You were dreaming about back stabbed with a knife, right? Then this dreams' dictionary is where you'll find an answer to your question, what does it really mean to dream about back stabbed with a knife. Below are all the interpretations and all the meanings of what you have dreamed about. The back stabbed with a knife dream consists of 5632 symbols:
Dream scenario with cars often process the way the dreamer on the mental or emotional level deal with themselves.... (car)
Window communicates with the house, with our open or buttoned beings and can point to the openings of the body.... (window)
Saves you a drowning, it may mean that you will cope with the dangers with courage and determination.... (drown)
Even with witches and witchcraft with the bird was often associated.... (Crow (bird))
Seeming it him, he is interfering with the clouds, but not seize possession of them, he will maintain with wise handling, but have no benefit.... (Clouds)
with men, rulers, mighty and any kind of superiors, means you’ll be, evil intent of such person, with whom you clashed.... (argument)
Whipping with the rod or beatings with the blow-floor, must not mean punishment.... (punishment)
If one has to contend with an aggressive colleague or with envy by someone from the social environment? The dream dog can someone represent, you know.... (dog)
With family members arguing is not good, even with strangers, but not as bad.... (argument)
because those often have to reckon with punishment with crucifixion.... (Fly (state))
The flax is with respect to a marriage and a community of good omen, because it is braided, also in terms of hopes and expectations, because the hunting device, the Cloud networks and similar instruments, adjust with which people the animals far and wide, manufactured from it will.... (Flax (field))
It dreaming someone he traffics with a piece of iron, how wrong with a woman.... (sexual intercourse)
Another, more fundamental explanation connecting the tongue in a dream with the serpent and the phallus and therefore ultimately with sexuality.... (crop circle)
Dealing with his urine granted the dreaming also a good insight into how to deal with his sexuality.... (crop circle)
Does anyone a rice field, he will come with much controversy, processes and plagues to prosperity, because the cultivation of rice brings a lot of drudgery with it.... (field)
Dreaming one, his collarbones have become larger, it is with married women, in which he cast longing glances, Write and enjoy with them the joys of love.... (bones)
Is it his crown to another or a woman, with instructions to wear them, is the one who has received it obtained with his consent share of power... (crown)
however, it may be interpreted as negative if it expresses the inability to deal with other (and ultimately with themselves).... (killer)
Gives the emperor one of his great one of its robes or clothed him with it, with a purple robe, he will give it greater honor and power and confide his secret... (dress)
A lively market with a wide choice is good, safe time, a barely visited market with scant offer predicts financial difficulties.... (market)
The dream has less to do with free parking than with a deep longing for this ‘one and only real’ love relationship, in which one feels emotionally and emotionally ‘at home’.... (Park)
The dreamer needs heroes and heroines with whom he can identify with, and perhaps a wise counselor.... (Yarn / yarn bobbin)
Pedal: With the pedal you trust his own strength and moves with her by his feeling.... (boats)
with a fall through: one is that there are, when faced with such a life... (exam)
All Braided is obstructive because of linkages with regard to marriages, friendships and communities of good omen, on the other hand with respect to a journey, an elopement and escape because of entanglements... (wreath)
Maybe you also want someone with chocolate ‘bait’, or wants another you ‘catch sweet’ with? The color can also refer to a man or a woman in your area.... (chocolate)
Mugwort, in the inner circle of the Medizinrads associated with water grandmother moon plant, ie with the botanical name Artemisia vulgaris, which means that the plant can be found almost everywhere.... (mugwort)
your bank with the statement to provide the envelope upon arrival with a postal stamp.... (prophet)
According to the accompanying include even the following very specific interpretations possible: see rocks indicates that to be reckoned with his ambitious plans with obstacles that you will but overcome.... (rock)
In such a dream is about a train shaggy mountain horses moved with Blachewagen through the countryside, whose slopes are yellow and red with autumn foliage of the forests.... (landscape)
When fighting in a dream with a dragon, so you can order the fight of the dreaming with the animalistic side of his sexuality be meant... (Dragon (the mythical creature))
No young woman should fill her mind with idle daydreaming, but with energy strive honorably to propel ideals and thoughts forward.... (piety)
Fight someone with a snake and kill them, it will be with God destroy an enemy who has proved to be such, force... (Snake)
In the dream means to play with dice, playing with destiny or perceive opportunities in life that should be necessarily covered careful before.... (cube)
If the thunder with lightning accompanied, you will perhaps unexpectedly encounter a person with whom you celebrate a happy reunion.... (thunder)
what happens at home, done with me! Such dreams, because we as adults with adults of our time, are probably to be interpreted positively.... (youth)
Knows or she loves this man, then she sits down in a dream with her relationship with him apart.... (People)
Headlights can relate to the general direction of the survivor path connected, the fuel gauge with the energy level and the control of the car with confidence, independence and self-control.... (car)
It is as if the unconscious wants to slow us down with the proverb: hurry with time.... (Hurry)
Puts the Emperor himself someone blows with the whip or belt, the person concerned will be clothed by him with a good, all-important office.... (whip)
Is something wrong with the fountain out of order, so that the dreaming example is not able to reach the water, it symbolizes the inability to get in touch with the most valuable talents.... (fountain)
Beats the Emperor hand someone with his rod, the chastened by the first minister of the Emperor will acquire with the knowledge and consent of grace and power.... (whip)
An ambiguous omen: Smite with known or even a loved one, can it expect an improvement in the human relationship with those people.... (Beat / strike)
Who builds his hut with boards want to come to terms with themselves and be more than just looks.... (board)
The raccoon is placed in the medicine wheel with the external position of the northern soul path and with the cleaning compound.... (Raccoon (animal))
consume: to be reckoned with in the future with many worries... (Grapes)
If turn excrement into living animals, perhaps in rats, is found from the dreaming with the fact that he himself is responsible for how he deals with his impulses.... (excrements)
also warning against excessive passion or anger before with himself or with another.... (red-haired)
With dignity and self-respect – with respect for the web of life... (Dance / dancing)
with a crash and pollute with soot: a secret love affair will come out.... (chimney sweeper)