You were dreaming about back stabbed with a knife, right? Then this dreams' dictionary is where you'll find an answer to your question, what does it really mean to dream about back stabbed with a knife. Below are all the interpretations and all the meanings of what you have dreamed about. The back stabbed with a knife dream consists of 5632 symbols:
Who is running with endurance, strives towards a goal he will reach with energy.... (to run)
Dreaming somebody, he was afflicted with leprosy, he will get rich according to their degree, but may be covered with shame and hide from humans.... (leprosy)
Furthermore, the woman who is wealthy when her husband, pay many debts for him and one that lives with a slave is to raise large sums of and ransom him with it, and in this way is the plight of the man (for so is the called sexual organ), that is his predicament, be adjusted.... (fellatio)
Often this dream symbol is also associated with the importance that it now with the learned must prove itself in everyday life – that you look longs / or anxious feelings looking at it!... (School release)
(It appears therein to reflect the idea that the contact with the earth of a particular place right there on the same, as indeed guarantees the possession of a clod earth possession of the land, of which the soil is derived.) I know someone who it dreamed he rings and stretch out his opponent with the so-called trick ‘two fingers to – a’ to the ground.... (Ringfights / rings)
Wen you were the hunter, you got the loot? Wen you were hunted, one was caught? An elderly interpretation establishes a connection with the death, especially with the ritual or sacrificial death.... (hunt)
The dolphin is associated in the medicine wheel with the inner position of the northern soul path and with the purity.... (dolphin)
With a blood relative or friend to wrestle announces quarrels and disputes with the person.... (Ringfights / rings)
Seeming it him, the fox had hurt him with his claws, he will have to be expected of the members in accordance with the injury grief and sorrow.... (fox)
Dreaming one, it’ll put him with his consent a noose around the neck or he was being held by someone with hands, he and pass his entire inheritance in its hands.... (neck)
be baptized by the Holy Spirit with fire: you have to be afraid to be discovered with a lustful pleasure.... (Baptismal font)
Every dream in which the dreamer its basic needs is aware has something to do with his relationship with the mother.... (Nutrition or care)
Also a state of harmony with itself and with the environment is sometimes behind.... (ecstasy)
He did not blind, but he married his daughters with house slaves, and in this way the better mated with the inferior.... (eyes)
It is associated with the northern county district and stands for your home and your relationship with everything physical in the world.... (Tipi)
be smeared with eggs: one shows off too much with profits of dubious origin... (Eggs)
When the dreamer sees himself or someone else swept together with a scraper of dirt, the unconscious leaves no other conclusion than we should be able to cope with the soul which already has patina.... (Sweepings / rubbish heap)
If you as a stunt pilot with other colleagues vorführte daring feats in a dream, one works in waking life according to the success together with teammates.... (Fine art)
Getting lost is a wrong direction in life with goals and objectives that are not in accordance with their own personality.... (lost)
Initially, the satisfaction is all of these needs with the mother in connection, and the same is true with dreams that address this.... (Nutrition or care)
A woman on the other hand, has to sell something is complete with respect to a sale with someone a contract, as is usual in a marriage.... (wife)
It occurs in the dream often in the form of a youth or a child on, equipped with the well-known attributes, namely a bow and arrow or the bar with the impaled heart.... (Eros)
If this dream specifically foiled a vacation with Artemidor, we compare so the traditional with the Neoplatonist Iamblichus Pythagorean commandment that a pet departing passengers ban, look around.... (head)
Fight a dream with a fox, he will come into conflict with a devious relatives.... (fox)
The comfrey, associated in the medicine wheel with the external position of the southern soul path and with the growth, is a fertile plant.... (black)
also: wanton act brings a risk of falling with it, you should prefer to be satisfied with a more modest fortune.... (canyon)
Dreaming of the emperors or a great man, he’ll take some Dattelkerne from the boll, it is with a noble woman produce a child, a husband will be pleased with a child from a high nobleman, provided that the cores driven branches.... (Date tree)
Dreaming one, he was hanged by a judgment of the authorities with force and coercion, it is according to the height at which it depends, will be honored with office and dignity... (Hang)
A small room with only one door or a basement with water in it is a very direct portrayal of the mother’s lap and may indicate a desire to return to the womb.... (building)
Certainly the vibrate dream symbol of crocus with also that he belongs with the snowdrops along the first flowers of the year.... (flowers)
with a crash and pollute with soot: a secret love affair will come out.... (Chimney sweep)
also: one will soon with his household can be satisfied, because you have brought it with a lot of endurance to a certain prosperity... (sewing)
What is meant with this vision rather the confrontation with its environment.... (City)
If the wasps chased by the locals with smoke, the enemy will be distributed with ridicule and defeat.... (wasps)
In addition, these premises are associated with the life energy of the dreaming and with sexuality.... (House)
The dream of an unknown woman with beautiful hair is often associated with friendship and happiness.... (hair)
see in bottles: one should be careful with money transactions, accompany with vigilance and use... (whiskey)
in a strange be: one is with changes, may have to reckon with a change of location... (room)
are, in the political sense: showing discomfort with the police, trouble with authorities and court... (renewing)
with a run: one will have to deal with the wrong people... (Chinese)
struggling a with a rooster, he will have trouble and quarrel with that.... (cock)
with the teeth: says that one can get out of a bad situation with patience.... (crunch)
All Braided, not only ropes, fishing and Cloud networks but also victims baskets Eßkörbe, hampers the Sattelsaum, wool and work baskets, head nets, gold necklaces, all kinds of jewelry chains, rings and similar structures are due to the integration with respect to marriages, friendships and communities of good omen, on the other hand a hindrance with respect to a journey, an elopement and a flight because of entanglements... (Wattle)
In transparent form White is also associated with the inner position of the northern soul path and with the purity.... (White Colour))
Perhaps this is an indication that the dreaming rather have to deal with its surroundings than with itself.... (poverty)
(Dealing with a machine, see him, deal with him): you love the convenience.... (Automat)
The head of a man (with a dominant role in the dream) gives, however, the suggestion to better pay attention to the relationship with your neighbor.... (head)
Dreaming one, he anoint vanity head and hair with oil, it will enforce all in all, his kind of powerful in the powerful, the poor with people.... (ointment)
If in a dream a medium plays an important role, it often means that the dreaming seeks contact with his unconscious or with death.... (medium)
wrestle with someone and shall be submitted: means a confrontation with subsequent reconciliation... (Ringfights / rings)