests means grief and loss of friendships, where profits and cheap connections were to be expected, there is unhappiness... (people)
If called Walking with Artemidor the dream to be pelted with stones, a journey or an addition, provincial, so here is certainly a reminiscence of the practice of stoning and expulsion of Pharmakos, the ‘scapegoat’ in front, as from us hard is known of attisch- ionic Thargelia.)... (stones)
But Ino was punished along with her husband Athamas with insanity.... (son)
The with the left hand to be played keys which produce dark tones that are counted towards the inner, emotional range, to playing with the right hand to the outer, conscious area.... (piano)
Has the dreaming fear of not finding the right words or not to make it in time with writing, it may be that he has a penchant for self-tormenting preoccupation with himself and his character.... (write)
with eggs: nice family life with many kids... (nest)
Praying in a dream means that the dreaming dialogue with that power seeks to which it turns with confidence.... (prayer)
with leprosy or with lichen, fraught looks... (Leprosy / leprosy)
is it in good condition, you can expect problems and obstacles with a favorable development, with defects but.... (vehicle)
Since water is a symbol of feelings and the unconscious, wash stands in the dream for the pursuit of a relationship with the emotional self and to successfully deal with it.... (to wash)
Rivalry with one parent: In the first period after the birth of a child is going through a phase of extreme selfishness, which is then of a unique relationship, usually, replaced with the mother.... (family)
a young woman looks even with a bridal veil, it is concerned with things that bring you lasting pleasure.... (veil)
Are on a meadow with flowering daisies, with the sun shining and the birds chirping: happiness, health and wealth will unite and accompany one for a lifetime... (daisies)
It occurs in the dream often in the form of a youth or a child on, equipped with the well-known attributes, namely a bow and arrow or the bar with the impaled heart.... (Eros)
He did not blind, but he married his daughters with house slaves, and in this way the better mated with the inferior.... (eyes)
Also a state of harmony with itself and with the environment is sometimes behind.... (ecstasy)
If this dream specifically foiled a vacation with Artemidor, we compare so the traditional with the Neoplatonist Iamblichus Pythagorean commandment that a pet departing passengers ban, look around.... (head)
also: one will soon with his household can be satisfied, because you have brought it with a lot of endurance to a certain prosperity... (sewing)
If the wasps chased by the locals with smoke, the enemy will be distributed with ridicule and defeat.... (wasps)
What is meant with this vision rather the confrontation with its environment.... (City)
with a crash and pollute with soot: a secret love affair will come out.... (Chimney sweep)
Every dream in which the dreamer its basic needs is aware has something to do with his relationship with the mother.... (Nutrition or care)
be baptized by the Holy Spirit with fire: you have to be afraid to be discovered with a lustful pleasure.... (Baptismal font)
Getting lost is a wrong direction in life with goals and objectives that are not in accordance with their own personality.... (lost)
When the dreamer sees himself or someone else swept together with a scraper of dirt, the unconscious leaves no other conclusion than we should be able to cope with the soul which already has patina.... (Sweepings / rubbish heap)
If you as a stunt pilot with other colleagues vorführte daring feats in a dream, one works in waking life according to the success together with teammates.... (Fine art)
Initially, the satisfaction is all of these needs with the mother in connection, and the same is true with dreams that address this.... (Nutrition or care)
A woman on the other hand, has to sell something is complete with respect to a sale with someone a contract, as is usual in a marriage.... (wife)
It is associated with the northern county district and stands for your home and your relationship with everything physical in the world.... (Tipi)
be smeared with eggs: one shows off too much with profits of dubious origin... (Eggs)
In addition, these premises are associated with the life energy of the dreaming and with sexuality.... (House)
Certainly the vibrate dream symbol of crocus with also that he belongs with the snowdrops along the first flowers of the year.... (flowers)
It is important to determine what type of bar it is, and how it is composed, whether it is decorated with stones, plant parts or, for example, with fur and what color it is.... (Stick (stick, stick))
If a prince or a landlord dreams of fighting with him, he will wage war with a powerful, crafty and fearsome enemy... (panther)
It is important to note, with what or with whom you are in conflict.... (revolt)
The adventurer: he describes, even if it should be of a stranger, that I the dreamer and his tendency to deal fairly daring with personal happiness or not to take it in love and marriage with morality too closely.... (adventure)
Dreaming a woman, a decrepit man with a wrinkled face and gray hair to get married, they will have to deal with many troubles and diseases.... (marriage)
see and play with it: one should not be a news Krämer and stick with every little gossip... (resin)
Plays a dream with a fox or he brings a tame animal in his house, he will fall in love with a bad wife and enchanted by her.... (fox)
Just cooked, it shows the same profits to, but with delay, while the prepared accordingly by chefs a profit brings, coupled with anger or previous expenses.... (meat)
With a blood relative or friend to wrestle announces quarrels and disputes with the person.... (Ringfights / rings)