being a passenger in a flying plane DREAM INTERPRETATIONS
You were dreaming about being a passenger in a flying plane, right? Then this dreams' dictionary is where you'll find an answer to your question, what does it really mean to dream about being a passenger in a flying plane. Below are all the interpretations and all the meanings of what you have dreamed about. The being a passenger in a flying plane dream consists of 908 symbols:
have: health, happiness and well-being... (home)
A car is often for personal space, for the extension of being the dreamer.... (car)
An athlete dreamed of being pregnant and giving birth to two dark-skinned girl.... (Pregnancy / Pregnancy)
A negative symbol: If one dreams of being an aristocrat, this results in the conclusion that one feels inferior to his surroundings.... (aristocrats)
The empty nest itself indicates the being left alone.... (nest)
In processes for land it ensures tenants who fear being expelled from their possession, continue the right of use... (lightning)
Ball: What parts of my being I join? Ball Game: How do I want to participate? In which group do I add myself?... (Ball (game))
a predatory part of your being... (Red kite)
See you like being the focus and enjoys the attention of others.... (stage)
What he makes of the square, is his view of the world are connected, the circuit with his inner being and the triangle with his sex life.... (Geometric figures)
a more playful aspect of your being... (Tree embrace)
Small see: the successes will be modest according to the size of the buildings being viewed... (building)
In processes for the civil rights, it is useful if you are dreaming of being struck by lightning... (lightning)
A bad sign, it is also to be in a river to be washed by its waters and not being able to climb out... (Flow)
Being in the dream on stage means that will show the dreaming and present.... (stage)
a weightless aspect of your being.... (Red kite)
It is not unusual for a ‘fault’ – waking dream in which one has committed a crime and fear of being discovered.... (Be to blame))
To interpret the dream exactly, must also be taken into account what is being built.... (Building site)
If you stand all alone in the spotlight, all eyes in the hall only one? A terrible feeling? Then you have fear of failure – or a stick perfection and fears always, not being good enough and ‘losing face’.... (performance)
Threatens you just get stuck in it, one is afraid of being unable to cope with his life.... (moor)
For a woman who dreams of being entertained servants, this is an unfortunate omen.... (Servant / serve)
hear the voice of a friend or relative: means a serious illness and perhaps death, being then about someone guardian is... (call)
Maybe he thinks he has lost control and being able to move more forward.... (decrease)
your own face or other blackened or disfigured believe: accused without action on their part a lack of tact, the circumstances being but speak against a... (explosion)
At the spiritual level is that being fat for the election, is constantly faced with the each person: submit or rebel.... (Thickness / thickness)
Transcendent meaning: A revelation of the sacred energy within you and the ways how you can bring to your breath and your whole being.... (mountain balsam)
Are you the type ‘hard shell, soft core’? As a dream symbol, as elsewhere: It’s about that hides a sensitive being under a hard, rough exterior – one has the shell only to ‘crack’ know.... (shell)
an oven, without being black: good results in view... (cleaning)
Center of Being... (At home)
should therefore carefully and consider the time being accurate.... (Pact (Treaty))
What smells the whole thing for me? What I know, without being able to know?... (nose)
covered with flowers / wound: happiness and well-being in your own home... (cross)
make first steps to understand parts of your being, to examine that you have feared thee before... (half moon)
have plenty of food, without being able to consume it: you will have to ask others for help... (beef)
Plotting the bracelet itself, stands behind an often unrequited love for another human being, the one hardly suspects and has not yet shown.... (bracelet)
If the Emperor go hindered by a wind on progress, a message it is being trouble from a distant land, he is supported by the wind, full of joy.... (wind)
Therefore, it means people who are afraid of being transferred in court, mischief, when they look washed clothes.... (dress)
Who dreams of having fear of being overwhelmed by an unpredictable event and then ‘feel as slain’ itself.... (club)
Healing is a process in which a living being from an illness or an injury recovers, whether physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually.... (Healing / healing)
Being drunk in a dream shows that the dreamer wants to get in touch with the part of him who tolerates inappropriate behavior and leaves irrational forces.... (drunk)
They want to feel light as a feather, stand out and can fly, throw any kind of ballast and find out in your own life, whether the ‘Unbearable Lightness of Being’ not yet ‘be very tolerable’ could! A longing dream of people, which is ‘too hard’ become real everyday life and can find their very nature only ‘in freedom and lightness’ development and fulfillment.... (ease)
‘Being soiled’ In individual cases, it also points out that it itself must not shy at work, because you will only achieve success.... (soot)
Powerful, primary aspect of being wild... (bison)
In films like ‘King Kong’ embodies the brutal, male violence, the woman is being held.... (gorilla)
including himself: one is aware of being on the right path.... (audience)
Perhaps the brighter side of his being is thereby raised to his consciousness.... (fairies)
Thus the war portrays the fear of being drawn into something that is contrary to their own will.... (war)
see: whether other people do not gram, when you do not understand the same in your being... (Abort (WC))
Although the dreaming perhaps has no reason to feel inferior, he may feel at an unconscious level the need of another human being, to feel superior, and admits him to the dream state.... (Arch / triumphal arch)
So suggests the golden crown out that a fellow human being feels sublime and could run the risk of good and money to forget his own heart.... (crown)