You were dreaming about back stabbed with a knife, right? Then this dreams' dictionary is where you'll find an answer to your question, what does it really mean to dream about back stabbed with a knife. Below are all the interpretations and all the meanings of what you have dreamed about. The back stabbed with a knife dream consists of 5632 symbols:
The pitcher in the dream is always to be seen in connection with the personal situation of the dreaming, so it is important to pay attention to what happens in the dream with him.... (jug)
Depending on the circumstances, the following special meanings are possible: With their pockets for the most personal things of the owner a dream wallet with the most intimate aspects can be equated.... (wallet)
As a snare, he must be connected with despair and possibly with death.... (Knitwear)
Perhaps he must cope with the fears caused the brutality with him in order to continue to develop.... (brutality)
Sometimes, however, we want to attract with their applause on a wrong track and flatterers, ‘serve’ us with bad advice.... (applause)
List often admonished not to bother with insignificant, inconsequential things with which you wasted time only.... (note)
With your fingers, you can play in the dream, why it is important to know the object with which they play.... (finger)
Seeming it the emperor or a prince, he had with a married woman a love affair, it will ennoble her sex, equip them with rich gifts and give her husband such a high rank, as the rumor of this affair was widely known to the public... (coitus)
Fuchs stands for wisdom, which is paired with deceit and often for the wrong friend or wily cunning with which you yourself would like to achieve the goal of his desires, which also sexual inclinations can be meant.... (fox)
So what else is for a sick person, the union with the dead mother as the one with Mother Earth? Conveniently contrast this dream experience is for one who performs a process to land, purchase of land or wants to cultivate land.... (mother)
It is always better to be on board a large ship with a fixed charge because the ride on small vessels, even though they smooth as, is always connected with all profits at risk.... (ship)
The dreaming other people met with limited opportunities with contempt and therefore must adjust his thinking.... (crutch)
with trident or a tuna harpoon (fascina), equipped with a net and dagger... (gladiator)
stick them on another body part, so will suffer the same or be wounded, so that it, around groping with his hands or feet, as it were can see or that he can bring the affected area, as if eyes befänden it, with nothing in contact.... (eyes)
Transcendent meaning: Your harmony with the creation Reich, with you working on.... (Turquoise (color))
Drinking with one or more persons indicates that one must establish a feeling relationship with this or that person.... (alcohol)
others see with horns on the head: one will have conflicts out with some people.... (Horns (animal horn))
with few people: you’ll have to deal with the Authority... (road)
blank: you could be already further with your studies if you do not deal with you stupid affairs would... (urine)
large and with red painted number or even so painted: lottery prize if you buy one lot with many Einern.... (One (number))
Assuming you are more concerned with your spiritual development – as (for example) with planning your next apartment.... (floor)
the black-haired blond The people are good, dangerous: With regard to the hair color of the dream is working with strong contrasts.... (crop circle)
an animal with long tail see: need to prepare for a time with constant trouble... (tail)
Hunt the Kaiser with a tame eagle, he will have a son, the rule with a strong hand and when he will have his joy... (Eagle)
A room, with lit fireworks, be careful with fire, for you could provoke a great danger by your own fault.... (smoking)
Adam see with fig leaf and Eve with the snake around the hips and abdomen: malice and perversion affect their fate... (Eva)
disfigured or ugly see: Conflicts with other people bring worries with it... (face)
It will have a long time to do with an authority and have a lot of patience for dealing with a matter.... (form)
The hummingbird is associated in the medicine wheel with the outer position of the eastern soul path and with the clarity.... (Hummingbird (bird))
a young woman looks even with a bridal veil, it is concerned with things that bring you lasting pleasure.... (Brautschleier)
pull it with others: you live on good terms with your own.... (Strand (knitting))
it is only ordered with wheat, it means with worry and hard work earned money because the grain must first be prepared by grinding, by baking and much more, before it is too Bread... (country)
a pearl necklace or a chain with dark stones: displays tears and sorrow, which will bring a spiritual cleansing with itself... (a necklace)
see a castle with: a time with good financial ratios begins... (mountain)
Behind the desire for union with its hidden side opposite sex or even with the same sex and their own sexuality.... (crop circle)
you leave with his plans caution and discuss this with anyone... (pot)
suggests an enemy with a hoe for a: its interests are threatened by enemies, but with caution goes to a real threat out of the way... (hoe)
saith the Lord, but not with him, he will, if it is the emperor, be filled with joy and win a complete victory over his enemies... (Christ)
Often is leather in conjunction with uniform and therefore with protection.... (leather)
The dream of a tank which one wears shows that the dreaming with his need for self-defense and protection against the aggression of other apart sets, but also with its aggressiveness, if it is the vehicle.... (Armor (Warrior))
If you have walked around the arena with applause of the audience, the emotional context is marked very closely and it is with its inner forces consistent.... (arena)
If one was dressed very differently than usual in a dream, that could mean that one with a range in waking life – is dissatisfied – most likely with the Image.... (Costume / costume)
As with the cosmetics we change with all that our appearance, which means Camouflage and concealment of a certain part of our personality.... (Costume / costume)
cross with a rushing river: you put the time in big trouble, but is able to cope with this happy.... (kahn)
Humans and hummingbirds in the United States are enjoying each other: people pamper the birds with sugar water, and the birds inspire them with their beauty.... (Hummingbird (bird))
With the anachronistic sentry reminds us the unconscious mind to let go with open eyes through life and exercise caution, because many dangers lurk in ambush.... (Sentinel)
He must find out whether the responsibility for the failure lies with itself or with another person.... (Wreck (Shipwreck))
you will be with new plans happen, hopes a new phase and is intended to comply with the previous experience.... (death)
he does not speak with them, but He only her appearance, he will be filled with a joy that is less than if he had seen the Lord... (Christ)
Opening a window means that the dreaming is concerned with his feelings or with his attitude towards the opinions of other people.... (building)