being a passenger in a flying plane DREAM INTERPRETATIONS
You were dreaming about being a passenger in a flying plane, right? Then this dreams' dictionary is where you'll find an answer to your question, what does it really mean to dream about being a passenger in a flying plane. Below are all the interpretations and all the meanings of what you have dreamed about. The being a passenger in a flying plane dream consists of 908 symbols:
being thrown from a: omen for unpleasant news... (vehicle)
An open: advises to be another human being a little more cautious... (cabinet)
otherwise: good health, happiness and well-being... (soup)
Also: watch out for domesticity and concern for the well-being of all your loved ones... (kitchen)
The dream of a pit makes the dreamer a sense of desperation or of being trapped attention.... (pit)
You are being cheated, be on your guard.... (Horse trader)
Nut can stand for the healthy or ‘lazy’ essence of a human being.... (Nut / nuts)
Liquorice (licorice) is ‘rasps liquorice’ in the sense of being understood... (licorice)
did not stand for every human being equal to a lot of trust, bad experiences else before.... (Bank (as a financial institution) / Bankhaus)
If one dreams of being made of clay, everyone threatens to die, except for people who earn their livelihood with clay or clay.... (Sound (Earth))
If the fire being deleted, it may mean the oppression physical or emotional energy.... (fire)
Sometimes the acorn symbolizes the unwavering loyalty of another human being, to be able to rely completely on his own intentions.... (Acorns)
If the lawn green and cared for in the dreamscape, he points to our well-being.... (race)
If one dreams of being descended into Hades and to be prevented from advancement, one will be forcibly held by certain people or jailed, many prophesied the face protracted illness and consequently death.... (Hades)
a belt around the waist of another human being lay: in not too long ago, you will be able to help these persons.... (Waist (Body area))
Other meanings are possible from the respective circumstances: Green, lush grass is intended to indicate long and happy life, well-being and prosperity.... (weed)
Whether you represent or see the insane yourself, you seem to have the feeling of being unreliable.... (To be mad / mad / mad)
Individual religious images in dreams can be interpreted as follows: Buddha: His figure stands in a dream the necessity out to be the characteristics of being conscious, the Buddha taught.... (Religious pictures)
Believe that one is being talked about: it threatens a disease and the misery of others.... (speak)
Therefore be terrible being parable for all strong, all relentless clashes.... (war)
Had they but fear of being trampled, this is a symbol that you need a lot of help, for example,... (Mob)
All over the head to be bald, is for a defendant and a person who fears being forcibly held by others, a good omen... (Bald head / bald head)
good food and well-being.... (Plant school)
attention to health: by being robbed... (housebreaker)
dreamed that a certain person has an accident at a busy intersection, you have probably felt (consciously or unconsciously) that this person runs the risk of being involved in this very spot.... (prophet)
eating its own flesh or that of another human being: one has dominion desires that are fulfilled, or will have numerous descendants.... (meat)
being locked in a dream means that cornered the dreaming feels – often the dreamer has created the conditions for his ‘captivity’ by fear and ignorance itself.... (To be captive / captive)
being stared at by strangers: happiness exemplary Omen... (eyes)
Uses the dreaming the dagger to attack another human being, then he tries on a deeper level, an unloved part of its cut out and get rid of itself.... (dagger)
of his death dreaming while of being together with another woman and a consequent scandal: it threatens divorce and loss of property... (husband)
one must recapture his luck after being too trusting in speculation... (coat)
under certain circumstances is that with being in love in relationship.... (fool cap)
mature parts of your being... (crane)
If one dreams of being struck by lightning while driving to the lake, is in bed or back on Earth or prone is so brings no good... (lightning)
he takes it but without being sick, it means a provision for the maintenance of good health and a rounding of the assets according to the efficacy of the drug.... (drug)
also: one will be prevented from being sensitive damage... (money)
Well-being with the power... (crane)
He came to unlawfully in the possession of an inheritance and was not prosecuted due to the well-being felt, but because of the manure he aroused suspicion... (bread)
The door in the dream can symbolize the transition between two states of being.... (door)
burning candles: a serious ceremony is being held and you should listen more inward and find yourself.... (wax)
Eggs or young being in it, behind it is the desire to have children.... (Swallow’s Nest)
Still prevalent view suntan Increase not only the well-being, but also the training and therefore reputation.... (sunbathing)
If this dream symbol occurs, then it is not too late for a change, that is the personal or economic bankruptcy can still be averted, being often breaks radically with the past.... (Bankrupt)
pay court: you are being cheated by flatterers... (Mrs)
you should care more about the well-being of his fellow men... (Noble)
eat: one will be contracted by thoughtless utterances the enmity of another human being.... (Quark)
If one dreams of being at home, so this symbolizes a return to the fundamental values that we have learned as a child.... (At home)
Truth and strength of the inner being.... (Whale (sea mammal))
being attacked and wounded by them, you will be subject to the disaster... (pirates)
being buried alive: misfortune captivity... (Funeral / burial)